December 2018 

 Volume: 10 Issue: 12                      

Quote of the Month
Sponsor A Legacy Tree   
   Each tree sponsored is tax deductible 
Plant Your Legacy Tree
Tours available, join us and experience 
Mauna Kea slopes while 
planting your family Legacy Tree. 
                  By Hawaii Ecotourism Association
What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?

Green Magazine
Winter 2018

Now a decade into operation, HLH and its family of companies are proving that man and nature can not only coexist peacefully, they can thrive.

Generations ago, the natural landscape of the Hamakua Coast on Hawai'i Island began to disappear. Throughout the 1800s, pineapple, sugarcane and cattle replaced the endemic koa and 'öhi'a forests on Mauna Kea, permanently destroying most of its forestland-or so it seemed.

In 2009, sustainable forestry company HLH planted a single koa tree on the slopes of Mauna Kea, turning the corner on a century of degradation and neglect. Since that first tree was placed in the ground, thousands of individuals have joined in the reforestation effort by planting more than 400,000 rare, endemic trees, creating nearly 1,200 acres of pristine native habitat. This land is now known as the Hawaiian Legacy Forest.
HLH's award-winning, innovative approach has combined sustainable forestry, agriculture, education, ecotourism and eco-assets to create a blueprint for environmental and financial success. "This first-of-its-kind Legacy Forest has successfully proven that a long-term, multifaceted approach to land management can be much more valuable and sustainable than anyone ever imagined," says Jeff Dunster, CEO of HLH.

Green Investing
The backbone of HLH's reforestation initiative is a for-harvest tree-planting model-the opposite of where most people would begin to solve a problem like deforestation.  HLH pioneered an investment model in which investors purchase seedlings in lots of 100, to be planted specifically for future timber harvest. Over the next 25 years, HLH is then tasked with the care, maintenance and eventual harvest of those trees.

This sustainable timber model constituted 25 percent of the project site; the revenue, however, was sufficient to establish the necessary infrastructure for the entire project. The remaining 75 percent of the lands within the project   site are reserved for Legacy Trees. These tree are not part of a harvest program-they're part of a managed forest, benefiting the entire endemic ecosystem and essentially replacing the one that was lost a century ago.

It didn't take long for investors to notice the potential of HLH's reforestation model. Fund managers, 401(k) holders, high-net-worth individuals and related businesses were all keenly aware of the investment potential of koa. Given the increasing koa timber shortages and the relentless rise in koa prices, investors welcomed the opportunity to invest in sustainable timber production while giving back and restoring the natural forest for future generations.

Dan Falardeau, president of the Hawai'i Division of the investment firm New Direction IRA, learned about HLH from a client interested in diversifying their retirement portfolio. Falardeau was intrigued. "We have had dozens of clients who purchase koa tree investment lots for their long-term potential," he says. "This allows investors to diversify their retirement portfolio in a way that also supports our local environment and economy. They have the opportunity to plant trees and have that more tangible kick-the-tire experience. They can physically visit their investment trees or go online any time and see their investment trees from the comfort of their own laptop-something that people don't often get when it comes to mutual funds."

Leaving a Legacy
The Legacy Tree program is managed with the help of the nonprofit Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative (HLRI). Its mission is to provide opportunities for individuals, businesses and charitable organizations to participate in the reforestation of Hawai'i through the planting of Legacy Trees. Legacy Tree sponsors help to make a meaningful, tangible and quantifiable impact as they help restore the Hawaiian forest. People plant Legacy Trees to honor an individual, celebrate an event or memorialize a loved one. In addition to reforesting Hawai'i's native habitat, proceeds from HLRI's Legacy Tree sponsorships have provided funding to more than 350 other charities throughout Hawai'i and around the world.

"The benefits go beyond money, though," says HLRI Chairman John Farias. "These trees are bringing back our endemic wildlife as well. We are seeing the return of rare and endangered species like the pueo and ne-ne-. We are even seeing baby 'io nesting in our Legacy Trees and have witnessed the return of the koa butterfly. It is remarkable."

What makes this reforestation project unique is that each tree is planted with a proprietary state-of-the-art radio-frequency identification tagging system that tracks the tree throughout its lifetime.
This technology was developed to track and improve long-term forest health, carbon sequestration, ecosystem diversity and tree ownership, all with unparalleled transparency. The data sets collected in the Legacy Forest are so extensive that it is widely known as the most intricately mapped forest in the world.
Hawaiian Legacy Tours
For those who want to get their hands dirty, you can plant your own Legacy Tree through Hawaiian Legacy Tours, voted Hawai'i's number-one ecotour by the Hawai'i Ecotourism Association for its contributions to advancing environmentally enriching opportunities in the islands. Choose a King Koa, Monarch Milo, 'Öhi'a Lehua or Royal Sandalwood and become a part of Hawai'i's natural history.

