HEAVEN'S Sorrowful Heart

The WAR on Children, and Lineage

Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” And he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men. Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah: “A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be comforted, because they are no more.” Matthew 2:13-18

Father, I pray from the depth of my heart that You allow this to be the hour when, getting to know the grief of the 2,000 years since Jesus came and left, the deeply penetrating, bitter resentment that remains in heaven and on earth today, we may accept the figure born as Jesus with all our hearts. Father, please bless this hour when we commemorate that day. By manifesting the glory of happiness for which Jesus wished, allow the grief of Jesus to be cleared away. Since we who know the internal heart are about to commemorate this day, please allow us to redeem all the past sorrow left by human beings in their ignorance. I pray from the bottom of my heart that by allowing us to stand before the Father, Jesus will rejoice and the Father will receive comfort.

SMM, Heaven's Sorrowful Heart, January 3, 1959

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started his sermon by showing a newly designed Rod of Iron breaker jacket with crosses and flowers composed with Peace Militia symbols. This coming year will focus on upcoming U.S. presidential election. He praised the Republican primary presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who said that the whole gay movement is based on biological sex and being attracted to the same sex, but now you’re saying that biological sex is fluid. Which is it? Biological sexual identity is a fixed reality, or fluid?

Chapter 2 appears in the forefront of culture wars nearly every day. The Satanic elite is deeply involved with pedophilia. It’s better not to live in seashore areas where girls walk around in bikinis. There is a reason why monks go into the mountains. Sexual discipline is so important. God’s intention was for man and woman to unite together and be betrothed in marriage. No part of your body is evil.

Leftists say marriage is patriarchal oppression and therefore women should have sex with anyone, but now they are more depressed. This has also led to the rapid increase of single parent families- with increased violence, poverty, child problems in schools and delinquency. There are trends among men to reject such western women, but sincere Christian women are different.

The Father-son relationship is key. If absent, the son will not fight against the Father’s enemies and the civilization dies. True Father was so loving and so scary. We need to know both the love of God and the wrath of God. Father had deep emotions, but he was not “emotional.”

Sanctuary Service 12/24/2023

Some church women tried to tell Hyung Jin Nim about his Father. Yes, Father prayed for peace, but he also made the M1 carbine rifle. 99% of the violence is committed by males, which is why society absolutely needs a male role model for other men to follow. A man must first submit to God and then the wife will submit to her husband.

FFWPU leaders bragged to Tim Elder that “we can play with $10 billion in church assets for 200 years,” but now those assets are being erased. In 2014 the Han mother rejected his weekly phone calls. When he flew to Korea to meet with her, she sent 40 palace guards to stop him from entering the palace. Even when he was driven out by the Han mother, he still had his relationship with Father.

That is why a “spiritual guided missile” came down to stop the taking of funds from the Japanese church. Now many Family Fed brothers and sisters are waking up and returning. They thought Father was dead and helpless, but we serve a living Father!

The world is blowing up financially, medically, and politically. The world has forgotten how to appreciate and respect the strong men who build civilizations. Thank God for Peace Police Peace Militia training. Everyone has to be part of community defense. Just as you take care of your own body and home, you should take care of your neighbor in this way.

A strong husband-wife relationship is essential. Share gratitude for each other. Create a culture of gratitude. That is real wealth. Money may lead to comfort and convenience, but not necessarily lasting wealth. You can only take your relationship with God and with others to the spirit world. God may give you a season of hardship. If you hold on with faith and without cursing God, it will pass. Matthew 1:18- 2:19 starts with the birth of Jesus. Herod ordered the murder of all male children aged 2 and under. Joseph, Mary and Jesus had to escape to Egypt until Herod died.

Cheryl Chumley TKR Interview

Christianity is in the bride position for the returning Christ, but it has been corrupted. For example, last week Pope Francis approved church blessings of same-sex couples. Including Medicare and Social Security the USA is $37 trillion in debt. There is not one royal family that teaches that wealth is a bank account. Instead they teach that real assets include ownership of land, precious metals, industries, etc. Hyung also emphasizes that assets include real skills that are useful to the community, and relationships of trust with God and others.

In the dystopian world that is rising in countries like China, Canada, etc., if you say something the government doesn’t like, you will have a low social credit score, then your bank account can be erased. Lines of succession are important so that wealth is concentrated by choosing the successor who will maintain the faith, the kingship line, etc.

