Information, Education, Support and
Advocacy for People with Hearing Loss 

2nd Saturday of the Month
1 - 3 pm, (Sep - May)
The Independence Center
729 S. Tejon Street
Colorado Springs, CO


Tuesday, September 8, 6-7 pm MST

This free webinar will introduce MED-EL's new SYNCHRONY Cochlear Implant System.  The SYNCHRONY CI System includes a number of new products, features, and functions. Discussion will include new technology available with the SYNCHRONY Cochlear Implant, as well as proper use and care of the SONNET Audio Processor and WaterWear Accessory for RONDO.

There will also be a webinar on Wed, September 16 from 6-7 pm MST. Topic: A Smartphone is a Hearing Assistive Technology.

The City Council Chambers are looped, which made it possible for chapter members, Ann, Pauline and Vickie, to hear the entire exchange when Pauline Weiss, Loop Colorado Springs Committee Chair, and Chapter President, Ann Belfiglio, spoke at a recent City Council meeting regarding television captioning.

Did You Ever Wonder
How Hearing Loops Help? 
Watch Video Below:
The Chapter's Loop Colorado Springs Committee provided looping at the Senior Center for two meetings (one is March, one is May) addressing the transition from City management to the YMCA.

Taking a class at "Pillar" can be fun and informative --- if you can hear and understand what the instructor is saying. Our chapter's Loop Colorado Springs Committee will set up our loop for one of Pillar's Fall classes to demonstrate how the use of looping provides inclusion for hard of hearing people.  We hope to continue our collaboration with Pillar, possibly giving a class on hearing loss in the future. The class we are looping is "Living Wills & Legacy: the Deadly Dozen Estate Planning Mistakes & How to Avoid Them" and the instructor is Rabea Taylor.    It will be held on Wednesday, October 14, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Sacred Heart Parish Center (corner of 21st Street and Pikes Peak Avenue).   Do join us! The cost is $20 for members, $25 for non-members.  To find out more about what Pillar does, as well as register for this class, go to

Hearing Loss Association of America is  Outraged by Centers for Disease Control Study Ignoring People with Hearing Loss.   HLAA Executive Director, Anna Gilmore Hall, takes action with the White House and the CDC to see that swift and meaningful steps are taken to correct this gross error.   Read
her letter to the White House here.

The Springs Sweet Soles at the 
Walk4Hearing in our new Chapter Ts.
Thanks everyone for another successful walk! 

June Chapter Social - Hiking in Garden of the Gods and Lunch at the Trading Post.
 Chapter Meeting: September 12

Debbie Mohney

Debbie Mohney, Colorado State Chapter Coordinator will be visiting us to present the 2015 HLAA Honorable Mention Award for Newsletter Editor to Dianne Reitan, one of our members, and Chapter newsletter editor.  Come to offer your congratulations to Dianne and stay for Debbie's presentation on highlights of the 2015 HLAA National Convention that was held this past June in St. Louis.  Debbie will also demonstrate the Roger Pen by Phonak - an assistive-listening device for personal communication enhancement for people who have a T-coil in their hearing aid.  Our formal program will be followed by refreshments and social time.

The HLAA Convention 2015 in St. Louis was attended by 950 people.  Check the HLAA website later for links for many of the workshops' presentations. Watch here the captioned videos of the opening session.

Also, watch the convention's  Employment Symposium
titled,  Employment Issues for People with Hearing Loss.

Read  what HLAA founder, Rocky Stone,
had to say about the ADA Act of 1990.

Ann, Dianne and Vickie also attended The Independence Center's celebration of ADA's 25th Anniversary at Hotel Elegante on July 27, 2015. CART was provided by Visible Voices. Thanks to HLAA-CS President, Ann, for speaking out that captions on the screen needed to be at top so they could be seen over the heads of the hundreds of attendees from supporting businesses, organizations, and providers for people with disabilities. Pictured on stage are keynote speaker Richard Devylder, and Patricia Yeager, CEO of The Independence Center.

Chapter meetings are now listed monthly in the Life after 50 publication "Support Groups" section starting in September!

Your Chapter Leadership Team:
Ann Belfiglio, President
Vickie Pacheco, Vice President / Outreach & Technology Committee Chair
Dave Winney, Secretary
Dixie Barnes, Treasurer
Pauline Weiss, Loop Colorado Springs Committee Chair
Pat Shook, Welcome Committee Chair
Dianne Reitan, Newsletter Editor

SMILES! August Chapter Social - 
Pie al a Mode at Ann's.

Please visit our website: 

  Questions, comments or ideas?


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