2017–2018 Annual Activities Report
Now Available!
Each year HESI produces an
Annual Activities Report
filled with updates from the past 12 months and with details on each of the scientific committees’ accomplishments and future goals.
Check out this year’s report and view past reports
EIC Survey—Deadline Extended!
The deadline to submit your input on the latest HESI Emerging Issues Proposal has been extended to
4 September 2018
The Emerging Issues (EI) Committee, composed of representatives from both the public and private sectors, recently reviewed the 2018 proposals and selected one for consideration as HESI’s newest subcommittee. The proposal aims to develop a “Framework for the Use of Genomic Data to Inform Human Safety Assessment of Microbial Products” via the launch of a new public-private HESI scientific committee. For more information, please view the
slide set
describing the proposed project (presented at the June 2018 HESI Annual Meeting) and the
written project proposal
Offer your input on the proposal by completing the EI survey online
. Learn more about the EI process
or contact Jennifer Pierson (
HESI and USEPA Sign Memorandum of Understanding
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) was recently signed between HESI and the USEPA aimed at mutual exchange of knowledge and expertise in toxicology and exposure science, in particular with respect to physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling applications in chemical risk assessment. The MOU provides a foundation for development of scientific collaborations, outreach, and intellectual partnerships and details a number of topical areas in this space.
HESI has an active PBPK Committee that is already working to advance some of these areas. For more information, contact Michelle Embry (
Total Exposure Health Conference
HESI is a silver sponsor for the upcoming
Total Exposure Health Conference
to be held
6–7 September 2018
in Bethesda, Maryland. This conference will feature topics on applications of exposure science, health challenges and advances in toxicology, and precision medicine. Visit the conference website to learn more! To learn more about exposure science projects at HESI, contact Michelle Embry (
Recent Publications
Greggs W, Burns T, Egeghy P, Embry MR, Fantke P, Gaborek B, Heine L, Jolliet O, Lee C, Muir D, Plotzke K, Rinkevich J, Sunger N, Tanir JY, Whittaker M (2018) Qualitative approach to comparative exposure in alternatives assessment.
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.
Published online ahead of print.
Read More
Pettit SD, Kirch R (2018) Do current approaches to assessing therapy related adverse events align with the needs of long-term cancer patients and survivors?
Read More
The work of HESI Technical Committees encompasses our most visible activities, and the output of these groups contributes to the global recognition of HESI productivity and impact. The collective work of the Technical Committees is overseen by the Program Strategy and Stewardship Committee (PSSC), currently led by Martin van den Berg. In its advisory role, the PSSC is accountable for ensuring the quality, credibility, and scientific relevance of technical committees along with ensuring a rigorous peer review process for all HESI publications. As part of HESI’s strategic plan, the PSSC is currently working to develop a more comprehensive assessment of technical committee efforts, with emphasis on the HESI portfolio of work rather than individual committee reviews. This is not a simple task, but one that we hope will better assess potential areas for developing better metrics of program progress, improving the output of HESI committees, fostering cross-committee collaboration where appropriate, and enabling better communication of the broad contributions of the HESI portfolio to our members. We are planning to complete this process during this year so that we can provide a comprehensive annual report for all of HESI’s scientific programs in 2019. This is a very timely exercise, and we will share updates and proposed actions during the year.
Lois Lehman-McKeeman
HESI Chair
Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI)
740 Fifteenth Street, NW
6th Floor
Washington, DC 20005-1743
| 202.659.3306 | 202.659.3859| HESI@hesiglobal.org| www.hesiglobal.org