Worship This Week
Please join us
in the Sanctuary
or online at 10am for the
Sixth Sunday of Easter
with Communion
Coffee hour will be held
after the service
in the Sanctuary.
The service will be live streamed
through Facebook Live here
or on 3CX here
Reader: Rick Little
Coffee hour host: Ellen McCune
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Food Truck Fest a Big Success!
The weather was perfect and we had a fantastic crowd on Saturday for the 4th Annual Hampstead Eats Food Truck Fest. Approximately 1000 people came and more than $5700 was raised for the NH Food Bank!
Special thanks to Roxanne McGaffigan, who worked so hard coordinating this event, and all who volunteered to help to make it such a success!
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In Memoriam
We are sad to share the news that a long-time benefactor of HCC, David Lanning, passed away last week on April 26th.
David Lanning Obituary
Dr. David Lanning, 96, of Hampstead, NH passed away April 26th at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, MA. He grew up in Baker, Oregon and graduated from the University of Oregon and he received his doctorate from MIT. David was a professor at MIT for Nuclear Engineering. After retiring, David and his wife, Gloria wintered in Florida and summered in Old Orchard Beach, ME and Hampstead, NH. He enjoyed reading, watching the news, keeping informed on all thing's science, watching the grandkids and breakfast with The Rowdy Bunch.
David will be deeply missed by his children, Daniel Lanning and his wife Catherine of Texas, Stephan Lanning and wife Bee of Florida, Davida Brule and her husband Paul of Hampstead, NH, his siblings Don Lanning and his wife Barbara of Kennewick Washington, his grandchildren Nathan Lanning, Tim Lanning, Tyler Lanning, Heather D'Angeli, Dr. Stephanie Brule, Danny Lanning, David Lanning, Caitlyn Lanning, Kenneth Lanning, his great grandson (his buddy) Evan David D'Angeli and his many loved nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his wife of 60 years, Gloria Lanning.
The Funeral Service was held on Wednesday, May 1st at 1:00PM at the Hampstead Congregational Church, 61 Main St, Hampstead, NH.
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Loaf & Ladle "Thank You"
We enjoyed another fantastic Loaf and Ladle on April 7! There was quite a variety of soups – including
chicken noodle, corn chowder, sausage orzo minestrone, cheddar broccoli and vegan butternut squash – along with some delicious home baked bread! We followed up with dessert -- many yummy brownies.
We collected over $400 from the generous offerings – which we donated to The Scott Deacon Fund.
The Missions Team
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Transition Talk!
Our Transition Team is meeting and active. The Transition Team meets with the Rev. Paige “on a regular basis, (to) communicate and bear witness to the fact that the transition (to a new Settled Pastor) is ultimately (the) work of the congregation, and be available to hear the concerns of members of the congregation”. The team includes Rob Reeves, Barbara Wallack, Lynn D’Adamo, Rick Little working closely with Rev. Paige Besse-Rankin. Please feel free to talk with any of the team members if you have questions or concerns about the Transition period.
We are scheduling two meetings in May and June to be held after coffee and refreshments in Hadley Hall. These meetings are designed to inform you about what is happening during the Transition and to seek your input. Other meetings will be held as we move into the Summer months.
Please plan on attending our first “Transition Talk” meeting on Sunday, May 5 th . The topic of this meeting is to review the transition process and the involvement opportunities for members and friends of the congregation.
Our second “Transition Talk” session will be on Sunday, June 2 nd and will focus on the topic “Who are my neighbors?”. This will include a great deal of data about the communities in which we live and the opportunities for the church within that area.
We look forward to your active participation in this process.
Rick Little for the Transition Team
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Pastor Paige Vacation
Pastor Paige is on vacation May 6th through May 12th.
Rev. Charlotte E.Y. Bell will be conducting Worship on Sunday, May 12th.
If a pastoral emergency arises, please contact the office at
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Strawberry Festival
Saturday, June 1st
We need your help!
Are you ready for some Strawberry Shortcake? Our annual Strawberry Festival is happening soon. If you can help in any way on Thursday, 5/31 and/or Saturday, 6/1, it would be greatly appreciated.
Another way to help--donate baked goods--they can be dropped off Friday, 6/2.
