January 20, 2022
Society News
Be Part of the Scientific Program of the 66th International Annual Meeting
Submit your work to be considered for presentation at the 66th HFES International Annual Meeting convening October 10 – 14, at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. The Annual Meeting will feature more than 130 concurrent sessions over four days, plus interactive posters and demonstrations, Fellows Posters, User Experience Day, a Student Career and Professional Development Day, and more. You will leave Atlanta with the latest research and practice solutions from our 26 Technical Groups and more! 
The call for papers is open! Submit your paper before February 15, 2022. 
Renew Your HFES Membership for 2022

It’s not too late to renew your membership with HFES. Access to the features and benefits of membership in HFES for those who have not renewed will remain available only until January 31. Please renew if you have not yet done so to remain part of a growing network of those with a common interest in the design of systems, organizations, jobs, machines, tools, and consumer products for safe, efficient, and comfortable human use.
We would be grateful for our members to consider Contributing or Supporting membership when they renew. These programs provide special recognition and are valuable to HFES in helping us advance our mission. And please do not forget to renew your Technical Group membership or even consider joining a new TG. 
HFES will offer many exciting offerings and educational activities in 2022. Be sure to renew today so you don't miss out!
Register to Attend the New Titans of HFES Virtual Symposium – February 7 – 8, 2022

The Titans of The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Virtual Symposium is a showcase of some of the premier researchers, practitioners, and academicians in HFES. On February 7 and 8, 2022, speakers will present on the foundational areas of the science of human factors and ergonomics and provide their insights into the future of HF/E. This symposium offers three simultaneous, live 90-minute sessions occurring (nine talks per day), allowing attendees to gain a deep appreciation of the seminal HF/E topics from the leaders who developed them. Each session will include a 30-minute question and answer period.

The Titans Symposium is an ideal opportunity gain knowledge and insights into important HF/E areas such as situation awareness; attention, decision making, spinal ergonomics, human error, team cognition and interaction, automation, autonomous vehicles, telepresence, patient safety, macro-ergonomics, aging, inclusion, stress, human system interactions, and team effectiveness. Attendees will hear from seminal leaders­–oftentimes the individuals who started and developed the topics discussed.

Whether you are an early-career professional, student, seasoned researcher, or practitioner, the Titans symposium will provide the opportunity to learn about the fundamental concepts, recent developments, and future initiatives through the eyes of the experts.
Register Now for the 11th International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care

As the premier educational activity dedicated to bringing the best of HF/E and health care professionals together to improve healthcare systems worldwide, the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care is a can’t miss event in 2022. Join HFES, March 20 – 23, 2022 at the Hilton Riverside Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana for this highly regarded educational opportunity. 

Register today to take advantage of discounted registration rates and reserve hotel accommodations at special HFES rates. The deadline to save on Early Bird registration is Friday, February 18. Reserve accommodations at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel by February 25 to access our specially discounted room rates.

Review the detailed schedule at www.hcs2022.org.
Boeing Technical Fellowship Program Announces Technical Fellows

The Boeing Technical Fellowship program represents the company’s premier technical leadership in existing and emergent areas of strategy. Adding to the successes found with strengthening human factors and ergonomics at Boeing, the recently accepted class of 2021 Technical Fellows includes five new Human Factors and Ergonomics Technical Fellows. Four of these employees are members of HFES and include Drs. Maggie Ma, Kendra Befort, Xidong Xu, and Christopher Reid. This new class of Technical Fellows became active in their new roles on January 3, 2022.

The highly competitive Boeing Technical Fellowship program represents approximately 1-1.5% of the total company population. More information can be found on the Boeing Technical Fellowship at its Wikipedia page.
Topic for the 2022 Human Factors Prize Competition Announced

The Human Factors Prize was established in 2010 by Editor-in-Chief William S. Marras to recognize excellence in HF/E research through an annual competition in which authors are invited to submit papers on a specific topic for that year. The prize carries a $5,000 cash award and consideration of publication of the winning paper in the Society's journal, Human Factors. The award is formally conferred at a special session at the HFES International Annual Meeting, where the recipient presents his or her work.

The Topic for the 2022 Human Factors Prize Competition is: Equity and Inclusivity  

Submissions are accepted between May 13 and June 17, 2022. HFES will activate the submission site link on May 13 and will close it on June 15.  
Apply for the 2022 HFES Fellows Program

Fellow is the highest recognition bestowed by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Annually, the Fellows Selection Committee invites applicants to join the College of Fellows and be designated FHFES. Election to the College of Fellows is an honor conferred by distinguished colleagues to recognize outstanding achievement, consistently superior professional performance, exceptional contributions, personal service to the Society, and other meritorious accomplishments by Society members.

