ANTHC HIV/STD Prevention 
Program Newsletter
March 2019
Hello! Camai! Wáa sá iyatée! 
"Honor Your Elders - They Show You the Way in Life." -Universal Alaska Native Value 
March 20 is National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NNHAAD)

March 20 is NNHAAD. NNHAAD has been observed since 2007 and is a good opportunity to consider the impact of HIV/AIDS on Alaska Native/American Indian (AN/AI) and Native Hawaiian people. Between 2010 to 2016, HIV diagnosis among AI/AN has increased by 46% (download the CDC fact sheet). In this time, HIV diagnosis among AN/AI gay and bisexual men has doubled (81%). AN/AI are also affected by high rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, which are common STDs. Having another STD increases the risk for getting HIV. 

HIV can be prevented by having conversations about safe sex and how to prevent HIV and STDs. AN/AI gay and bisexual men often face stigma and discrimination because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, which are barrier to accessing proper health care, like getting tested for HIV and education about preventing HIV. As part of our efforts to end the HIV epidemic, we need to provide a safe place for people to have conversations by listening intentionally and accepting everyone. See what we are up to with our Alaska Native LGBTQ+ Initiative

NNHAAD Resources
March is Sobriety Awareness Month 
"Believe in them and keep them going through time." - Traditional value of the Unangan/Unangax̂

Thanks to Senate Bill 208 March is now Sobriety Awareness Month in Alaska.  Read more from the Alaska Legislator.  Sobriety Awareness Month serves an opportunity to celebrate healthy lifestyles, support those in recovery and those who choose not to use drugs or alcohol. Problematic substance use increases the risk for many health problems. People under the influence of drugs or alcohol are at higher risk for getting HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis. They may forget to use condoms because they're high on the drugs. Substance use and misuse also puts people at higher risk for injuries (for example, car crashes), violence, and overdose, to name a few. The U.S. and Alaska have seen dramatic increases in prescription opioid use as well as other opioid drug use. ANTHC wanted to do something about it. Read on to learn more!
ANTHC Harm Reduction Initiative

ANTHC's Substance Abuse and HIV/STD Prevention Programs work together to address the rise of opioid use and other problematic substance use through the Harm Reduction Initiative.  Harm reduction is best practice for providing health care and social services for underserved populations. Harm reduction at ANTHC means  STD, HIV and Hep C testing, distributing free safe injection supplies, take home Narcan® or Naloxone programs, supplying free condoms, safe medicine disposal (drug deactivation bags), safe needle disposal and distribution, provider and community education and training about harm reduction, to mention a few!  We are excited to provide individuals and communities with resources to prevent harms associated with substance use. Learn how you could request these resources from IKM

ANTHC and other Alaska Based Resources:

    • Order free condoms and at-home STD testing kits
    • Order free educational materials
    • Find answers to questions like: Can I catch an STD if I haven't had sex yet? My friend seems depressed--how can I help?

And find culturally and age appropriate sexual health curricula at

For more information, contact Jaclynne Richards, ANTHC HIV/STD Prevention Program: (907) 729-2971, or