September 2, 2021
Society News
65th International Annual Meeting--Last Call to Save on Housing

The HFES 65th International Annual Meeting is coming to Baltimore, MD, October 4-7, 2021, with a virtual component being held October 25-28. Join your peers and colleagues in Baltimore to learn the latest research and newest trends in HF/E. Reconnect with old friends and make new contacts as you grow your professional network during dedicated networking events and social activities. All registrants for the full meeting will automatically be registered for the virtual-only meeting, and virtual-only registration is available.
The deadline to take advantage of HFES discounted rates at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront is Friday, September 10th. Reserve your accommodations today to save!
HFES 2021 Election Results

Voting members of the Society were presented strong slate of candidates to vote for in this year’s election. It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you our newly elected officers and Executive Council members:
Carolyn Sommerich
The Ohio State University
At-Large Executive Council
Caroline Cao
IMT Atlantique & University of South Australia
Ayse Gurses
The Johns Hopkins University
At-Large Executive Council
Deborah Boehm-Davis
Facebook Reality Labs

The Executive Council looks forward to inducting these new members at our upcoming business meeting on October 4 when their terms begin. The 2021 election resulted in a 30% voter response – a rate greater than for our last several elections. The Executive Council would like to thank our voting members and all of the candidates in this year's election.
Plan to Attend HFES Student Career and Professional Development Day

Building on its recent success, this year the Students Professional Group will continue hosting the Student Career and Professional Development Day on the first day of the HFES Annual Meeting, Monday, October 4. This all-day event will feature several interactive sessions aimed at helping students navigate a variety of career-related topics.

Session titles include:
  • What to Expect in a Human Factors Career
  • Resume and CV Workshop
  • Meet the HFES Presidents
  • Planning for Your Next Career Transition
Enhance Your Knowledge Through the HFES Learning Center

Our wide-ranging library includes online educational activities across the spectrum of human factors and ergonomics aimed at improving your knowledge and practice, many of which are complimentary and a benefit of membership in the Society.  

This online resource will help you to find new knowledge points based on your areas of interest, and help you record your progress as you work your way through session and recording packages. 

Additional features include recorded sessions from previous years’ HFES meetings and symposia, webinars featuring experts sharing their latest research and works, DEI webinars and other on-demand learning opportunities to enhance your skills, advance your career and maintain your professional certifications.
Registration Now Open for ErgoX 2021
Join us November 8 – 10, 2021 for ErgoX, a virtual event that will take a deep dive in delivering practical, usable, and evidence-based solutions to the challenges faced by ergonomists, risk managers, and health and safety specialists. ErgoX will apply the latest ergonomics science to workplace health, safety, wellness, and injury-prevention issues across a variety of domains and settings. Our three educational tracks this year focus on exoskeletons, robotics, and cybersecurity.
The theme of this year’s virtual symposium will examine the intersection of AI and HF/E in the design of safe, user-centered technology and equipment. When integrated with exoskeletons, cybersecurity, and robotics, AI presents an opportunity to deliver effective technology and enhance productivity. This cannot be done safely without considering the humans that interact with these systems and machines.
Delivering practical, usable, and evidence-based solutions to the challenges various industries face, ErgoX provides a unique opportunity to bring together the field for collaboration and guidance. 
Extended Deadline for Papers: 2022 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare
Contribute and showcase your work as an H/FE professional at the 2022 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care March 20 - 23 in New Orleans, LA! We are currently seeking submissions for panels, lectures and posters. Please see below for upcoming deadline information:
All submissions should fall under the category of one of the five educational tracks:
  • Digital Health
  • Education and Simulation
  • Hospital Environments
  • Medical and Drug Delivery Devices
  • Patient Safety Research and Initiatives
The NEW deadline to submit a paper is SEPTEMBER 9, 2021.
Leadership Development Committee: Call for Input 
As one of its wider efforts to foster the successful future leaders of the HF/E community, the HFES Leadership Development Committee is establishing a virtual tutorial program that will be made available to all society members. To ensure this program’s comprehensiveness, we would like to solicit your input regarding the qualities, processes, and procedures integral to an effective leader, both overall and specifically within the HFES organization. Your suggestions will help shape the breadth, depth, and focus of the core modules.

Any insight is much appreciated and may be sent directly to  
Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making on Human-AI Teaming

Building upon advances in machine learning, software that depends on artificial intelligence (AI) is being introduced across a wide spectrum of systems, including autonomous vehicles, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, aviation, and military systems. AI systems may be unreliable or insufficiently robust, however, due to challenges in the development of reliable and robust AI algorithms based on datasets that are noisy and incomplete, the lack of causal models needed for projecting future outcomes, the presence of undetected biases, and noisy or faulty sensor inputs. Therefore, it is anticipated that for the foreseeable future, AI systems will need to operate in conjunction with humans in order to perform their tasks, and often as a part of a larger team of humans and AI systems. Further, AI systems may be instantiated with different levels of autonomy, at different times, and for different types of tasks or circumstances, creating a wide design space for consideration.

This special issue will cover new research designed to better integrate people with AI in ways that will allow them to function effectively.

Manuscripts are due by October 1, 2021.
Register for the 28th Annual 2021 Virtual AMIE Conference

Advancing Minorities' Interest in Engineering (AMIE) is holding a virtual education experience that will bring together the Council of Engineering Deans in the Historically Black Colleges and Universities, students, engineering professionals, and leaders from top corporations and government agencies.  
Member News
HFES Members in the News

HFES wants to promote the important achievements of our members in the bi-weekly Bulletin. Appropriate topics include research milestones or other significant achievements, professional accolades, awards or recognitions, promotions or new positions, and similar professionally-oriented topics. If you would like to share news with the HFES community, please fill out the form. 

Additionally, if you are made aware of the passing of any members of HFES, please let us know. Contact HFES Executive Director Steven Kemp at
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society | 2001 K Street NW, 3rd Floor North | Washington, DC 20006
Tel.: (202) 367-1114 , Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM ET | Fax: (202) 367-2114 | E: