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HEAL Funding Opportunity
Spotlights of the Month
Tools & Resources
Grants & Funding.
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HEAL Funding Opportunity 
This winter, cities and towns across Maryland and Virginia have an opportunity to obtain new resources to help residents and municipal employees eat healthier and move more. Early next year, the HEAL Campaign will release a request for proposals (RFP) to support selected local governments in Maryland and Virginia to implement policies that promote opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity. All current HEAL cities and towns are eligible to apply.

Up to ten cities and towns will receive grants ranging from $1,000 to $10,000. Funding for this program is made possible through the continued support and generosity of our founding partner,  Kaiser Permanente.

We are excited to continue to support the policy initiatives of our HEAL cities and towns. Please keep a lookout for upcoming information regarding this grant opportunity. We will be contacting all HEAL cities and towns in the coming months with more information. All grant updates will  be posted on our website at Any remaining questions should be addressed to  Sydney Daigle at
Spotlight of the Month | Rock Hall, Maryland 
T his month's Spotlight features the Town of Rock Hall, Maryland. Read how this HEAL town conducted a community health survey to assess employees' and residents' health; launched a Town Wellness Fair; and leveraged funding to launch a morning walking program in partnership with a local public school. Find the Spotlight article here
Interested in having your city or town featured in an upcoming Spotlight article? Please send a request to Julia Groenfeldt, HEAL Program Associate, at   or 202-747-3455.  

Tools and Resources
Video |  Safe Routes to Parks:  This video, "Safe Routes to Parks Tactical Urbanism in Birmingham, AL," highlights how Zyp Bikeshare in Birmingham, Alabama led a community event to understand how residents were getting to their local parks. The project helped gather key data on the need for better bike infrastructure to promote safe and active transportation.  Find the video here.  
Resource | Complete Streets and Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans:  This resource from the Safe Routes to School Partnership demonstrates how Complete Streets policies, together with bicycle and pedestrian plans, are key tools to support community visions and goals for walking, bicycling, and health. This report offers information on the essential elements for stronger Complete Streets policies and Bike and Pedestrian plans as well as tools and next steps for implementation and action. Find the report here
Webinar | Active Transportation  for Healthy Communities: This webinar from America Walks features three examples of how communities can implement strategies to create more physical activity-friendly transit connections. These examples demonstrate how cities, towns, and counties can improve transportation systems to help people stay active, healthy, and safe. Hear from innovators and experts from Martin County, KY, Montgomery County, PA, and Los Angeles County, CA. Find the webinar recording here
Resource | Create a Healthy Holiday Workplace:  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention provides a few tips and resources to bring healthy holidays to the workplace. This year, consider new ways to reduce stress and start a few healthy food and physical activity traditions with your coworkers. Find resources here
Grants & Funding  
Walkability Action Institute: The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors and partners seek applications from   from Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) regions (or other similar regional entities, such as  Regional Planning Organizations, Transportation Planning Organizations, Regional Councils of Government, Transportation Management Agencies, etc.) for competitive funding assistance to  support attendance at the Fifth Annual Walkability Action Institute in Atlanta, Georgia on April 22-25, 2019. The  action institute will provide teams with the most up-to date academic and applied learning methods, and will reinforce and support implementation of significant national public health policy statements promoting walking and walkability. Applications are due by December 14, 2018. More information can be found  here
America's Healthy Food Financing Initiative: An initiative of the United States Department of Agriculture, the Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI) provides financial and technical assistance to eligible healthy food retail projects to overcome the higher costs and initial barriers to entry in underserved areas. Eligible applicants include state and local governments and governmental agencies, among others. Approximately $1.4 million will be available to fund applications under this program.  Grant awards range from $25,000-$250,000. Applications are due by February 14, 2019. More information can be found here. 
About Us
HEAL is a project of the Institute for Public Health Innovation in  partnership with the Maryland and Virginia Municipal Leagues and funded by Kaiser Permanente, founding partner.

For more information on the HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign, p lease visit the website at or contact HEAL Campaign Associate, Julia Groenfeldt at
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