Things you can do to help:
- Friday--Help with Setup starting at 4PM
- Saturday--Help with Games - multiple timeslots starting at 8:30AM
- Saturday--Help with Bake Sale Table - multiple timeslots starting at 8:30AM
- Saturday--Help with Grilling - multiple timeslots starting at 8:30AM
- Saturday--Help with Serving the Shortcake - multiple timeslots starting at 8:30AM
- Saturday--Help with Plant Table - multiple timeslots starting at 8:30AM
- Saturday--Help with Cleanup starting at 3:00PM
Signup Sheet is in Hadley Hall or you can contact the office at 603-329-6985 and we will help get you signed up.
Let’s make this event a huge success!
As always, thank you for your support,
Your Fundraising Team
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Nursery Volunteers Needed!
The Discipleship team would like to offer Nursery care for children 3 and under during worship. We would like to set up a rotation of voluneers so no one needs to volunteer more than once a month. There will always be two volunteers in the nursery and they need to be screened. If you are willing to volunteer, please speak with Linda Tilden or Rev Paige. Thanks!
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Atkinson Congregational Hosts Youth Mental Health Day
Coming on May 14, 2024, co-hosted by SoRock Coalition, Atkinson Congregational will host a screening of “What I Wish My Parents Knew”, a film screening and discussion about Youth Mental Health. The film and discussion are to help parents better understand how to support the mental health of their children. A 45 minute film explores the inner struggle of children battling depression and anxiety in silence, and will be followed by a discussion led by local mental health professionals.
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Spring Clean-up Volunteers Needed
Operations is requesting your help to clean up the church grounds after a winter that was mild temperature-wise, but gave us periods of extreme windy weather. Debris including leaves and branches are primary targets. In addition, there are some areas inside the building such as the kitchen and under furniture that need to be addressed. If you have a rake, blower, pruners, a tarp, etc., bring them with you.
The date is Saturday, May 11, 9am-12pm. Please see the task list if you cannot make it Saturday.
Many hands make light work.
Thank you,
Operations Team
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New UPPER ROOM Devotionals
We have copies of the
May/June Upper Room
devotional available
in the foyer to Hadley Hall.
If you need a copy mailed to you, please
contact the main office.
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Steeple Lighting
Steeple lit the week of
April 29th - May 13th
In Loving Memory of
Paul Gilman Perry
We love & miss you!
Love, Your Perry Family
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Steeple Lighting
Steeple lit May 6 - May 12th
In loving memory of
Dr. David Lanning
Love, Your Family
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Peace & Justice
Rockingham County Farmers Markets
Did you know that many of our farmers’ markets accept NH SNAP/EBT – in fact some of them will double the value!
Here is a list of all of the farmers’ markets in Rockingham County. Each name is a link that provides dates, hours, and locations:
Rockingham County
Applecrest Farm (Double Up NH) – Open year-round
Candia Farmers Market
Exeter Farmers’ Market
Heron Pond Farm
Newberry Farms Market (Double Up NH)
Portsmouth Farmers’ Market
Salem NH Farmers Market
Link for full information on SNAP/EBT, including how to volunteer at markets (Get Involved tab).
RIP Medical Debt Relief
We would also like to continue our at-church produce fundraiser for RIP Medical Debt. First of all, they have changed their name – it is now UNDUE Medical Debt. This summer share your excess produce with the church family. Those who take items leave a donation to be passed on to UNDUE. Every $1 raised with these donations translates to $100 of medical debt erased. See the link for how this 501(c)(3) works.
The way we do this mission fundraiser (all proceeds go to UNDUE) is folks with excess garden produce bring it to church on Sunday morning – or leave it on a dedicated table in the entrance to Hadley Hall. Folks attending on Sunday – or who have business in the building – are encouraged to select some produce items and leave a donation in the box. Last year we raised over $800 which resulted in over $80,000 in debt relief for those in desperate financial straits because of medical debt.
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Music Corner by Herb Tardiff
World's Largest Pipe Organ: world record in Atlantic City, New Jersey
Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States--The Boardwalk Hall Auditorium Organ, the pipe organ in the Main Auditorium of the Boardwalk Hall (formerly known as the Atlantic City Convention Hall) in Atlantic City, New Jersey, built by the Midmer-Losh Organ Company, has officially 33,113 pipes, setting the world record for being the World's Largest Pipe Organ, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.