There is now a trend among Gen Z youth where purity is popular. The sexual “fire” must stay in the furnace to warm the whole house, not burn it down. Many follow Andrew Tate, a world level kickboxer, who speaks against feminism, and for male strength. But he is confused about chapter 2. Tate cannot be faithful to one woman so he became a Muslim, which allows 4 wives, plus a “mutta” or temporary wife. Plus Muslim men can have sex slaves during a “holy war.” It makes sense. You motivate your warriors by paying them with loot and women. These are incentives to fight in war. Also, the Islamic slave trade included a sex trade with 80% women slaves. Male slaves were castrated so they could not reproduce.

The Hebrew Bible has a very different view of permissible practices in war. As elaborated in the Book of Joshua, in the war against Jericho, the Israelite soldiers were not allowed to take anything for themselves. A just war is in self-defense.

The Man Behind Christmas

When the Bridegroom comes, he establishes an Adamic culture, which involves hard training so young men (and women) become strong and dangerous. It’s a mistake to only focus on career or education in your 20s. Women who want to have children should realize that 90% of their eggs will have died by age 30. A woman who wanted to focus on her career in her 30s, had 11 of her eggs frozen, but when she tried to use those at age 45, they all failed.

If you look at women in the Lineage of Jesus, Tamar, Ruth, Rahab, Bathsheba, and Virgin Mary you realize that God did not just use “spiritual” means to create the lineage of Jesus. Christianity emphasized the virginity of Mary because they intuited something wrong from the Fall.

The Democrats sought to destroy Black culture. President Lyndon Baine Johnson’s “Great Society” program incentivized the decline in marriage, especially among poor minorities, including Blacks, Hispanics, South Asians, etc.

Hyung Jin Nim had moral “priestly” authority to teach his children because he and Yeonah Nim stayed pure until marriage. Sex is supposed to be wonderful, but only in marriage. Jesus was to restore the purpose of creation, especially the lineage. On Christmas Day, we should reflect what a gift to receive the Blessing of pure lineage from before the Fall.


Hold the Line interview with Pastor Corey Brooks, founder of Project Hood, discusses how illegal immigration is IMPACTING the African American community in Chicago.

Other topics:

• Is there increasing support for Donald Trump in the black community?

• Pro-Palestine, pro-genocide of Jews demonstrations in Chicago?

• The progress of Project Hood (Helping Other Obtain Destiny) to build an Economic Opportunity center.

• The outstanding What Killed Michael Brown? documentary in which Pastor Brooks was a key figure.

HTL Interview with Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks,

founder of Project Hood


By William Brunhofer

Former Assistant Professor, Unification Theological Seminary

The Return of the Gods by Jonathan Cahn, was completed in 2022, the year Roe vs Wade was overturned by the US Supreme Court, and, two years after the 50th anniversary of the decision granting unlimited abortion on demand in the state of New York. For perspective, he says, in the Bible a 50th anniversary is also called a Jubilee year and stands for a “year of restoration, restitution, redemption, release, freedom, reversing and undoing,” which according to tradition, comes 50 years from some major event or misdeed igniting tragedy. Thus, the prophet Jeremiah warned his nation that the shedding of children’s blood would lead to judgment, and death to a future generation within the nation that murdered them in the form of a plague, or other calamity. Then, he surmises that “restitution” came to the US in the Jubilee year of 2020, when Covid 19 came to America and the world! 

The connection between what happened in 2020 and 1970 when American’s began legally embracing abortion, was “stunning and eerie,” writes the author. He continues, “In the year of Jubilee, if you took what did not belong to you, that which you took would be taken from you. America had taken life. Thus, in the year of Jubilee, life would be taken from America.” 

Cahn shows that the Bible describes in many places how ancient Israel had frequently turned away from Yahweh, God, and worshipped other gods: what has been called the ‘Dark Trinity’ of Baal, the Possessor; Ishtar, the Enchantress; and Molech, the Destroyer, who was associated with the “darkest of sins – the sacrifice of human beings. And even darker . . . the sacrifice of children by their parents,” described as “the most grievous of ‘abominations’ . . . the sign of a nation that has turned entirely against the ways of God and become lost to Him.”  

(rest of Return of the Gods Book Review)

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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