February 2024 | Issue #6

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Implementation Happenings

Group 3 Salary and Benefits Forecasting System (SBFS) Planning

Following their SBFS kickoff, Group 3 Districts/Agencies are now reviewing their data and are making plans for the functionality’s implementation. SBFS is a useful feature within the BEST Advantage System – Budget (BUD), for data that is interfaced from the BEST Advantage System – Human Capital Management (HCM) to forecast the budget for salaries, benefits, and supplemental pay.

Group 5 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Kickoff

Group 5 Districts/Agencies held their UAT kickoff at the end of January to discuss the working session schedule, go-live preparation, and next steps for the implementation of the BEST Advantage System – HCM. Check out the links to view a recording of the meeting (Session 1 or Session 2) or to download the presentation.

Group 5 Power Business Intelligence (BI) Training

Power BI Training for Group 5 begins towards the end of February and consists of two virtual Zoom sessions. The purpose of the training is to get Districts/Agencies familiar with Power BI for standard and ad hoc reports, as well as improve their reporting capabilities in the BEST Advantage System – HCM specifically for their needs.

For more information on all things IMPLEMENTATION, visit the Implementing HCM page or contact your BEST Project Ambassador.

One Good Thing Initiative

In response to feedback from prior Implementation Groups, the HCM Team has scheduled bi-weekly, in-person, full-day working sessions for Group 5‘s HCM – User Acceptance Testing (UAT). These sessions will be conducted every two weeks in a classroom setting with the BEST Human Resources and Payroll Teams present. Each session will combine up to three Districts/Agencies for dedicated in-person learning.

Why is this important? These sessions will allow Districts/Agencies to practice their start-to-end business processes with direct support from the BEST Team to prepare for a successful Go-Live

Click here for all Good Things, or visit the forum on the Customer Resource Center (CRC)!

Customer Advisory Team (CAT) Quarterly Meeting

The quarterly CAT meeting occurred on Friday, January 26, 2024. To view a recording of the meeting or to download the presentation, please visit the Customer Advisory Team (CAT) page on the Customer Resource Center (CRC). If you would like to attend future calls and help shape LACOE systems, reach out to Simon Hau at [email protected].

HCM Process Change Impact #6

Get familiar with the Top 10 Business Process Change Impacts! Each month, one process that is changing as a result of the BEST Advantage System – HCM will be highlighted here. More details can be found in your District’s/Agency’s System Implementation Handbook.

#6 Leave Balances Tracking Format Changes

What Happens Today in HRS? Leave balances are maintained in days.

What is Changing in HCM? Leave balances will be maintained in hours not days; for example, those entering leave balances will enter forty (40) hours versus five (5) days for an eight (8) hour employee.

Who is Impacted? Primarily Central Payroll and Timekeeper staff, but this may extend to any employee completing a timesheet at the District/Agency. These individuals will need to do a conversion as the time reported will be in a time format, regardless of whether Districts/Agencies use paper timesheets or third-party systems.

What is the Impact? Districts/Agencies will need to convert days to hours and bring the balances over as part of a conversion process. This requires upfront work as part of an implementation task. Communication to employees will also need to be distributed, explaining that leave time is posted in hours not days on pay stubs.

Considerations: Ensure leave balances have changed to unit of hours. Create a conversion sheet to convert balances to hours and recommend having this as part of a business process test scenario during the working sessions.

BEST Advantage System - Human Capital Management (HCM) Implementation News | February 2024

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