"The biggest console of the organ has seven manuals, or keyboards, and over 1,200 stop-keys complete with orchestral instruments, like the flute and violin. It has undergone maintenance to restore it to its original ability because some of the organs became non-operational.
"The pipes are metal (lead, tin, or zinc) or wood (sugar pine or fir). The largest pipe is a diaphone pipe in a Dulzian reed stop, 64-feet long producing the CCCCC. It is 27”x27” square at the open end, the walls are 3” thick, made of sugar pine, and it weighs 3,350 pounds. It bends in an L-shape in order to fit in the chamber. The smallest pipe is 3/16 inch in diameter and 7 inches long and is made of lead or tin. From the mouth (speaking hole) of this pipe to the top is only ½ inch. Many of the pipes were made on-site in an organ shop set up for the project."
"The world’s largest pipe organ, based on the number of pipes, is the Boardwalk Hall Auditorium Organ in Atlantic City. The Midmer-Losh Pipe Organ has more than 33,110 pipes in 449 ranks and weighs approximately 150 tons. It is one of the largest musical instruments ever built, with eight organ chambers and nine 32-foot stops, which are pieces that control the amount of pressurized air entering the pipe chamber," the Jersey's Best reports.
"The biggest console of the organ has seven manuals, or keyboards, and over 1,200 stop-keys complete with orchestral instruments, like the flute and violin. It has undergone maintenance to restore it to its original ability because some of the organs became non-operational.
"Another world record surrounding this organ is The Grand Ophicleide, the loudest organ stop in the world. Its noise is eardrum shattering, producing over 130 decibels — six times louder than a train whistle."
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Save the Date! Look what is coming and mark your calendars!
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May 5 | Transition Talk following Worship | May 12 | Mother's Day Diaper Drive | June 1 | Strawberry Festival | June 2 | Transition Talk following Worship | | |
New Hampshire Conference UCC Weekly News
We thought you might enjoy reading the NH Conference UCC weekly newsletter. You can read it with this link.
4/30/2024 Newsletter
Each week, we will update this section of our Weekly Word with the new link
for the current newsletter.
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New AMAZON Wish List for
Saint Anne's Food Pantry
St. Anne's Pantry is seeing an increase in the number of families who shop with them. They've almost doubled the amount of families who shop weekly since this time last year. They try to keep their shelves stocked as much as they can.
They are reaching out for some help...donations are needed. They thought they would try an Amazon Wish List in addition to listing items here.
Thank you in advance for any donations.
Please no expired items and non-perishable items only please.
Drop off in the foyer of Hadley Hall.
Looking for the following: cereal(no oatmeal), coffee, tea, Ritz Crackers, Saltines, granola bars, Nutrigrain bars, cheese and crackers, peanut butter and crackers, canned Chef Boy r Dee, condiments, salad dressing, brownie/cake mix, Coffee/K-Cups, Quickbread/Muffin mixes, Easter Candy, Ensure, Scalloped/Au gratin potatoes.
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To sign up for the next volunteer opportunity click here. If you are interested in volunteering contact Jane DeRosa via email at janederosa@comcast.net. | |
The Sonshine Soup Kitchen needs volunteers to prepare and package the food for "To Go Meals." We partner with Atkinson Congregational Church once a month on the 4th Wednesday of the month to help out from 3-6pm. | | |
Are you on Facebook? Do you follow Hampstead Congregational Church? Please like our page to know about all the great events in the church. Liking also supports our church when people check us out. If you are already connected, share our good news!
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Help Us Continue Our Mission at HCC | |
Want to get the word out about what’s happening at HCC? If you want to publicize your event or remind the congregation about something, please email the office (hcc1752@gmail.com) by Wednesday at noon so that your information can be included in that week’s Weekly Word. Feel free to send in information up to three weeks in advance of an upcoming event. We want all of the congregation (not just the Team leaders) to be empowered to get the word out about all the activities that are happening at Hampstead Congregational Church!
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Our Mailing Address:
61 Main Street
Hampstead, NH 03841
Church Summer Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00am to Noon
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Hampstead Congregational Church Website
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