March 20th Weekly Word

Rev Paige's Corner: Finding Ourselves in Holy Week

On Sunday, we arrive at the beginning of Holy Week with Palm and Passion Sunday. There are many aspects to the story of this journey to the cross. There is the energy of the crowd that welcomes Jesus to Jerusalem and the fear of the temple leaders who are trying to protect their people living in a country occupied by the Roman emprire. There are people who are investing great hope in Jesus and others who are deeply suspicious. There are those who betray, those who doubt, those who hide in fear. There are those who use violence to maintain "the peace" and there are those who bear witness.

As I listen to the story each year, I find myself looking for myself. Am I like Peter who has the best of intentions but gives in to his fear? Am I like the disciples in the garden who keep falling asleep rather than tending to Jesus? Do I get caught up in the energy of a crowd crying "crucify" in the face of someone innocent? Do I bear witness to suffering and injustice, do I justify it, or do I hide from it?

While the events of Holy Week may seem to have happened long ago and far away, they very much feel like our story, as well.

Survey of Interest for Faith Formation

We would like to know what sort of programs would interest you in the coming days to help you continue to grow in your faith! We are inviting you to share information with us using the attached form. (Paper copies will also be in the bulletin this week!) Return it to the Pastor or the office at your convenience.

Download the form here: Survey of Interests for Adult Faith Formation

Worship This Week

Please join us

in the Sanctuary

or online at 10am for the

Palm & Passion Sunday 

Coffee hour will be held

after the service

in the Sanctuary.

The service will be live streamed

through Facebook Live here

or on 3CX here

Reader: Barry Sargent

Coffee hour host: Jane DeRosa

Fiber Arts This Saturday

The Fiber Arts group (knitting, crochet, hand work, etc.) meets the 4th Saturday each month from 10am-noon in Hadley Hall.

All skill levels are welcome and no commitment is needed. Just drop in when you can and enjoy the company and crafting. We hope you'll join us!

Join us this Sunday!

Pysanky Eggs and Easter Cards at Lasagna dinner

At the Lasagna dinner, we will be offering two activity stations. At one, we will be making Easter cards for folks that are homebound. At the other, we will be offering a chance to learn about and make a Pysanky (Ukrainian) Egg. Come a little early or stay a little late if you would like to participate in these special activities.

New AMAZON Wish List for

Saint Anne's Food Pantry

St. Anne's Pantry is seeing an increase in the number of families who shop with them. They've almost doubled the amount of families who shop weekly since this time last year. They try to keep their shelves stocked as much as they can.

They are reaching out for some help...donations are needed. They thought they would try an Amazon Wish List in addition to listing items here.

Thank you in advance for any donations. 

Please no expired items.

Drop off in the foyer of Hadley Hall.

Looking for the following: cereal(no oatmeal), coffee, tea, Ritz Crackers, Saltines, granola bars, Nutrigrain bars, cheese and crackers, peanut butter and crackers, canned Chef Boy r Dee, condiments, salad dressing, brownie/cake mix, Coffee/K-Cups, Quickbread/Muffin mixes, Easter Candy, Ensure, Scalloped/Au gratin potatoes.

Community Resources for Veterans

A Word from Peace & Justice

I saw an article on Monday in Globe New Hampshire that was about an initiative in Barrington, NH aimed at increasing voter turnout for town meetings. It is called Barrington Kids Vote where kids participate in their own voting while adults cast ballots for town and school elections.

This year the kids were asked to select a name for the new forestry truck, choose the color for next year's dog tags, and what date Trick-or-Treat will be held (Oct 31 is on Thursday this year).

Town Administrator Connor MacIver says that in the two years that the initiative has been in place voter turnout, for both kids and adults, has increased. Adult voter turnout was at an all-time high of 41%. Barrington has committed to running Barrington Kids Vote through 2025 before evaluating its impact.

For more information and sample ballots see Barrington's town website.

Music Corner by Herb Tardiff


This hymn was written in 1851 by Matthew Bridges and Godfred Thring. It was sung to the music of “Diademata.”

The Passion of Jesus in 1852 and Hymns of the Heart in 1847. "Crown Him with Many Crowns" was published in the second edition of Hymns of the Heart in 1851 in six, eight-line stanzas.”

It has become a popular hymn of exaltation has been published widely in many denominational hymns since then.

Now you know the rest of the story!


Crown him with many crowns,

The Lamb upon his throne;

Hark! how the heavenly anthem drowns

All music but its own: 

Awake, my soul, and sing

Of him who died for thee,

And hail him as thy matchless king

Through all eternity.

Crown him the Virgin's Son!

The God Incarnate born,

Whose arm those crimson trophies won 

Which now his brow adorn! 

Fruit of the mystic Rose 

As of that Rose the Stem: 

The Root, whence mercy ever flows,

The Babe of Bethlehem! 

Save the Date! Look what is coming and mark your calendars!

March 28 at 6:30 pm

MaundyThursday Supper and Worship

March 30 at 10 am

Easter Egg Hunt

March 31 at 6:28 am

Easter Sunrise Worship

March 31 at 10 am

Easter Worship

April 7

Loaf and Ladle Lunch

April 27

Hampstead Eats/Food Truck Rally

May 12

Mother's Day Diaper Drive

June 1

Strawberry Festival

New Hampshire Conference UCC Weekly News

We thought you might enjoy reading the NH Conference UCC weekly newsletter. You can read it with this link.

3/19/2024 Newsletter

Each week, we will update this section of our Weekly Word with the new link

for the current newsletter.

Missions Opportunities:

To sign up for the next volunteer opportunity click here. If you are interested in volunteering contact Jane DeRosa via email at

Volunteer @ Soup Kitchen

The Sonshine Soup Kitchen needs volunteers to prepare and package the food for "To Go Meals." We partner with Atkinson Congregational Church once a month on the 4th Wednesday of the month to help out from 3-6pm.

Connect on Facebook
Are you on Facebook? Do you follow Hampstead Congregational Church? Please like our page to know about all the great events in the church. Liking also supports our church when people check us out. If you are already connected, share our good news!

We are now on Instagram!
If you are on Instagram, please follow us, and let your friends know about us by sharing our posts! Click this link

Help Us Continue Our Mission at HCC

Want to get the word out about what’s happening at HCC? If you want to publicize your event or remind the congregation about something, please email the office ( by Wednesday at noon so that your information can be included in that week’s Weekly Word. Feel free to send in information up to three weeks in advance of an upcoming event. We want all of the congregation (not just the Team leaders) to be empowered to get the word out about all the activities that are happening at Hampstead Congregational Church!
Our Mailing Address:
61 Main Street
Hampstead, NH 03841
Church Summer Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00am to Noon
Hampstead Congregational Church Website