HIRN Resource Browser
We encourage researchers to access HIRN Resources on the Resource Browser . All public HIRN datasets, reagents, antibodies and additional resources are listed here. Please contact the HIRN BC with additional resources or suggestions on improvements for upcoming releases/updates.   

Human Pancreas Analysis Program
The Human Pancreas Analysis Program (HPAP) is performing deep phenotyping of the human endocrine pancreas and its interactions with the immune system. The primary goal is to accumulate, analyze and distribute high value T1D datasets to the diabetes research community. Data from specimens in this database, including RNAseq, islet physiology, clinical data as well as imaging studies are accessible on the HPAP website .
We encourage those interested to register for an account to utilize the database. We value any suggestions or feedback you may have on the database. Please send comments to Paul Kopec .

Register for a HPAP database account to gain access to the data and refer to the instruction guide on how to navigate the website.

Get to know our HIRN Projects 
Contact PI : Patrick MacDonald, PhD
University of Alberta (U01 DK120447)
NIH Requests for Applications (RFAs)

NOT-RM-17-030 : T he NIH Common Fund Regenerative Medicine Program (RMP) Announces the Opportunity to Collaborate with the Stem Cell Translation Laboratory (SCTL) at the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
  • Proposal due dates: July 1, November 1 and March 1

RFA-PAR-18-886 : New Par adigms in Tissue Communication-from mediators to metabolic function (RC2 Clinical Trials Optional)
  • Letter of Intent due: Six weeks prior to application due date
  • Application due dates: May 30, 2019; October 31, 2019; June 2, 2020
Visit HIRN Website to view posting details
Faculty Positions

The  University of California, San Diego   Department of Pediatrics is recruiting two tenure track faculty positions. An Associate or Full position in the area of basic biology of diabetes and metabolic disease. This is broadly interpreted to include individuals in the fields of cell biology, stem cells, immunology, genetics, or bioengineering, interested in studying disease-relevant mechanisms.

An Assistant position in the area of basic biology of diabetes and metabolic disease. This is broadly interpreted to include individuals in the fields of cell biology, stem cells, immunology, genetics, or bioengineering, interested in studying disease-relevant mechanisms. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, statement describing research accomplishments and future research goals, relevant reprints, and the names of three references to  UCSD Recruit.
Assistant & Associate Member
The  Benaroya Research Institute  is accepting applications for Assistant and Associate Members from well-qualified PhD and/or MD investigators to develop and lead their independent research laboratory program. Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and the names of three references to  Immunology Recruit .
The  University of Miami Miller School of Medicine  Department of of Microbiology and Immunology is accepting applications for Assistant and Associate Professor level for investigators with research interests related to immunotherapy of cancer, autoimmunity, or infectious diseases. Applicants should have a Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent, at least 3 years of postdoctoral training. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, statement describing research accomplishments and future research goals, relevant reprints, and the names of three references to Ms. Silvia Arguelles .  
The Russ lab located at the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes is looking to fill two postdoc positions. High motivation and competitiveness for postdoc fellowship is required, expertise in either T-cell/thymus or pancreas/beta cell biology or bioinformatics is desired but not necessary. Successful individuals will work on funded projects focusing on human thymus development/function or endocrine differentiation or beta cell generation/maturation using predominantly direct differentiation of patient specific pluripotent stem cells and primary human tissues in conjunction with genome engineering approaches. Interested applicants should send a motivation letter, a CV with publication list and 2-4 references to Dr. Russ Holger .
Postdoctoral position in the Lab of Dr. Sangeeta Dhawan at the  Beckman Research Institute  at  City of Hope , in Los Angeles county, CA to study the epigenetic regulation of pancreatic beta cell mass. The candidate should have a PhD in molecular, cell, or developmental biology. Experience in genetic mouse models, islet biology, physiology, molecular biology, high throughput sequencing is desirable. The candidate should send a cover letter/statement of research interests, CV, and contact information for three references directly to  Dr. Sangeeta Dhawan.
Postdoctoral position in the Lab of Dr. Doris Stoffers in the  Institute for Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism  within the  Perelman School of Medicine  at the  University of Pennsylvania . A PhD is required; experience in genetic mouse models, islet physiology, advanced molecular techniques, high throughput sequencing methodologies and bioinformatics, proteomics, metabolomics is helpful. Please send a brief statement of research interests, CV and contact information for three references to  Dr. Doris Stoffers
Postdoctoral position at  Joslin Diabetes Center  in the  Lab of Dr. Stephan Kissler is c urrently available to study gene mutations that protect pancreatic beta cells against autoimmunity. This cutting-edge research is part of a JDRF and NIH funded project conducted in collaboration with groups at the Joslin Diabetes Center and at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. Please send a letter of motivation, CV and contact information for two references to  Dr. Stephan Kissler .
Postdoctoral position in the Department of Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine at the  University of Florida  in the lab of Dr.  Martha Campbell-Thompson is available. The candidate will participate in a  JDRF -funded project exploring the functional roles of the sympathetic nervous system on human islet alpha-cells and neurotransmission in health and type 1 diabetes. The applicant should be a highly motivated individual with experience in neuroanatomy, immunolocalization, molecular biology and advanced microscopy and image analysis. Please send cover letter, CV, and contact information for three references directly to  Dr. Campbell-Thompson .
Postdoctoral Position
The  Lab of Dr. Abdelfattah El Ouaamari  at  Rutgers University/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School is recruiting self-driven, creative and organized candidates with a PhD in neuroscience, biochemistry or molecular and cellular biology. The candidate must possess skills in manipulating and assessing neuronal activity. Candidates should have a strong record of productivity and publication in the fields of neuroscience/neurobiology or islet biology. Interested candidate should send CV, cover letter and 3 references directly to  Dr. El Ouaamari
Postdoctoral Position
The Lab of  Dr. Amelia Linnemann  a t the  Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases at Indiana University School of Medicine  is recruiting for a postdoc with interest in islet biology, microscopy (confocal, multiphoton, super-res), and animal models of diabetes (zebrafish, mouse) in the highly interactive NIH-funded Diabetes Center at Indiana University. Please contact  Dr. Amelia Linnemann  directly for additional information or to apply.
Postdoctoral Position
The Labs of Drs.  Maike Sander  and  Kyle Gauton at   University of California, San Diego  is recruiting a candidate with a Ph.D. in Biological Science, Computer Science, Mathematics, or a related field, and have experience with high-throughput sequence data. Send detailed CV, list of publications and statement of research directly to Drs.  Maike Sander  and  Kyle Gaulton
Postdoctoral Fellow
The lab of Dr. Joe Zhou is accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow position at  Weill Cornell Medicine  starting in the spring of 2019. The candidate should have a PhD or MD degree, and at least one first-author publication that demonstrates proficiency in research. He/she should have vigorous training in at least one of the following fields: stem cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, neuroscience, proteomics, or mouse genetics. Send CV and contact information directly to  Dr. Joe Zhou .
HIRN Meeting
2019 Annual Investigator Meeting

The 2019 HIRN Annual Investigator meeting. It will be held on April 28-May 1 at the Capital Hilton, Washington DC.
Other Meetings
Endocrine Society 2019 Meeting
March 23-26, 2019 at Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, LA
EASD Islet Study Group & Beta-Cell Workshop
April 1-3, 2019 in Oxford, England
Gordon Research Conference
June 16-21, 2019 at the Jordan Hotel at Sunday River in Newry, ME