August 21, 2014
Harper's Choice Voice
The e-Newsletter for the Village of Harper's Choice

Keeping You Informed
This weekly e-newsletter serves as a recap of news and events we share with our community throughout the week via other social media channels. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter to receive more regular announcements and information from us.
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Did You Know...
Kids Can Get Free Dental Care through Dentistry from the Heart?
Kids Super Smile is hosting Dentistry From The Heart on September 13, 2014. Dentistry From The Heart is a non-profit charity where, at our office, we will provide free dental care to underprivileged children who normally would not have access to this. At the event, not only will children receive free dental care, but guests will also have access to educational stations, educational materials, and fun activity stations for the children.

Registration begins at 7:30AM at 8600 Snowden River Parkway, Suite 302, Columbia, MD 21045. The first 50 patients are guaranteed to be seen on a first-come, first-served basis.
Free English Tutoring is Available at Bridgeway Community Church?
Bridgeway English Tutoring Academy (B.E.T.A.), a collaboration between Bridgeway Community Church and Foreign-Born Information and Referral Network (FIRN), provides free English tutoring and Citizenship Prep Classes.

The Fall 2014 session will run on Tuesdays from September 23-December 9 from 6:30PM - 8:30PM and on Saturdays from October 4 through December 13 from 10AM - 12PM.

There is a $20 material resource fee that includes books and copied materials.

For more information or to register, please contact the Bridgeway Community Church Office at 410-992-5832.
HC DrugFree Drug Take Back Day
September 27, 2014
DEA Got Drugs Howard County Police and HC DrugFree urge everyone to properly dispose of expired or unwanted medications. Two-thirds of teens who abuse prescription drugs are getting them from home, friends, or family. Please do not flush meds into the water system! Clean your medicine cabinets and bring your over-the-counter or prescription meds to one of the 10 convenient locations in Howard County. The location at HC DrugFree's office is the only location that will accept syringes and needles.

Tentative drop-off locations are available on the HC DrugFree website. The final list will be confirmed closer to September 27.
Swansfield Pool Hours
August 25 - September 14
Swansfield Pool will remain open for limited hours during the week until Labor Day. It will be open weekends only through September 14.

August 25 - August 30
3:30PM - 7PM Monday - Friday
12PM - 6:30PM Saturday & Sunday

Labor Day: September 1
12PM - 7PM

September 6, 7, 13, 14
12PM - 6PM Saturday & Sunday

Swansfield Pool closes for the season on September 14.
Architectural Committee Meetings
Changes made to the exterior of homes in Harper's Choice require the approval of the Village Architectural Committee. The AC meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM to review applications. The deadline to submit applications for approval is two weeks prior to the next meeting date. September meetings are scheduled for: 9/9, 9/23. 

Village Board Meetings
The Village Board meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at Kahler Hall. The next meeting is scheduled for September 2 at 7PM. Agendas and Meeting Minutes can be found on our website.

Save the Date!

Board of Education Forum

The eight candidates for the Howard County Board of Education will attend a Candidate's Forum at The Other Barn at 7PM on September 17. 

The Forum is sponsored by the 10 Villages of Columbia and will include a Q&A session with the audience.

All candidate's will receive questions in advance of the forum and submit written replies. 

For more information, email Sandy Cederbaum, Village Manager for Oakland Mills, or call 410-730-4610


State of Our Schools in Harper's Choice
Do you wonder about the schools in Harper's Choice? How do our schools compare to other schools throughout the county, state, and country? What challenges do our schools face? Where are we succeeding? What needs improvement? 
Join us on October 6 for a forum to get those questions answered and more. Participants include Superintendent Dr. Renee Foose, members of the Administrative Team at HCPSS Central Office, and principals from Longfellow Elementary, Swansfield Elementary, and Harper's Choice Middle School.
Watch for more details and mark your calendar to attend!

The Big Thank You

Thanksgiving is a day Americans set aside to give thanks for a variety of things: people, comfort, freedom. 


This year, we will honor and thank the men and women of our armed forces who are serving overseas and who will be away from their families during such a special holiday.


Watch for more details about how you can say "Thank You" in a very special way, including an all-day School's Out event that will provide all that you need to write your message of thanks.


Friday, October 17 from 9AM - 3PM at Kahler Hall!



Stay Connected
Village Manager
Cathy Murphy
Facility Manager
Covenant Advisor

Community Outreach Coordinator

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5440 Old Tucker Row  Columbia, MD 21044  410-730-0770