Everybody In! Nobody Out!
News, Events, and Actions
HCAO Annual Membership Meeting Announcement
Call for Nominations
Save the Date: June 11, 2022
Location: In-person or Zoom TBD

Every year HCAO has a process for recruiting a slate on nominees for the HCAO Board and Nominations and Elections Committee based on what is in the best interest of the mission. Board members and members of the Nominations and Elections Committee are then elected at the Annual Meeting. The current Nominations and Elections Committee is in full swing recruiting for the Board. Do you know of someone who the has the passion, energy, and interest to serve on the Board? The person can show their interest by completing the volunteer interest form and checking "Board Interest". They can also email nominations@hcao.org.
HCAO-Union County Braves the Cold to Stand for Health Care for All
On Thursday, January 27, HCAO Union County Supporter took their first venture into a planned 2x per month gathering at Max Square, downtown La Grande. They plan to stand up for HCAO every second and fourth Thursday from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.

To take action in your community to build awareness and gain supporters contact your local Chapter Chair or Kate Pfister-Minogue at mobilization@hcao.org
Oregon Legislative Session Opens
HCAO Supported Bills
Letters to the Editor (LTE's)
You can write one
Step into action. Write a LTE. Get your personal message out in this fight for universal healthcare. Here is how. (list of newspapers)

Story sharing is another powerful tool in the movement. Share your story and/or help others share theirs at https://www.hcao.org/share-your-story.
HOPE in 2022 Has Arrived
The HOPE Amendment campaign is here. Look for a sign-on form coming soon.

Start with everyone in your circle and network. Let them know that access to healthcare as a right is on the ballot in November and vote yes on HOPE in 2022. When the sign-on form is available be sure to share it.
Oregon Governor's and Legislative Races
and publicly-funded universal healthcare
Get Involved
Governor candidates are listed at Oregon Secretary of State site. If a candidate is non-affiliated, they will only be in the general election in November.

Who is Governor in 2023 is extremely important. Will that person be ready to sign the bill that creates the Oregon Health Plan? Check in on the positions of candidates on universal healthcare by going to their campaign website. Contact the candidates and make your position clear.

Contact your current state senator and state rep.to make an appointment and express your thoughts. Find out where they stand on single-payer universal healthcare. It's easy in this virtual world.

Find your legislator here. After you have a conversation, report the results to legislative@hcao.org.
National Scene
DCE's are Center Stage
Time to Stop Them
A message from Dr. Susan Rogers at PNHP
  • What: Congressional Hearing on “The Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Future of Medicare
  • Financing”
  • Where: U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic
  • Growth
  • When: Wednesday, February 2, 2:30 p.m. Eastern
Click HERE to watch a livestream of the hearing (if you are late seek out the recording).

"This hearing is one of our highest-profile opportunities to push back against Direct Contracting Entities, and I’d like every PNHP member to help spread the word. Please share this email with your colleagues⁠—or anybody concerned about the future of Medicare.⁠ Brush up on the case against Direct Contracting at pnhp.org/StopDCEs."

Together, we can shine a light on this stealth privatization attempt, highlight the dangers of commercial insurance companies taking over our precious public health programs, and remove a significant barrier standing in the way of single-payer Medicare for All.
Physicians for a National Health Program has been spear-heading the national effort. These entities, which have received a huge influx of money from private equity, have every incentive to frustrate patients and deny medically necessary care." Read more and resources. Please sign the petition if you have not already done so.

For assistance with legislative or policy items contact: Zainab Alidina, HCAO Legislative Chair (legislative@hcao.org) or Tom Sincic, HCAO President (president@hcao.org).
Task Force on Universal Health Care
Engaging is Easy--Don't Wait!
The Task Force last met on 1/27. Here is link to the meeting where issues of community engagement and long term care were the focus. The next meeting is scheduled for 3/13.

Lots more public testimony is needed. Tell the Task Force what kind of a health system you want through your personal testimony. Keep it simple, for example: "I want a health care system that does not require me to sign up every year." Here is a short quote that we recently received from a nurse: "I’m a nurse and a future nurse practitioner and PEOPLE NEED GOOD HEALTH CARE. I’m tired of fighting with insurance companies."

Go to this link to find out how to submit written testimony. Go to this link to provide oral testimony. (Ignore the given date in the information.) Here is the link to the schedule for future meetings.

Here is the link to find the recordings. Public engagement is now the focus of the work of the Task Force and that of HCAO.

HCAO is following carefully and staying closely involved to shape that plan to meet the intent of the bill which created the JTFUHC. You can help by providing testimony.
Please Share: Information on Vaccines and Testing
We offer this latest important information from OHA on getting your booster and getting tested. Caution--free testing may not be free.
Your Financial Support Is Needed
The work to educate about and advocate for universal healthcare is possible ONLY because of YOU.

For further information and questions, contact Linda Alband (operations@hcao.org).
Please become a member, make an additional contribution, or volunteer.
Everybody in! Nobody out!