


November 16, 2023

Society News

Good morning, Steve Kemp - HFES. Please enjoy this issue of the HFES Bulletin.

Table of Contents:

  • In Memoriam - Robert Proctor
  • Registration Is Open for the 2024 Titans of HFE Symposium
  • Save the Date for the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care 2024
  • View Complimentary Session Recordings from the Annual Meeting
  • HFES Policy Statement on AI Guardrails for Human Use
  • Take This Time To Renew Your HFES Membership for 2024
  • HFES Dues Waiver Program
  • Upcoming HFES Webinars
  • Call for Nominations — IEA Fellow Award
  • Apply for the IEA Kingfar and Tsinghua Awards
  • HFES Announces 2023 Stanley Caplan User-Centered Product Design Award
  • A Blast from the Past
  • HFES Schedule of Events

In Memoriam - Robert Proctor

Dr. Robert Proctor, 74, passed away on Monday, Oct. 30, 2023. Dr. Proctor is remembered as an experimental psychologist who emphasized the importance of using evidence-based research about human information processing in the design of simple and complex systems.

Dr. Proctor earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas, Arlington in 1975. He joined Purdue University in 1988 as a Full Professor and remained there for the rest of his career. In 2007, Dr. Proctor received the title of Distinguished Professor. He was a Fellow of HFES, an Editorial Board Member for Human Factors, and a long-time faculty advisor for the Purdue Student Chapter of HFES. He authored Human Factors in Simple and Complex Systems (3rd edition, 2018), a textbook that guided the development of many students in Human Factors. In 2018, Dr. Proctor was awarded the Paul M. Fitts Education Award by HFES.

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Registration Is Open for the 2024 Titans of HFE Symposium

The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society is thrilled to announce the return of the Titans of HFE Symposium. This innovative event was created for attendees to gain deeper insights on HFE topics from the leaders who developed them. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the Titans during designated networking sessions, allowing attendees to ask questions or discuss challenges in their work.

Registration for the symposium is open. Join us virtually Feb. 5-6, 2024.

Register to Attend

Save the Date for the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care 2024

Mark your calendars for the highly anticipated 13th International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care! Are you passionate about advancing patient safety and improving health care provider well-being? Join us at this educational event, where we will delve into the latest science and best practices in human factors and ergonomics in health care.

The symposium convenes March 24-27, 2024 at the Hilton Chicago Hotel.

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View these Complimentary Session Recordings from the Annual Meeting


Members of HFES are encouraged to log in to the HFES Learning Center to view the following complimentary content recorded at the recent annual meeting in Washington, DC:


  • Cognitive Systems Engineering at 40:

Part I: Deriving Theory from Practice

Part II: Applying Theory from Practice


Make plans to attend ASPIRE the Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. ASPIRE will convene at the Arizona Biltmore Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Phoenix, Sept. 9–13, 2024.

HFES Policy Statement on AI Guardrails for Human Use

AI has the potential to augment human capabilities and improve overall human well-being. However, human-decision making and performance can also be negatively impacted by AI systems, resulting in inappropriate decision biasing6, reduced awareness and understanding of situational information and poor performance. Guardrails are needed to protect people from significant harm from these systems and to support people’s ability to engage with AI usefully and effectively.

Full Policy Statement

Take This Time To Renew Your HFES Membership for 2024

Simply log in to My.HFES.org to renew your membership and update your demographic information. Thank you for your support and here’s to an exciting 2024!


HFES Dues Waiver Program

The HFES Dues Waiver Program was established to support current members who may need assistance with membership dues. Requests may be related to one's temporary leave from the workforce for any reason except retirement. All applications will remain confidential.

Current members needing assistance with dues and who attest that they anticipate earning no significant income from human factors/ergonomics activities in the forthcoming year may apply. Applicants must have been an HFES member for at least three consecutive years preceding their request for a dues waiver.

Approved member applicants will have their annual dues waived for one cycle (one calendar year). Annual reapplication will be required should the member have continued hardship and wish to remain a member of HFES. Members may have their dues waived for up to two consecutive years but no more than five years during their lifetime.

HFES retains the right to modify or terminate this program. In the event it is terminated, participants will be permitted to remain members until the end of that membership cycle.


