HCD awards more than $11 million from the
Emergency Solutions Grant program

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is pleased to announce more than $11 million in awards for the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program.
This program provides funding to local governments and Continuums of Care -- regional or local planning bodies that coordinate housing and services funding for homeless families and individuals. These funds will help prevent, prepare for, and respond to people who are experiencing homelessness or receiving homeless assistance by: 
  • Engaging individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
  • Improving the quality of emergency shelters for individuals and families experiencing homelessness by helping to operate these shelters and providing essential services to shelter residents.
  • Rehousing individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
  • Preventing families and individuals from becoming homeless.

For more information about the program, visit the ESG webpage.
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