HCE Happenings

Our Family Newsletter

April 2020
Principal's Corner
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As April begins we will be venturing into Virtual Learning. While I really miss the energy of our students in the school building I am confident that they will rise to this new challenge with great energy in their homes. Please know that we are all learning together so any questions you have should be asked. This newsletter contains A LOT of information. Refer to this document called K4-grade 5 Virtual Learning: What to Expect . It is an overview and should give you background needed as we embark on the adventure of Virtual Learning. BE BRAVE!
Warm Regards,
Mrs. Komas
April Important Dates
April 6 - Virtual Learning Begins
April 10 - Good Friday No Virtual Learning
April 13 - Virtual Learning Continues

We are still on your team...
As we approach our first week of virtual learning, the whole school staff at HCE  is missing our students! Some of our team members recorded their conversation about spring break, quarantine snacks, and what we miss most about school. As you find time this weekend, please take a moment to enjoy our video and perhaps use our questions as your family gathers around the table this weekend. 
  • What did you do for fun over (extended / modified) spring break?
  • What is your favorite “safer at home” snack food?
  • What do you miss the most about going to school?

We all miss our students very much and we want to remind you that we are still on your team! Please feel free to email ANY of us to let us know how we can help and support you while you are engaged in virtual learning at home! We miss you!
Lori Komas (Principal) ~ lkomas@whitnall.com
Ben Williams (Dean of Students) ~ bwilliams@whitnall.com
Jackie Thao (School Social Worker) ~ jthao@whitnall.com
Sara Anderson (School Counselor) ~ sanderson@whitnall.com

Elementary "Office Hours"
During office hours, teachers will be available to answer questions and/or provide immediate support via email. These times will vary to accommodate different family needs and schedules. The elementary Office Hours Schedule is linked HERE .
Weekly Virtual Learning Schedule
Below is the schedule for elementary students throughout the week for learning. Teachers will post a daily learning template to the Google Classroom which will outline the learning for the day.
The Book of the Month Will Continue!
This month we have a wonderful book entitled Colorful Dreamer: The Story of Artist Henri Matisse . We will explore the theme of LOYALTY.
A special guest reader will share a reading of this book.
HCE has been implementing positive behaviors and supports with our students for a number of years. The expectations of being safe, respectful and responsible are reinforced in all parts of our school community and now at home too during Virtual Learning.

Take a look at our PBIS Virtual Learning Expectations .
Hales Corners Elementary
11320 W. Janesville Avenue
Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130
414-525-8800 (office)
414-525-8801 (fax)