April 17th Weekly Word

Rev Paige's Corner: Planet Vs Plastics

Last summer, I had the chance to be a visitor for the UCC General Synod meeting in Indianapolis. One moment of pride in that meeting was when the Synod adopted a resolution that had come from the NH Conference around reducting plastic use. (See the original resolution here: Resolution text )

So as we are coming to Earth day this week, I was interested that the theme that has been adopted for this year is "Planet vs Plastics." Plastic was invented in 1907 and over the last century has become an unavoidable part of our lives. It is lightweight, flexible, and inexpensive in the short term. The problem is that it is unbiodegradable. It doesn't not break down back into its original componants. Only 9% of plastic is recycled. Another 12 % is incinerated. Over 79% lends up in landfills or polluting oceans, waterways and land. It is breaking down into tiny microplastics that are entering our water and soil. It is also also getting absorbed into plants and animals. The long term impact of this on all of us is now being studied with a frightening list of consequences! There is lots more information here: Plastic Primer

Even with reusable grocery bags, drink containers, and food containers, the amount of plastic packaging that comes into our lives is huge! There are some places that we want the ability to use plastics - such as certain health care uses. But there is a movement in these days to try to avoid "single use" plastic. (Think cups, eating utensils, coffee stirrrs, bags.) The goal being given us by environmentalists is to move to a 60% reduction by 2040.

As with so many environmental issues, our attentiveness now will have much to do with the experience that our children and grandchildren have living on this planet! The challenge feels big and overwelming. But there is much we can do and starting in small ways is a good beginning.

Materials put out by the United Church of Canada for Earth Day suggest that a faithful response is 3 folder: Act - Learn - Pray.

I hope you will join me in finding ways to Act as faithful stewards of God's creation.

I hope you will take time to learn about the issues.

I invite you to join me in prayer for our planet, for ourselves and our choices, and for those who follow us!

Blessings! Rev Paige Besse-Rankin

Worship This Week

Please join us

in the Sanctuary

or online at 10am for the

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Coffee hour will be held

after the service

in the Sanctuary.

The service will be live streamed

through Facebook Live here

or on 3CX here

Reader: Linda Tilden

Coffee hour host: Pam McGravey & Linda Tilden

Special "Thank You" to Chris McCune

On Sunday after worship we had the chance to thank Chris McCune for his many years of service to HCC. Below is a card designed by Bob Klawitter that everyone was able to sign.

Thanks for everything, Chris!

Transition Talks are Coming!

The Transition Team invites you to join us after worship and coffee on May 5 and June 2 for congregational conversation. This will be an opportunity to learn about the Interim process, the search for our new settled pastor, and the ways we are preparing for the future. There will be opportunity to share ideas and input about the life of the church, to learn some of the current thinking about church vitality, and to explore where God is calling the church to go in the days ahead.

Please save the dates and join us!

Conor Jowett Completes the Boston Marathon!

Conor was part of the youth program for years with Dave Chin. He helped during many Church Cleanups, Raking Lawns and so much more over the years. 

Conor just added finishing the Boston Marathon to his long list of accomplishments. In itself this is a wonderful achievement, but let's take it one step further. Conor has raised $10,723 for The Kita Center. "The Kita Center’s mission is to prevent suicide by building intentional environments to foster connections and a lifelong engagement with mental wellness. We do this using a dual-process approach in our programs that balances therapy with restorative activities which include physical activity, creative expression, and social connections. The cornerstone of our approach to therapy is to provide the tools and the environment that will inspire integrating mental wellness into our daily lives." For more information about The Kita Center, please visit www.thekitacenter.org

The Food Truck Festival Needs Your Help

The vendors and the entertainment are all set for our 4th Annual Hampstead Eats Food Truck Festival on April 27th. If you can help in any way, it would be greatly appreciated.

Things you can do:

  • Help with Setup starting at 9AM
  • Help with Ticket Sales - multiple timeslots starting at 10:30AM-1:30PM & 1:30-4PM
  • Help with Parking - multiple timeslots starting at 10:30AM-2:30PM
  • Help with Cleanup starting at 4:00PM

Sign up after church on Sundays or contact the office at 603-329-6985.

Let’s make this event a huge success! As always, thank you for your support,

Your Fundraising Team

A Message for Plant Enthusiasts

Despite the recent weather, it is spring, and the young perennials are popping up in the gardens. Consider dividing your perennials now and potting up a portion of them for sale at the Strawberry Festival. Right now, the tops are small, and the roots are strong. Potting them now and caring for them will give us full, beautiful, unstressed plants for the sale. Please label your plants with any information you can: type, variety, color, anything is helpful.  

