Information, Education, Support and
Advocacy for People with Hearing Loss 

2nd Saturday of the Month
1 - 3 pm, (Sep - May)
Community Room, Gold Hill Police Station
955 W. Moreno Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80905


Picture Credit: Pat Going

Remember we have a new meeting place!
Community Room,  Gold Hill Police Station, 
955 W. Moreno Avenue  on the 2nd Saturdays of the month, 1:00 - 3:00 PM.

Plan to attend HLAA's 2016
Convention  this June in Washington, D.C.!! 

Betty Cain claimed the convention support offered by our chapter. 

New Game for Our Members 

Each month a Loop Logo will be hidden somewhere in the newsletter. It will look like this:


When you find it, send an email with your name and the location of the logo to [email protected]. For the remainder of the year we will tally the three earliest responders for each month. At our Christmas party in December, prizes will be awarded to the top three responders for the year.  We hope you will enjoy this little contest. 

HLAA conducts two types of webinars:  Educational Webinars, and the new Product/Service Showcase Webinars, which are by companies who wish to present a product or service to people with hearing loss for the purpose of introducing a new product or service and gathering feedback from participants. (Products/Service Showcase webinars are in no way to be construed as an endorsement by HLAA)
All webinars are captioned and will be recorded for playback later (with captions).  Webinars must be viewed on a computer; however, playbacks may be viewed on mobile devices.

Be sure you can access HLAA Webinar platform, Blackboard Collaborate, BEFORE a scheduled webinar. Read the document, Accessing Blackboard Collaborate for instructions.

Be sure to check out the NEW website for the Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CCDHH).


Would you be willing to help the Chapter distribute Chapter Flyers and other HLAA literature to your audiologist or hearing healthcare provider, and other businesses and organizations? If so, please email [email protected]. There will also be a sign-up board and material at the meeting - see Vickie. THANKS!

Inclement Weather Policy - In the event of bad weather on the chapter meeting day, an email advising of cancellation will be sent no later than 10 AM.

Chapter Leadership Team

Ann Belfiglio - President
Vickie Pacheco - Vice President; Outreach & Technology Committee Chair 
Betty Cain - Secretary
Dixie Barnes - Treasurer
Patrick Going - Technical Assistant to leadership team 
Pauline Weiss - Loop Colorado Springs Committee Chair 
Pat Shook - Welcome Committee Chair
Teresa Miller - Social Committee Chair
Dianne Reitan - E-Newsletter Editor

Loop Colorado Springs Committee

PILLAR free class on Hearing Loss, "Join the Club," on April 19th 1:00 - 3:00 PM at The
Independence Center, 729 S. Tejon St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Register here.

We previously mentioned a Pillar class on Alexander Graham Bell that we were going to loop on April 8. We want to pass on the word that this class has been cancelled. No word yet on when it might be rescheduled.

Please visit our website:   
  Questions, comments or ideas?

 Chapter Meeting: March 12

On March 12th, our program will be a panel discussion on "Different Strokes for Different - Folks Options for Purchasing Hearing Aids" Joining us will be a private practice audiologist, Dr. Kovel with Elite Hearing, Cheerish Martin, Miracle Ear as a brand name provider, and Lance Freiss, Costco Hearing Aids as a big box hearing aid dispenser and possibly a few other guests.  Hope that you can join us for what should be a lively discussion.

Colorado Walk4Hearing

Registration is now open. Sign up and make your donation today! Then get to work on fundraising and sponsorships. Ask everyone you know to support our cause. The Walk is our main fundraising effort and supports our organization at local, state and national levels.


Text to 9-1-1 is now available in El Paso and Teller Counties.  
View the Press Release here.

IMPORTANT NEWS:  If you registered for the Emergency Notification System prior to July 2013, they ask that you create a new account.  Click here to register.

IC Fund Grant Update
We have invested a significant portion of our grant in updating our Satellite III (large loop system). It is serving us well at Gold Hill and will make its first community appearance at the national American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association (ADARA) Beakout Conference being held in March at Cheyenne Mountain Resort.

We also were able to get the FM system at St. Paul's United Methodist Church working with the addition of some simple and inexpensive adaptors. We also purchased 3 neck loops for use with the system to be used with hearing aids equipped with telecoils.

Please let one of our committee members know if you are aware of a need to improve hearing access in our community. Ann, Dixie, Vickie, Pauline, Betty and Bev are serving on the committee:  [email protected]  

Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) is the country's leading membership and advocacy organization for people with hearing loss. As a member of HLAA you are part of an organization with a mission to provide information, support and advocacy to people with hearing loss. Through our advocacy work at the federal level, we represent 48 million people with hearing loss in the United States.  Click here for other membership benefits.

HLAA is honored to offer two types of complimentary
memberships for United States veterans. 


This Week in Bethesda

Report from the HLAA national office in Bethesda, Maryland

FDA Seeks Input on Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids
Should Over the Counter Hearing Aids Be Made Available? Express your opinion.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Workshop to be Streamed with Captions; Communication Access  Public workshop to discuss Quality System Regulations (QSRs) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for hearing aids.

For more information on both of these topics visit:

HLAA Convention 2016 - Washington, D.C.
Convention Schedules and Workshop Schedules are now posted.
Registration is still open. Plan now to attend.

The Walk4Hearing 2016 website is now live.
Help spread the good word about the Walks!

Board of Trustees
Board Member Don Doherty from Virginia has been appointed vice chairperson of the Board. Don has been the face of Veterans on HLAA promotional materials in recent years.

HLAA and Consumer Groups Take Issue with Comments Filed by Apple, Inc.
Apple, Inc. requested that the FCC rule that its proprietary technology is an acceptable alternative to the FCC's existing Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) requirements.

HLAA also advised the FCC that this is such a hot-button subject for consumers that HLAA was notified of a petition posted on-line regarding this issue

Need Help Paying for Hearing Aids?

         HLAA Resource

Health Innovations Resource

Local Resources for Help 
with Getting Hearing Aids

H.E.A.R.S. -

Peak Vista Community Health Centers Audiology Dept. 719) 344-7126 [email protected]

Department of Vocational Rehabilitation -

Trimble Fund -

A.V. Hunter Trust -

Friends of Man -

   This eNewsletter is sponsored by:

Mention of goods or services in advertisements does not imply 

Hearing Loss Association of America endorsement, nor should
exclusion suggest disapproval.



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