The Dana Point Boaters Association is the champion of recreational boating and the jewel that is
Dana Point Harbor.

February 4, 2025


Hi Dana Point Boater,

CA Boaters License

2025 is the year when all ages are required to have a CA Boaters License. If you haven’t got yours yet, you should do so. The BoatUS Foundation's Online Course is the only FREE Online Boating Safety Course approved by the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways. Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to complete the course and get your license.

US Coast Guard Document Renewals

BoatUS Consumer Alert:

Be Wary of Any Letter Arriving by U.S. Mail Offering U.S. Coast Guard Documentation Renewal

Official-looking vessel documentation renewal notices

can lead to confusion and higher costs

SPRINGFIELD, Va., Jan. 27, 2025 – Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) is advising boaters with vessels that have a U.S. Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation to be wary of any letter arriving by U.S. mail offering renewal.

BoatUS advises that while the Coast Guard does send official annual renewal notices by U.S. mail, other notices being received by BoatUS members are not from the Coast Guard but rather third-party companies whose name or return addresses may appear similar to that of the official U.S. Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC).

BoatUS members have complained that these letters direct them to websites that may be mistaken for the actual Coast Guard NVDC located in Falling Waters, West Virginia, and appear to show a significant increase in the annual fee to renew Coast Guard documentation.

A 2017 Coast Guard issued bulletin says in part:

“The NVDC is aware that there are commercial entities that offer to manage the certification/renewal process on behalf of vessel owners for a fee. The Coast Guard does not endorse any of these companies, and the companies do not operate on behalf of the Coast Guard in any way. Any fees charged or agreements offered by such companies are in no way associated with the NVDC certification process. In addition, these companies are not authorized to issue any form of documentation, including travel letters and/or permits that authorize operation of ANY vessel. Customer complaints can be made through the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) website at”

While third-party companies may legitimately provide services to assist with vessel documentation renewals, the Coast Guard’s own renewal process is simple for most vessels, and the price ranges from $26 for one year up to $130 for a 5-year expiration, which is often much lower than what third-party services may charge.

To renew, go to the Coast Guard National Documentation Center website at and click on “instructions and forms,” then “Certificate of Documentation Application for Renewal.”

To be documented, a vessel must measure at least 5 net tons and, with the exception of certain oil-spill response vessels, owned by a U.S. citizen. Boats about 27 feet in length or longer generally meet the weight requirement.

Why do boat owners choose to federally document vessels with the U.S. Coast Guard versus the more common practice of state registration? The boat was purchased with a bank loan and the lender required it, or the boat has plans to travel beyond U.S. waters. A Certificate of Documentation is internationally recognized and makes it easier for American vessels to enter and leave foreign ports.

A Big THANK YOU for your support!

As we wait to hear the ruling from the Court of Appeals we want to let you know how grateful we are for your support. The last 3+ years have been exhausting but you, Dana Point Boaters, have been our anchor, supporting us and keeping us steadfast. Without you we could not have persevered. As soon as we hear the decision we will let you know. We anticipate a ruling within 45 to 60 days and are hopeful for a positive outcome. There is still an outstanding balance for cost and fees for the litigation. Your continued contributions to the legal fund are greatly appreciated. Please donate here.

Also, A Big Thank You for your Membership Subscription!

Your DPBA Directors and Advisors wish to Thank everyone who has renewed or donated a new Membership Subscription. We have initiated our Membership-Only Pages/Sections on our new DPBA website. If you haven’t renewed or subscribed to a new DPBA membership, you can do so by Clicking Here.


DPBA - I'm All In Flag

Dana Point Boaters Association thanks you for your help and dedication to improving our home port marina experience. Feel free to fly your I'm All In Flag (special class legal fund donation.

In the meantime, please continue to submit your comments on slip rate increases and other subjects by Click Here.

Legal Endeavors are Expensive

Lastly, legal endeavors are expensive, and we appreciate all who have donated to our legal fund.

If you haven't donated, consider an ongoing monthly donation by clicking the box "Make this a monthly donation," click here.

These legal costs keep mounting as we continue moving forward with the Class Action Lawsuit. Your information will always remain private. You can also donate by mail by clicking here.

Boater Class Action Legal Fund Donation

All donations are private, and your identity will never be shared

Your Dana Point Boaters Association Directors, Advisors, and Advocacy Members Thanks You For Your Support!

From: Anne Eubanks, President | (949) 485-5656 | Email Us! | #DPBA Website

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