Houseplants are also popular now. Do you have something from which you could take cuttings and start new little plants? Succulent type plants like Christmas Cactus, should be cut, then let to air dry and callus over for a few days before sticking them into a well-drained soil. If you know the name or color of your plant, please label it. If you have questions about propagating, feel free to ask me. Kariallard1@msn.com

Maybe you have more houseplants than you need these days. Consider donating healthy plants that are taking up too much room, or of which you have duplicates. All donations of healthy plants are appreciated.

Many thanks in advance from the Strawberry Festival Plant Table Team!  

Fiber Arts Canceled for April

Fiber Arts will be canceled this month (April) so we can host the Hampstead Eats food truck festival on Saturday, April 27th.

It will resume in May as usual on the last Saturday of the month.

We hope you'll still stop by and enjoy some amazing food from the food trucks!

New Discussion Group

This week's topic: "The Power of Miracles"

Peace & Justice

I saw an article in The Boston Globe New Hampshire about the special concerns mobile homeowners face in this time of lack of affordability and shortages in housing. Mobile home ownership is one path to affordable housing in New Hampshire but there is an often-overlooked risk. Many residents do not own the land that their homes sit on. The landlord can raise rents without notice or sell the land out right. Because mobile homes realistically cannot be moved after the first set up, the owners have no choice than to pay the higher rent or sell their home. The precariousness of this situation can put residents at risk of homelessness.

The Community Loan Fund has spent the past forty years working with residents to form resident-owned cooperatives (ROCs) that can buy the land themselves. Of the 400 mobile home parks in New Hampshire the Community Loan Fund has worked with 148 communities to protect about 9,000 homes. The Fund helps with low-cost financing and works to secure grants and donations to buy down the cost of the park being sold. The residents get to govern their own community and choose what kind of infrastructure improvements they want to make. New Hampshire is the birthplace of this cooperative movement.

Music Corner by Herb Tardiff

Do you have some extra money lying around?

The Messiah violin by Antonio Stradivarius is estimated to have a worth of $20 million and ranks among the most expensive violins in the world. Made in 1716, this historic instrument remains incredibly in almost perfect "like new" condition. It is a violin that has been played by many famous musicians including Nathan Milstein and Joseph Joachim. It is now part of an exhibition at Ashmoleum museum in Oxford and attracts visitors from all over the world for its excellent condition.

The Messiah Antonio Stradivari - $20 million

Save the Date! Look what is coming and mark your calendars!

April 27

Hampstead Eats/Food Truck Rally

May 5

Transition Talk following Worship

May 12

Mother's Day Diaper Drive

June 1

Strawberry Festival

June 2

Transition Talk following Worship

New Hampshire Conference UCC Weekly News

We thought you might enjoy reading the NH Conference UCC weekly newsletter. You can read it with this link.

4/16/2024 Newsletter

Each week, we will update this section of our Weekly Word with the new link

for the current newsletter.

Missions Opportunities:

New AMAZON Wish List for

Saint Anne's Food Pantry

St. Anne's Pantry is seeing an increase in the number of families who shop with them. They've almost doubled the amount of families who shop weekly since this time last year. They try to keep their shelves stocked as much as they can.

They are reaching out for some help...donations are needed. They thought they would try an Amazon Wish List in addition to listing items here.

Thank you in advance for any donations. 

Please no expired items and non-perishable items only please.

Drop off in the foyer of Hadley Hall.

Looking for the following: cereal(no oatmeal), coffee, tea, Ritz Crackers, Saltines, granola bars, Nutrigrain bars, cheese and crackers, peanut butter and crackers, canned Chef Boy r Dee, condiments, salad dressing, brownie/cake mix, Coffee/K-Cups, Quickbread/Muffin mixes, Easter Candy, Ensure, Scalloped/Au gratin potatoes.

To sign up for the next volunteer opportunity click here. If you are interested in volunteering contact Jane DeRosa via email at janederosa@comcast.net.

Volunteer @ Soup Kitchen

The Sonshine Soup Kitchen needs volunteers to prepare and package the food for "To Go Meals." We partner with Atkinson Congregational Church once a month on the 4th Wednesday of the month to help out from 3-6pm.

Connect on Facebook
Are you on Facebook? Do you follow Hampstead Congregational Church? Please like our page to know about all the great events in the church. Liking also supports our church when people check us out. If you are already connected, share our good news!

We are now on Instagram!
If you are on Instagram, please follow us, and let your friends know about us by sharing our posts! Click this link

Help Us Continue Our Mission at HCC

Want to get the word out about what’s happening at HCC? If you want to publicize your event or remind the congregation about something, please email the office (hcc1752@gmail.com) by Wednesday at noon so that your information can be included in that week’s Weekly Word. Feel free to send in information up to three weeks in advance of an upcoming event. We want all of the congregation (not just the Team leaders) to be empowered to get the word out about all the activities that are happening at Hampstead Congregational Church!
Our Mailing Address:
61 Main Street
Hampstead, NH 03841
Church Summer Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00am to Noon
Hampstead Congregational Church Website