Upcoming HFES Webinars

Don't miss out on these upcoming HFES webinars and boost your expertise in the process! Join us for:

HFES Environmental and Sustainability TG Webinar: Circularity — Dec. 6, 2023

Entrepreneurial Mindset in HFE Education: Overlaps and Opportunities — Dec. 12, 2023

Call for Nominations — IEA Fellow Award

Each year, Federated societies of the International Ergonomics Association are invited to forward names of candidates to be considered for IEA Fellowship. HFES is accepting applications for IEA Fellow from its members through Dec. 14, 2023. The application submission deadline is sooner than typical due to the 2024 IEA Triennial Meeting dates.

Applicants must be a Fellow of HFES and a member in good standing for at least the preceding ten years. Self-nominations are permitted and members of HFES may submit applications on behalf of another qualifying HFES Fellow.

More Information

Apply for the IEA Kingfar and Tsinghua Awards

The IEA/Kingfar Award is given annually to early career professionals to promote and reward high-quality original research and applications on new and emerging HFE issues or issues specifically related to industrially developing countries, as well as to promote a career path in HFE. Nominees can be from any country including both IDCs and developed countries. Up to 13 winners can be recognized each year, with eight awards given to Ph.D. students, and five awards to early career scholars/researchers (within ten years of completing a Ph.D.). The award amount is $1,000 for each selected student and $1,500 for each selected early career researcher. IEA Kingfar Awards criteria.

The IEA/Tsinghua Award for Collaborative Human Factors and Ergonomics Education is given annually to honor persons (e.g. researchers, teachers) who, through international and/or inter-regional collaboration, have made significant and outstanding contributions to the success of postgraduate educational programs that include HFE courses or substantial HFE content in the curriculum. The intent of this award is to mobilize educators worldwide for HFE education. Up to four programs may be awarded. Each program may be represented by up to two nominees. The award consists of a monetary prize of $4,000 per selected program. IEA Tsinghua Award criteria.

Send evidentiary documents with letter(s) of nomination as a single PDF to [email protected] by the Dec. 14, 2023 deadline. HFES will select recommended candidates to forward to the IEA along with a nominating letter written by HFES.

HFES Announces 2023 Stanley Caplan User-Centered Product Design Award

In a recent announcement, the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) revealed the winner of the 22nd Annual Stanley Caplan User-Centered Product Design Award. Mallinckrodt plc, in collaboration with Delve, clinched this prestigious award for their groundbreaking INOmax EVOLVETM Delivery System (DS). The INOmax EVOLVETM DS is designed for the delivery of INOmax® (nitric oxide) gas for inhalation, a treatment approved by the FDA to enhance oxygenation and reduce the need for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in neonates with respiratory issues.

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A Blast from the Past

We are looking for your help. HFES has digitized photos taken in the "early" days of the society. Although we know the year the photos were taken, we don't have much information regarding who is in each photo. We are hoping to crowd-source a commenting activity so that future generations can become familiar with those who founded our society. The archive of photos is located at the button link below.


If you can currently identify anyone in a photo, please do so by adding a comment to the photo. You'll need to log in to SmugMug directly, or through Google or Facebook. For photos with multiple individuals, we ask that you label people from left to right, adding a "?" for anyone you don't know. If there are multiple rows of people, please say "Back Row: (L-R)" and then list people, again with a "?" for anyone you don't recognize, then move row by row towards the bottom (front row) of the photo. 


We understand that it should be possible to overlay names directly on the photos in the future, which we hope to do. Thanks for participating in this effort to remember our founders.

Photo Link

Upcoming Meetings and Activities


Attention Chapters, Technical Groups, Affinity Groups, and beyond – HFES is pleased to post information concerning upcoming meetings, webinars, or other events you wish to raise awareness about on our Events listing page. We also will post meetings of allied societies provided they do not occur close to any HFES-organized activity.


Let us know about your meetings and other events. Email us at [email protected].

Events Schedule

HFES wants to promote the important achievements of our members in the bi-weekly Bulletin. Appropriate topics include research milestones or other significant achievements, professional accolades, awards or recognitions, promotions or new positions, and similar professionally-oriented topics. If you would like to share news with the HFES community, please fill out this form


Additionally, if you are made aware of the passing of any members of HFES, please let us know. Contact HFES Executive Director Steven Kemp at [email protected].

Submit Form
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Human Factors and Ergonomics Society | 2001 K Street NW, 3rd Floor North | Washington, DC 20006
Tel.: (202) 367-1114 , Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM ET | Fax: (202) 367-2114 | E: [email protected]