Any Full member of the Society in good standing may apply. Individuals may apply on their own behalf, or they may submit an application on behalf of another member.
The 2022 Fellow Application period is open. Completed submission packets will be accepted only via the online submission site. The submission deadline is 11:59 pm Eastern time, Friday, March 18, 2022.
HFES Seeks Nominees for Prestigious Society Awards

HFES Full Members and Fellows are invited to submit nominations for eight Society awards to be presented at the 66th International Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, October 10 – 14, 2022.

Award nominations are invited for individuals whose contributions merit special recognition. The eight awards for which nominees are sought are:

  • Hal W. Hendrick Distinguished International Colleague Award
  • Paul M. Fitts Education Award
  • R. Lauer Safety Award
  • Alexander C. Williams, Jr., Design Award
  • Jack A. Kraft Innovator Award
  • Oliver Keith Hansen Outreach Award
  • William C. Howell Young Investigator Award
  • Bentzi Karsh Early-Career Service Award

Nominees are not required to be HFES members, but only members of HFES may submit nominations. The nomination submission deadline for each award above is Thursday, March 31.
The Classic Handbook of Human Factors And Ergonomics

The Classic Handbook of Human Factors And Ergonomics, Salvendy, G. and Karwowski, W. (Eds.), 2021, Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 5th ed., has just been published and is being translated and published in Chinese by Tsinghua Press in China and into Arabic by the Obeikan Publishing in Saudi Arabia.
The Forward to the Handbook written by HFES Fellow Donald A. Norman. In he shares:  

"If you don’t know human factors, this is a great way to find the parts relevant to your work. And even if you are an expert, this book will be valuable because it is unlikely that you are expert at all the topics covered here, yet very likely you will need some of the ones you are not (yet) expert at. I follow my own advice. I consider myself an expert (I am a Fellow of the Human Factors Society), but I still learn each time I read from these pages. So, yes, grit your teeth and buy the book."
Thank You to Our Sustaining, Contributing, and Supporting Members

During the membership application or renewal process, members have the opportunity to support HFES above the level of Regular membership through Contributing, Supporting, or Sustaining Membership. We are very grateful to these HFES members for their additional remittances in support of Society activities:

as of January 20, 2022

Sustaining Members (contributions of $1,000 or greater)

  • Waldemar Karwowski​

Supporting Members (those who increased their regular dues remittance by 50%)

  • David Andrews
  • Sylvain Bruni
  • Stanley Caplan
  • Jonathan Dalton
  • Andy Imada

Contributing Members (those who increased their regular dues remittance by 100%)

  • Linda Angell
  • Jack Dennerlein
  • Brenda Burkhart
  • Paul Green
  • Charlotte Harris
  • Jim Kershner
  • Michael Maddox
  • Kathleen Mosier
  • C. Adam Probst
  • Nikki Robinson
  • Mark Scerbo
  • Carolyn Sommerich

Donations to HFES are tax-deductible as charitable contributions and your support makes it possible for the Society to expand its outreach, to support student travel, and to aid us in the development and implementation of programs to support the members and the discipline. Contact your tax advisor for more information concerning questions related to deductibility.
Volunteer with HFES

Interested in getting more involved with HFES? Check out our new Volunteer Opportunities page on HFES Connect! HFES is now piloting a new Volunteer Opportunities tool on HFES Connect – your space to explore trending topics from the community and where you can connect with fellow members. Many more opportunities will be posted over time, so be sure to check back often.

Please note: you must be logged into HFES Connect to view this page.
Enhance Your Knowledge Through the HFES Learning Center

Our wide-ranging library includes online educational activities across the spectrum of human factors and ergonomics aimed at improving your knowledge and practice, many of which are complimentary and a benefit of membership in the Society.  

This online resource will help you to find new knowledge points based on your areas of interest, and help you record your progress as you work your way through session and recording packages. 

Additional features include recorded sessions from previous years’ HFES meetings and symposia, webinars featuring experts sharing their latest research and works, DEI webinars and other on-demand learning opportunities to enhance your skills, advance your career and maintain your professional certifications.
Member News
HFES Members in the News

HFES wants to promote the important achievements of our members in the bi-weekly Bulletin. Appropriate topics include research milestones or other significant achievements, professional accolades, awards or recognitions, promotions or new positions, and similar professionally-oriented topics. If you would like to share news with the HFES community, please fill out the form. 

Additionally, if you are made aware of the passing of any members of HFES, please let us know. Contact HFES Executive Director Steven Kemp at skemp@hfes.org.
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society | 2001 K Street NW, 3rd Floor North | Washington, DC 20006
Tel.: (202) 367-1114 , Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM ET | Fax: (202) 367-2114 | E: info@hfes.org