
Grants Funding Announcement

The Healthy Lakewood Foundation (HLF) Board of Directors awarded $104,800 in Neighborhood Opportunity grants at its November Board meeting.


The HLF Board awarded these grants to twenty-one local organizations for community-based projects that support community building and engagement through innovation and learning. These projects support meaningful work at the hyperlocal level in Lakewood. This funding seeks to address the social determinants of health and the conditions of our community that impact our health and well-being.


Additionally, the HLF Board awarded several System-Level Grants, with a commitment of $165,000 over two years to four area organizations. For a complete list of the Neighborhood Opportunity and System-Level grant awards, please visit HLF’s website.

Please stay tuned to HLF’s website for 2025 funding opportunities.


2024 Neighborhood Opportunity and Systems Grants Recipients

Friends of Madison Park


New Avenues to Independence


GardenWalk Lakewood


Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corp.


Kauffman Park Friends


Connecting for Kids


Empower Sports


College Now Greater Cleveland


HELP Foundation


Beck Center for

the Arts


H2O (Help to Others)

City of Lakewood


Lakewood Student Philanthropy Club


ROX Girls Group Lakewood City Schools


Trials for Hope


Lakewood Public Library


Lakewood Black Caucus


GiGi's Playhouse Cleveland


The Family Room

City of Lakewood


Lakewood Outdoor Basketball Committee


Lakewood Tree Advisory and Education Board

City of Lakewood


Madison Court Community Coalition


Systems Grant:

Center for Community Solutions


over two years

Systems Grant:

Legal Aid Society of Cleveland


over two years

Systems Grant:

Lakewood Community

Services Center


Systems Grant:

The Land


Recruiting: HLF Board Members

HLF is currently recruiting new board members! For this cycle, we are prioritizing those with non-profit financial management experience but welcome applications from all interested residents.

You must be a Lakewood resident (per bylaws requiring 2/3 resident membership) to apply, with a commitment to supporting diverse perspectives in grantmaking. We actively seek board members who bring varied backgrounds, lived experiences, skills, and knowledge to examine community challenges and opportunities.

To be considered, please apply by January 8, 2025. Previous board position applicants will be automatically considered in this review process. For more information and to access the application, please visit our website.

Community Resource Guide

HLF recently shared the new Lakewood Community Resources Guide, a compilation of human services offerings and non-profits in and near Lakewood. The electronic version is available on HLF's website and we warmly welcome you to download and share with others.

As we approach Giving Tuesday and the Month of Giving (December), this guide can double as a giving guide. Information about giving to each organization can be found on their individual websites, included in the Resource Guide.

This guide is a work in progress and we invite suggestions and edits to be sent to


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About Healthy Lakewood Foundation

Healthy Lakewood Foundation (HLF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity. HLF was created to ensure remaining assets from the conversion of the Lakewood Hospital continue to benefit the residents of the City of Lakewood. HLF’s grantmaking addresses the social determinants of health, the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age in Lakewood, Ohio. HLF’s mission is to advance programs, policies, and practices that inspire a Lakewood community in which health and well-being are reflected in all aspects of life. 

To contact HLF, please visit our website or email

Contact Us

Healthy Lakewood Foundation

P.O. Box 770230

Lakewood, OH 44107
