Sugary Drink Marketing
Marketing of Sugar-Sweetened Children’s Drinks and Parents’ Misperceptions about Benefits for Young Children
Parents in this study described front-of-package label claims, images, and other marketing messages on sugar-sweetened children's drinks as confusing, deceptive, and misleading. Learn more.
The Impact of Pictorial Health Warnings on Purchases of Sugary Drinks for Children
Pictorial warnings reduced parents’ purchases of sugary drinks for their children in this naturalistic trial. Learn more.
Front-of-Package Claims & Imagery on Fruit-Flavored Drinks and Exposure by Household Demographics
Most fruit drinks, 100% juices, and flavored waters purchased by households with 0-5-year-olds contained front-of-package claims and imagery that may lead consumers to believe the beverages are healthy and natural. Learn more.
Online Food Retail
Developing a Digital Food and Nutrition Literacy Model for Low-income Adults to Make Healthy Choices in Online Food Retail
The expansion of online grocery services underscores the need for people to have digital literacy skills to make healthy dietary choices online. This review analyzed the literature to develop a digital food and nutrition literacy model. Learn more.
An Equity-oriented Systematic Review of Online Grocery Shopping among Low-income Populations
Online grocery services are an emerging component of the food system, with the potential to address disparities in access to healthy food. This review assessed barriers and facilitators of equitable access to healthy foods in the online grocery environment. Learn more.
Online Grocery Retail Policies and Practices Affecting Healthy Food Access
This study aimed to describe policies and practices of online grocery retailers that may affect healthy food access, including fees, access to nutrition information, and lack of data privacy. Learn more.
COVID-19 and Federal Nutrition Programs
Recognizing and Supporting School Meal Programs as a Critical Nutrition Safety Net
School closures due to COVID-19 significantly disrupted children’s access to school meals in 2020 and 2021, and shifting to providing meals-to-go brought numerous financial and implementation challenges for schools. Learn more.
SNAP During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This brief presents COVID-19 related challenges for SNAP participants and administrators and key findings from studies on SNAP waivers and online grocery ordering. Learn more.
WIC During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This brief presents COVID-19 related challenges to accessing WIC services and key findings from studies on WIC remote services and online grocery ordering. Learn more.