WEDI Welcomes Micky Tripathi as
National Coordinator for Health IT
WEDI recognizes the naming of Micky Tripathi as the new National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). An expert on interoperability, privacy and technology standards, Mr. Tripathi has been deeply involved in our industry leading various interoperability and standards activities having most recently been the Chief Alliance Officer at the population health company Arcadia, president and CEO of the Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative among his many other boards and appointments. Tripathi will replace the outgoing Don Rucker, M.D., who held the position since April 2017 and a frequent speaker, advisor, partner and friend of WEDI. We thank Don for his leadership at ONC.
Tripathi also serves on the boards of directors of a number of WEDI partners and alliances including The Sequoia Project, the CommonWell Health Alliance, the CARIN Alliance, HL7 International, the HL7 FHIR Foundation. WEDI congratulates Micky and we look forward to his leadership.