HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign 
for the Mid-Atlantic Newsletter
Newsletter Contents
Complete Streets
Tools & Resources
Community Spotlight
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HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign for the 
Mid-Atlantic is an initiative of 
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in partnership with

and with generous support from
March 2014 Edition

March is here, and spring is quickly approaching. As the snow melts and the flowers begin to blossom, your residents will want to spend more and more time outdoors. You can enact policies that support your residents of all ages and abilities to spend time outside safely and conveniently.  Does your community offer opportunities for all of your residents to walk and bike safely?
Don't keep your efforts to yourself. Get recognized! Join the HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign to be formally recognized for your commitment to health. You will also receive free technical assistance and support from HEAL Cities & Towns Staff. To learn more about the campaign, visit www.healcitiesmidatlantic.org/.
Featured Topic of the Month
Complete Streets

What are Complete Streets?
  • Streets that are built to accommodate all users, regardless of mode of transportation. This includes people who walk, bike, use
    wheelchairs, drive
    vehicles, or ride public transit (1).
  • They comfortably allow everyone-- no matter their ethnicity, age, ability, mode of transportation, and income-- to get around safely (1).
What can a Complete Streets policy do for my community?
  • Requirements of transportation planners and engineers to design streets in a fashion that accommodates all users (1).
  • Policies can be unique to each community, but can lead to improvements in sidewalks, bus lanes, crosswalks, curb extensions, bike lanes, and much more (1).
  • These improvements can lead to increased activity among residents (2).
What are some policy options related to Complete Streets?
Every Complete Streets policy looks different. Your community can adopt policy language to meet its unique needs. Here are just a few examples:
  • Policies to promote slower vehicular traffic through traffic-calming measures
  • Policies to paint bike lanes/shared use ("sharrows") when re-paving/painting roads
  • Policies to stripe crosswalks when re-paving/painting roads
  • Policies that institute a Complete Streets requirement for new development 
HEAL Cities & Towns can help you in developing a customized Complete Streets policy to meet your needs. For more ideas, a model policy template, helpful tools, or technical assistance, visit our website at www.healcitiesmidatlantic.org or contact the HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign at mjones@institutephi.org

Tools & Resources
Webinar: Complete Streets 101 
April 30, 2014 11:30a-12:30p EDT

Have you heard the term "Complete Streets" and wondered what it means? Are you interested in promoting pedestrian and bicycle trips in your community but don't have adequate facilities?  

Join the HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign for the Mid-Atlantic and the Greater Washington Safe Routes to School Regional Network for a Complete Streets 101 webinar. This webinar is intended for people who are new to the concept of Complete Streets. We will cover:
  • What Complete Streets are
  • What Complete Streets are NOT
  • How to achieve Complete Streets
  • The many benefits of Complete Streets
  • How Complete Streets promote health, prosperity, and equity
Reserve your spot today by clicking here
New HEAL Cities & Towns Mid-Atlantic Website
You asked, we listened! Complete with more fact sheets, links to past webinars, and draft policies that you can download from the website, check out our NEW and IMPROVED website!
Community Spotlight
Lovettsville, VA

Although Loudoun County is a car-dependent County, towns in the County can make strides toward creating walkable, bikeable areas within it. As an example of a town taking action, Lovettsville has resolved to:
  • Plan and construct a built environment that encourages biking, walking, and other forms of physical activityy 
  • Continue addressing walking and biking connectivity between residential neighborhoods and schools, parks, recreational resources, and retail 
For additional support, please visit our website, or email me at mjones@institutephi.org. 
Marisa Jones
HEAL Cities & Towns