January 7, 2020
Society News
Save the Date for the HFES International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: April 12-16, 2021
A Virtual Experience
Save the date for the Virtual 2021 HFES International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health CareApril 12-16, 2021! This educational event will bring HF/E and Health Care professionals together to improve health care systems worldwide. Don't miss the opportunity to learn insights on the latest science and best practices, understand innovations in the safety of health care providers and patients, sharpen the focus of HF/E initiatives, and improve your regulatory approaches.

The 2021 Health Care Human Factors Symposium program is organized around five tracks tailored to key areas of HF/E in the health care industry:

  • Education and Simulation - NEW
  • Digital Health
  • Hospital Environments
  • Medical and Drug-Delivery Devices
  • Patient Safety Research and Initiatives
11 Days Remain to Submit Presentation Proposals for International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care

The Program Committee for the Virtual 2021 HFES International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care is accepting proposals for this year's event. Focused on important human factors and ergonomics issues affecting the health care industry, the 2021 Health Care Human Factors Symposium will take place April 12 - 16, 2021. Submit your proposal today to showcase your latest work.

Submissions may include lectures, discussion panels, and posters. All submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. EST on 1/18/2021. Decisions on proposal submissions will be sent at the end of February 2021.
HFES Seeks Individuals to Participate on Consensus Review Committee

HFES 400 Consensus Committee: The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) is seeking interested individuals to participate in a consensus review committee for the newly proposed American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/HFES 400 standard. The committee will be asked to review the draft standard and to vote on its acceptance. The consensus committee will be restricted to approximately 12 individuals.

This standard is being developed to specify how to apply the Human Readiness Level (HRL) scale in the system development process. The HRL scale is a simple nine-level scale that complements and supplements the existing Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale in order to evaluate, track, and communicate the readiness of a system for human use.  
Upcoming Webinar: HFES Society-Wide Webinar on Election Outcomes

Monday, January 11, 2021
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm Eastern Time

Join the HFES Government Relations Committee for a Society-wide briefing on the outcomes of the 2020 Election.

Lewis-Burke Associates LLC, HFES’s government relations firm, will discuss the results of the 2020 Presidential and Congressional elections, and preview future federal policy debates in the new year. This will include a forecast of priorities of the Administration and new Congress in public policy areas that may impact the field of HF/E or HFES members.  
Upcoming Webinar: Emerging Technologies to Enhance Safety at Toyota Motor North America

Please join us for a presentation by Marisol Barrero, CPE, Manager, Toyota Motor North America Safety Innovations on January 12, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET. Toyota Motor North America cares deeply about the safety of its team members and is invested in exploring emerging technologies to enhance safety, particularly to reduce the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders. These technologies include exoskeletons to reduce fatigue in different parts of the body, such as the shoulder and hand, as well as wearable sensors to automate and enhance risk assessments.  Virtual reality is also being explored to improve all aspects of training, including ergonomics. This presentation will share key highlights of these trials and implementations, as well as top challenges and successes.

Please contact Jessica Ramsey at if you have any questions about the webinar.  
Upcoming Webinar: 19th Annual User-Centered Product Design Award Webinar
Join us on Thursday, January 21, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET to hear directly from the winners of the 19th annual User-Centered Product Design Award. This special session will include presentations about the design and development of the award-winning products from J&J Medical Devices Companies and Crossject. The award is named after Stanley Caplan, an HFES fellow, for all his efforts and accomplishments over the years at promoting the importance of user-centered design and research within industry while mentoring others to do the same.
Join an HFES Affinity Group Today!

Looking for ways to network and connect with other HFES members? Consider joining an HFES Affinity Group.

What are Affinity Groups (AG)? Last year, HFES launched a new form of group available to our members, called Affinity Groups. Affinity groups provide opportunities for people to connect with other people who share aspects of their identity, especially in situations in which aspects of their identity are in the minority or are marginalized. HF/E Affinity Groups can provide mutual support and a sense of community within the society. The Affinity Groups are an extension of HF/E Diversity and Inclusion efforts, focusing on both inclusivity within the profession and on advancing science that addresses longstanding societal problems. Affinity Groups differ from Technical Groups as they offer community, mentoring, and support based on areas of collective identification. The Affinity Groups can concentrate on challenging our profession to address these dimensions of personal identification more thoughtfully. We hope that these communities will play an integral role throughout the course of a member’s career. There is no cost to become a member of an HFES affinity group.

