
2024 Spring

High School Baseball League

Registration Starts March 1st and ends March 10th

Last year PAC started the High School Baseball League for Freshman, Sophomore and Junior players (can't turn 17 prior to May 1st) who didn't make their high school team or just want to continue playing baseball. For travel baseball players, these games get them ready for their travel season that starts after Memorial Weekend. This league runs from Early April and ends just before Memorial Weekend.

How the Season Works

Teams will play 2 games per week for 6 weeks with a playoff that ends before Memorial Weekend. Each team will either play on a Tuesday or Thursday and all teams will play on a Saturday. Game times are 5:45pm and 7:45pm on weeknights and 10am and 12pm on Saturdays.

All games are played at either Four Seasons Park or Gregory Bott Park. Both locations are located in Plainfield.

Registration link will be emailed out prior to registration opening. Any questions, please email John Mendoza by clicking the button below.

Email John Mendoza
