HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign 
for the Mid-Atlantic Newsletter
Topic of the Month
Walkability & Bikeability
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HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign for the 
Mid-Atlantic is an initiative of 
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in partnership with
with generous support from
 November 2013 Edition

Welcome to the first edition of the HEAL Cities & Towns Update! This monthly newsletter highlights campaign success stories, facilitates resource sharing, and provides insights on topics relevant to municipalities in Maryland and Virginia.
The speed at which the campaign has grown since its inception in 2012 is remarkable. So far, eleven communities have passed resolutions to join the campaign. Is your municipality ready? To learn more about the campaign, visit www.healcitiesmidatlantic.org/.
Featured Topic of the Month
Walkability & Bikeability  
Communities that are pedestrian-and bicycle-friendly promote active transportation and movement. With almost 70% of U.S. adults suffering from overweight or obesity(1), walking and biking are effective solutions to the lack of sufficient physical activity and exercise. Increased physical activity isn't the only reason that a community should make walkability and bikeability top priorities. Here are a few other reasons(2):
  • Increased revenue for local businesses
  • Improved tourism 
  • Reduced costs for road maintenance
  • Cleaner air and less pollution
  • Decreased road congestion
  • More social interaction among community members
  • Improved transportation access for all residents
In order for Americans to walk and bike on a regular basis, they need the ability to do so safely and conveniently. Community leaders can support individual efforts, and create walkable/bikeable through local policy adoption. Example policy topics include bike parking, traffic calming measures (i.e. speed bumps), road design, and much more!(2)
For support and technical assistance to adopt policies that improve your community's walkability and bikeability, contact HEAL Cities & Towns and tune into our webinar on January 23, 2014 (registration link below).

Community Spotlight
11 Communities Have Joined the 
HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign! 
Is your city or town ready?

  • Bladensburg 
  • Colmar Manor
  • Forest Heights
  • Somerset
  • Charlottesville 
  • Crewe
  • Haymarket
  • Lovettsville
  • Middleburg
  • Staunton
  • Williamsburg

Join by adopting a resolution articulating your municipality's policy goals! Contact us for assistance drafting this resolution or to present at your city/town council meeting.  

Tools & Resources
Enhancing Walking & Biking in Rural & Suburban Cities

January 23, 2014
2:00-3:15pm EST

Sponsored by the HEAL Cities Campaigns of California, Colorado, the Mid-Atlantic, and Northwest, this webinar will cover policy and funding opportunities to enhance the pedestrian and bike infrastructure in rural and suburban cities. Specific topics will include: complete streets, safe walking to schools, walking and economic development and federal transportation funds. Speakers will include a subject matter expert and city officials from around the country.


Reserve your webinar seat now by clicking here
 Salad ClubCreating Healthy   
Food Access in
Municipal Workplaces
 One Bite at a Time
January 9, 2014
1:30-2:45pm EST    
Register by clicking here.  
For additional support, contact the Campaign mjones@institutephi.org, or (202) 407-7088 x1026, or visit us on the web at www.healcitiesmidatlantic.org
Marisa Jones, MS
Mid-Atlantic HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign Director