Why join an Affinity Group? Why does it matter? HFES supports and celebrates the diversity of the students, practitioners, educators, researchers, and others who engage in the profession of human factors/ergonomics and the stakeholders who benefit from their practice.  

We are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion across the broad range of human characteristics. HFES Affinity Groups can serve as a “safe space” for open discussion and idea-sharing across and within groups that have been historically underrepresented. 
HFES Learning Center: Your Connection to HFES’s Educational Resources
We encourage you to explore the HFES Learning Center. This wide-ranging library includes online educational activities across the spectrum of human factors and ergonomics aimed at improving your knowledge and practice, many of which are free for HFES members.

The HFES Learning Center is designed to grow as HFES expands its educational offerings. During its initial launch, you will find the archived webinars. Over the next few weeks, you’ll see the HFES Learning Center evolve as the conference recordings are added and HFES continues to offer more and more new educational opportunities.

What the Learning Center Will Feature:

  • Recorded sessions from previous years’ HFES meetings and symposia
  • Webinars featuring experts sharing their latest research and works, organized by subject matter
  • Other on-demand learning opportunities to enhance your skills, advance your career and maintain your professional certifications

Give Us Your Feedback
Help us improve the Learning Center as we work to bring you more content! You’ll find a short survey at the top of the Learning Center where you can provide feedback on your user experience and submit ideas for new educational offerings you’d like to see.
Nominations for 2021 HFES Fellows Now Being Accepted 
The Fellows Selection Committee invites applications for the HFES Fellow designation. Election to Fellow status is an honor conferred by distinguished colleagues to recognize outstanding achievement, consistently superior professional performance, exceptional contributions, personal service to the Society, and other meritorious accomplishments by Society members. Any Full Member in good standing may apply. Individuals may apply for Fellow status on their own behalf or submit an application on behalf of another.
Applications are due by Friday, February 26, 2021. Application materials can be found online by clicking the button below. 
Ergonomics in Design Call for Papers: Special Issue on Human Readiness Levels

While Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) have been widely effective and are generally understood across major government agencies and industry, they do not address issues of human-system integration (HSI). Unfortunately, the design of the user interface for a technology or system, training and other HSI considerations are often left until late in a program. The Human Readiness Levels (HRLs) have been developed as an adjunct to the TRLs. The HRL scale provides organization and program management with an easy to understand rating of the level of maturity of the technology with respect to its readiness for human use. The goal of the HRL is to support management decision making with respect to investments of time and resources needed to ensure that the end-product incorporates needed human-system integration processes, guidelines and testing considerations.  

Deadline for full papers is January 15, 2021
Industry News
Croatian Ergonomics Society Organizes Earthquake Relief

The Executive Board of the Croatian Ergonomics Society, CrES, announced that their Society is soliciting humanitarian aid for earthquake-affected areas in the Republic of Croatia. A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck near Petrinja, Croatia, about 30 miles southeast of the capital of Zagreb, on December 29, 2020. According to CrES President Professor Davor Sumpor, monetary donations as well as donations in form of sleeping bags, electricity generators, housing containers, as well as mobile heated trailers are very much welcome. Please contact the CrES at for more information regarding how to help.
From the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors (CIEHF):

Two vaccines for COVID-19 have now been approved. Health organisations are doing their utmost to work out how best to store and administer the vaccines safely and avoid errors. CIEHF are preparing strategic guidance for health authorities and operational guidance for people setting up vaccine programmes applicable internationally. What are the Human Factors and Ergonomic issues that should be considered? Please share your ideas so that we may include them. Contact Dr. Noorzaman Rashid at
Member News
William Johnson Announces Retirement
An HFES member for more than 40 years, William Johnson (Dr. Bill) is leaving the FAA Chief Human Factors Scientist position, effective January 1, 2021. He has been an aviator for more than 55 years, earning his Private Pilot Certificate in 1966. In 2020, he was awarded the FAA Charles Taylor Master Mechanic accolade, for 50 years of outstanding contributions to aviation maintenance as a certified mechanic. In 2019, he received the Flight Safety Foundation FSF-Airbus Human Factors in Aviation Safety Award, for lifetime achievementHe is also a recipient of the Sir Francis Whittle Award from the International Federation of Airworthiness and The Aviation Week MRO Europe Safety Award.
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society | 2001 K Street NW, 3rd Floor North | Washington, DC 20006
Tel.: (202) 367-1114 , Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM ET | Fax: (202) 367-2114 | E: