We need your help immediately. We have a two-day window to act to help get Co-Sponsors on an important bill. Congressional Lyme Caucus Co-Chair, Christopher Smith, is introducing the “Children Inflicted by Lyme Disabilities Act 2021,” or “CHILD Act 2021," this week into the US House of Representatives. The bill is “To amend the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to recognize more clearly that Lyme disease can cause disabilities that affect the education of children and to enhance educational services and related services for children with Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases and for other purposes.”
“It is the purpose of this Act to increase the recognition of the broad range of disabilities caused by Lyme disease that affect education and to enhance educational services for children with Lyme disease in a manner consistent with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).”

As many of you know, children with Lyme disease are often out of school for blocks of time and can come back to school and have symptom relapse causing other periods of absence. Research shows these children can
have manifestations including cognitive impairment, mental confusion, memory loss, headaches, difficulty concentrating, speech difficulty, visual and hearing problems, dizziness, mood swings, outbursts, depression, sleep disturbance, OCD, and seizure activity, all of which can affect their educational experience. School personnel are often unaware of the issues caused by Lyme disease and children with Lyme do not always get the educational services they require. Read more.
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