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Happy 4th of July!
Spotlight of the Month
Tools & Resources
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Congrats Maryland Cities & Towns 
This June, the HEAL Campaign attended the annual Maryland  Municipal League (MML) Summer Conference in Ocean City. The annual Conference was an opportunity to see some familiar faces and current Campaign members. We also had a chance to speak to many elected officials interested in bringing the HEAL Campaign to their city or town. 

The HEAL Campaign Awarded our 2018 honorees at the annual Business Leaders Meeting on June 12th. This year's MML honorees included: 
  • The Town of Chesapeake Beach, the Town Mount Air, and the City of Glenarden were recognized as new HEAL Campaign members.
  • The City of Mount Airy was awarded  Silver HEAL Recognition for two new HEAL g oals.
  • City of Laurel and the Town of Rock Hall received the Gold Recognition for attaining three new HEAL goals.
  • The Town of Bel Air, the Town of Capitol Heights, the Town of Colmar Manor, and the City of Frederick received Platinum HEAL Recognition, the highest HEAL achievement award. Cities and towns that advance to the Platinum level have attained Gold status and provide evidence that their healthy eating and active living work reaches across government departments and is being evaluated and monitored. 
Congratulations to all 2018 honorees! Thanks for your continued efforts bringing healthy eating and active living policies and practices to your residents, employees, and community members. 

Happy 4th of July!
Spotlight of the Month 
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Photo credit: The City of Gaithersburg.
Platinum City of Gaithersburg, MD is leading health and wellness initiatives through innovative partnerships to host community wellness events, construct new bike paths, and more. Check out how Gaithersburg is bringing HEAL to both City staff and residents through activities and resources that help make the healthy choice an easy choice.  Read  the Spotlight article here.

Interested in having your city or town featured in an upcoming Spotlight article? Please send a request to Julia Groenfeldt, HEAL Program and Communications Associate, at or 202-747-3455.
Tools and Resources
Webinar | Supporting Healthy Food Access  T he Healthy Food Policy  Project developed an online database to help communities identify local laws to improve food access in their community. This webinar explores the database and how it can be used to support healthy eating policy work. Find the webinar recording  here .  

Maryland | Buy Local Challenge - Participate in the Maryland Buy Local Challenge between July 21 - 29th by pledging to eat at least one thing from a Maryland farm every day during Buy Local Week. Help your health, environment, and economy by using your dollars at your local farmers market. The Challenge culminates the 2nd Annual Buy Local Challenge Celebration, an evening event featuring farms from across Maryland. The event will be held in Lothian, MD on Monday, July 30th, 5:30-8:30 PM. Find more information and tickets here.  

Viginia | $10-a-week Campaign -   The Virginia Food Systems   Council is encouraging Virginians to commit  to spending at  least $10 a week on locally grown agricultural products to help folks eat better and fresher produce while also investing money back into the Virginia economy. Visit the Virginia Food Systems Council website to Take the Pledge.
Webinar | Opportunities for Walkability in Rural Communities and Small Towns -  This webinar from America Walks will share examples of inspiring work happening across the county to improve walkability in small towns and rural communities. Panel speakers will discuss strategies and resources to help inspire programs, policies, and projects to help you create more walkable environments in your own community. The webinar will be led on July 11th at 2 PM EST. Find more information and registration here
Webinar Series | The Intersection of Health & Community Development
  • Part 1: Creating Communities That Thrive: The Intersection of Health & Community Development, explores resources and ideas to engage with community development organizations and residents to build healthier and more equitable communities. Find the webinar recording here.
  • Part 2: Building Communities of Opportunity: The Intersection of Health and Community Development will explore tools and data to help implement these models in your community. The webinar will be held on July 24 at 3 PM EST. Register here
About Us
HEAL is a project of the Institute for Public Health Innovation in  partnership with the Maryland and Virginia Municipal Leagues and funded by Kaiser Permanente, founding partner.

For more information on the HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign, p lease visit the website at or contact HEAL Campaign Associate, Julia Groenfeldt at
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