January 12th Weekly Word

Our Conference is again offering some highly valuable workshops for us. These will be held online from February 8 - 17.
Here are the workshops offered:

Coping with Pandemic Losses  
Developing Healthy Pastoral Relations Committees 
Copyright Compliance for Local Churches 
The Shared Pastorate: An Historical Model for Modern Times 
Open and Affirming – What’s In a Name? 
Becoming a Racial Justice Church 
Mental Health & The Local Church 
Inside Out: Ministry to Those Who Won’t Come to Church Rebuilding Connection and Community in Your Youth Ministry 
Becoming a Creation Justice Church 
Welcoming Our Afghan Neighbors Ten Tips for Hybrid Church 

Click here for the event brochure to learn more about the workshops.

Stay up-to-date on this event by visiting:

If you have further questions, please speak with Pastor Kathy
Card Writing Ministry at HCC

Recently we have had several people who ministered to our congregation via card writing--sending out congratulatory cards as well as "thinking of you" cards when someone was in need. We are looking for a few people to help continue this vital ministry. The time commitment is a few minutes a week, but the impact on our congregation is huge.

Would you be willing to help? If so, please call or email Pastor Kathy at [email protected] or contact the office. Thanks for your consideration.
UCC Special Offering
January 17th - 31st
The Veterans of the Cross
“Good news. . . Great joy. . . All the people!” Luke 2:10

This offering cares for active and retired clergy and lay employees of the UCC by providing emergency grants and other help to those struggling.

Due to the pandemic, the emergency financial needs of many who serve the church have increased dramatically, and our support is welcome.

Watch the video above for more information.

HCC will be receiving donations for The Veterans of the Cross from January 17th through January 31st.

Please send or drop off donations and earmark them for "The Veterans of the Cross."

Thank you, as always, for your generosity for these important mission opportunities.
Worship This Week

Please join us in the sanctuary
or online at 10am for
the Second Sunday after the Epiphany

As we pledge in our covenant, we strongly advocate that everyone who attends in-person worship on Sunday mornings wear a mask during the entire service. 

The service will be live-streamed through Facebook Live here or on 3CX here.
HCC Member Spotlight
Ministry Beyond the Church Walls

In the true spirit of the holiday, Sarah Manning wanted to use her downtime during winter break to give back. After coming home from the University of Maine, Sarah decided to put her crocheting skills to use for a cause. Sarah decided she would make winter hats to sell, then donate all of the proceeds to a truly incredible organization; RAINN.

Harnessing the power of social media, Sarah took her idea to Instagram and the orders began pouring in. After receiving 19 orders, Sarah set to the task and spent the next three weeks crafting hats, packaging orders, and both mailed and hand-delivered them to their new homes. Her charitable energy was contagious, and monetary donations flowed in from those who didn't order a hat but wanted to donate to the organization directly. As of today, Sarah has raised $530 and that total continues to rise for RAINN.

RAINN'S MISSION: RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE, online.rainn.org & rainn.org/es) in partnership with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

Now that Sarah is headed back to school, she'll be shifting her focus and energy to her studies and work, but if anyone is still interested in donating, here is the direct link: www.rainn.org

The Peace and Justice Team
Bible Study

Bible Study continues on Fridays in the Davis Room.

We will start at 1:30 to 1:45 or 2:00 depending on how much yakking we do but no later than 2. 

If you need help with the lift to the second floor let Jeanne Stalker know by calling her at 603-770-8515 either beforehand or when you arrive, whichever is easier for you.
New Member Sunday

Next Sunday, January 23rd we will be welcoming a new member into our congregation.
Please join us online or in person for this special celebration!
Save the Date

Our 269th Annual Meeting will be held online on February 20, 2022, following worship. Please plan to attend this special event. Stay tuned for the annual report and more information.

Message from Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones School does not need toys, books, nor puzzles. Recently, we've had people dropping boxes of items off on the stage and the school can't use these items.

Please bring your toys, books, puzzles and other items to your favorite donation center where they will be put to good use.

If Stepping Stones does have any needs, we will be sure to share those needs in our weekly word.
Steeple Lighting
January 6 – January 31

The HCC steeple is being lit for Douglas J. Torosian

Lit in loving memory by his sister Laurie Torosian
Isaiah 58 Thank You

Isaiah 58 thanks the HCC community for our recent donation of $500 to help with homelessness in our county.

Your support of HCC helps us to minister to others in our local area!

Upper Room Devotional

We have a few copies of the January/February Upper Room devotional available in the foyer to Hadley Hall. If you need a copy mailed to you, please contact the main office.
Missions Opportunities:
This month we help serve on Wednesday, January 26. If you are interested in volunteering contact Jane DeRosa via email
Volunteer @ Soup Kitchen
The Sonshine Soup Kitchen needs volunteers to prepare and package the food for "To Go Meals." We partner with Atkinson Congregational Church once a month on the 4th
Wednesday of the month to help out from 3-6pm.

Blankets for Project Linus

For those of you who have been busy sewing, quilting, knitting, or crocheting, we have an new opportunity to donate those handmade items!

We located a national organization that has local chapters called Project Linus (https://www.facebook.com/projectlinussouthwestnewhampshire/). This organization's mission is "to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans". Blankets are given to children in need through NH.

*We welcome all styles of blankets made in child-friendly colors/prints.
*Crocheted, knitted, quilted (100% cotton or flannel), fleece….you don’t have to be an expert!
*Blankets must be NEW, HANDMADE and WASHABLE.
*Fabric blankets can be quilted by machine, hand or tied. If you are tying the blanket make sure the ends are trimmed to 1” and the knots are secure.
*Please do not add any embellishments to the blankets such as buttons that could be swallowed by a child.
*If you are using a no-sew fleece pattern, please be sure to trim off both selvages FIRST. Not sure what selvages are? Ask the clerk who is cutting your fleece to please show you, they’re those odd looking edges at the top and bottom of the piece you have, sort of raggy looking.
*We accept all sizes of blankets. We donate to children, infants through teen years, so any size is appropriate. Baby blankets are typically 36”X36” or 36”X42”, toddler-pre-teen are typically about 40”X60”, and teen blankets are at least 60"X72".

Blankets can be dropped off in the entry way of Hadley Hall.

Thank you for your support of this project!
Connect on Facebook
Are you on Facebook? Do you follow Hampstead Congregational Church? Please like our page to know about all the great events in the church. Liking also supports our church when people check us out. If you are already connected, share our good news!

Rev. Kathy also has a page for all who are interested to follow.

We are now on Instagram!
If you are on Instagram, please follow us, and let your friends know about us by sharing our posts! Click this link
Scam Emails

Emails are often sent, saying they are from Pastor Kathy or another staff member. She (or the HCC staff) will never send out a generic email--she'll address it to your name. She will never ask you for money/gift cards over email.

Also, any email from Pastor Kathy will always have her signature line on the bottom with her phone number/address.

If in doubt, please call the church or send an email to [email protected].
Want to get the word out about what’s happening at HCC? If you want to publicize your event or remind the congregation about something, please email the office ([email protected]) by Wednesday at noon so that your information can be included in that week’s Weekly Word. Feel free to send in information up to three weeks in advance of an upcoming event. We want all of the congregation (not just the Team leaders) to be empowered to get the word out about all the activities that are happening at Hampstead Congregational Church!
Our Mailing Address:
61 Main Street
Hampstead, NH 03841
Church Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00am to 3:00pm

See what's happening on our social sites ‌  ‌
Hampstead Congregational Church Website