Resolution Reboot
Happy New Year from the HEAL Cities and Towns Campaign! We're looking forward to another year working together to create healthier communities throughout our region. As we gear up for another year of
goal planning and new year's resolutions, let's take a moment to celebrate our many accomplishments this past year. In 2018, the HEAL Campaign:
- Reached 65 members across MD and VA;
- Recognized nine VA members at the annual VA Municipal League Conference;
- Recognized seven MD members at the annual MD Municipal League Conference;
- Awarded six new Platinum members in MD and VA;
- And, to date, HEAL cities and towns have implemented 150 HEAL policies, programs, and environmental changes in both MD and VA.
Congratulations to all our cities and towns! It's been a fulfilling and productive year and we're looking forward to continuing our work together in 2019.
Now - kicking off the new year, we're encouraging our cities and towns to take time to reboot your HEAL Resolution by identifying new healthy eating and active living goals for the new year. Consider this your city or town's 2019 new year's resolution. What HEAL policies or practices do you want to kick into gear in the new year? What opportunities would you like to create to help residents eat better and move more? This January, launch your HEAL Resolution reboot with these three steps:
1) What goals did your municipality include in your HEAL Resolution? It's been a few years since some of our municipalities passed a HEAL Resolution, so consider kicking off the new year by reviewing the goals in your city or town included in your HEAL Resolution. Find your city or town's Resolution
2) Are there goals in your HEAL Resolution that you would like to accomplish this year? Stay on task by writing down one to three goals that you would like to achieve in 2019. If your city or town has a HEAL committee or workgroup, consider working on this together at your next meeting.
3) Share your goals! Consider making your HEAL commitments public by amending your HEAL Resolution if any of your goals are new. Email the HEAL Campaign your 2019 HEAL resolution goals and we'll follow up with resources and information to help you get started. Email HEAL Campaign Manager Sydney Daigle at Sdaigle@institutephi.org.
Thanks for continuing to keep healthy eating and active living a priority in your communities. We're looking forward to another year achieving HEAL-thy goals and policy initiatives that create healthier environments to live, work, and play.
Spotlight of the Month | Middleburg, Virginia
his month's Spotlight features the Town of Middleburg, Virginia. For the past four years, this small Virginia Town has been helping residents eat better and move more by launching an annual health fair and developing more walkable streets.
Find the article here.
Interested in having your city or town featured in an upcoming Spotlight article? Please send a request to Julia Groenfeldt, HEAL Program Associate, at
or 202-747-3455.
Tools and Resources
HEAL Webinar | Making the Case for Workplace Wellness:
This webinar features three expert speakers who present the case for workplace wellness policies and share specific examples of success among organizations and cities in California, Virginia, and Colorado. Participants will learn how policies support wellness programs, what steps lead to responsive and sound policy, and accessible tools that can help them move forward right away. Get the inside scoop on creating and sustaining healthy workplaces! Find the webinar recording here.
HEAL Webinar | Paving the Road for Complete Streets Policy:
This webinar features three expert speakers who present the case for complete streets policies and share specific examples of success among organizations and cities in California, Colorado, Virginia and the U.S. Participants will learn best practices for enacting complete streets policies, what steps lead to responsive and sound policy, and accessible tools that can help them move forward right away. Find the webinar recording here.
Report | Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition:
On November 12, 2018, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released the
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition
, which outlines the amounts and types of physical activity needed to maintain or improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic disease. The document also highlights new benefits of physical activity and tested strategies that can be used to get all Americans more active. Download the complete Physical Activity Guidelines or, for a quick overview, check out the Executive Summary.
Webinar | Let's Get Moving: The Power of Physical Activity:
Join America Walks for an informative Webinar on the
new Physical Activity Guidelines, 2nd edition and how communities can promote physical activity.
This webinar, "Let's Get Moving: The Power of Physical Activity" will be held on January 9, 2019 at 2pm Eastern.
Register for the webinar
HEAL Funding Opportunity
This winter, cities and towns across Maryland and Virginia have an opportunity to obtain new resources to help residents and municipal employees eat healthier and move more. On February 15th, the HEAL Campaign will release a request for proposals (RFP) to support selected local governments in Maryland and Virginia to implement policies that promote opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity. All
current HEAL cities and towns are eligible to apply. Please note all upcoming dates:
- February 15, 2019 - Grant Application released
- March 15, 2019 - Grant application due by midnight ET
- Early April 2019 - Grant decisions announced
- January 15, 2020 - Grant project end date
Up to ten cities and towns will receive grants ranging from $1,000 to $10,000. This grant program is made possible through through the financial support and generosity of our founding partner,
Kaiser Permanente, and the continued collaboration of our strategic partners, the Maryland and Virginia Municipal Leagues.
About Us
HEAL is a project of the Institute for Public Health Innovation in
partnership with the Maryland and Virginia Municipal Leagues and funded by Kaiser Permanente, founding partner.