There are many ways to access the forest and personalize your tree-planting experience: hike in like a woodsman, motor in on all-terrain vehicles, stroll in on horseback through exclusive scenic trails or arrive in a private helicopter. Guests have the opportunity to sponsor and plant Legacy Trees on Hawai'i Island or at Gunstock Ranch on O'ahu's North Shore.

Best of all, a video of your planting will be linked to your Legacy Tree, providing a record of the event and granting private online access to both your tree and your video by you, friends and loved ones.

Legacy Carbon
Individuals and businesses can now offset their environmental impact and become carbon-neutral through the planting of Legacy Trees or through the purchase of forest carbon credits, all while supporting Hawai'i's local economy. Legacy Carbon is the only certified carbon credit of any kind in Hawai'i and the first forest carbon credit in North America to be carbon certified by Switzerland's prestigious Gold Standard Foundation.
The first Legacy Carbon partner was Paradise Helicopters, a local air-tour company that offers guests the unique opportunity to offset the carbon footprint of their air tours. "The ability to offer carbon-neutral flights provides us a means to bring awareness to environmental concerns and can help guests recognize the impact of civilization on our native forests," says Calvin Dorn, CEO of Paradise Helicopters. "Legacy Carbon provides the opportunity to offer forest tours, education and rehabilitation, especially in remote areas, while also offsetting the environmental impact of those operations."

Revenue generated from the sale of carbon credits will fund the care and maintenance of the Legacy Forest and support its ongoing needs for the next century, making the Hawaiian Legacy Forest both ecologically and financially self-sustaining.

Read the article at: What Legacy Will You Leave Behind? 
One-Of-A-Kind Gifts

Legacy Forest Gifts 
December 2018
Original 1930 Winnie-the-Pooh Publisher's Series 
This item is our gift to you with the sponsorship of 100  Koa Legacy Trees. Please contact us at 1-844-REFOREST or to start your forest today! 

Re-live the story of Winnie-the-Pooh and the Hundred Acre Wood with your keiki today.   

Alan Alexander Milne Classic Quartet-Four volumes, full leather:  
When We Were Very Young;   Winnie The Pooh; Now We Are Six;   The House at Pooh Corner;  

Illustrated by Ernest H. Shepard; Published by Methuen & Co,
London, England 1929-1930  

Full Leather Size; uniform bindings with orange-brown leather covers, embossed hexagonal design surrounding AAM to front covers, gilt edges, illustrated pastel endpapers.  

Click here to see more: 
Happy Holidays
From The Hawaii Convention Center
Hawaii Convention Center 
December 2018 

Click here to view the animated holiday greeting from Hawaii Convention Center!
7 Hotels That Will Help You  
Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions
By Michaela Bechler
December 14, 2018
Turning over  a new leaf isn't an easy feat, but a proper starting point can make it all the more manageable. One place to begin again? On the road, and at a thoughtful hotel-with programs and experiences meant to complement that digital detox you've been vowing to do, or the healthy cooking you haven't quite started.  Here, 7 properties that will cater to your new year's resolutions:
Photo Courtesy of Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach
If you're vowing to follow your own vision: Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach - Honolulu, Hawaii
If you're looking to get your spiritual self aligned, one of Waikiki Beach's newest hotels has a   Plant Your Intentions Package  offer from January 2 through March 31. Even before you touch down in the Aloha State, the hotel will set up an extended astrology reading to get you in the mindset for the days ahead. While in paradise, life coach Tiare Thomas (the founder of   Aloha Dreamboard, a "life transformation and business development program") helps guests gain clarity about their life goals with a two-hour private session. The trip's finale involves planting a trackable indigenous tree in partnership with Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative at Gunstock Ranch.
Chinese Consumers' Crazy Rich Demand
For Rosewood Propels Drive
Toward Its Extinction
South China Morning Post
September 18, 2018 
Stronger international regulations are doing little to stop traffickers from illegal trade of the tropical hardwood.
Furniture made from Vietnamese rosewood on sale at a shop in Beijing.  
The richly hued hardwood is being illegally cut from Southeast Asian forests,  
then smuggled and turned into Chinese furniture. Photo: AP  
The purchasing power of China's burgeoning middle class is the stuff of dreams for retailers, but is increasingly causing nightmares for conservationists.
Conspicuous consumption among wealthy Chinese on the mainland and throughout Asia caught the world's attention with the runaway success of the film  Crazy Rich Asians. Characters in the movie, whose sequel will be set partly in Shanghai, wowed audiences with their acquisition of high-end cars, real estate and jewellery.
However, an affinity among Chinese for another expensive commodity is calling attention to a matter that would not play as well in a romantic comedy: the largely illegal trade in rosewood, the world's most highly trafficked wild product and one on the edge of extinction.
The tastes of China's nouveau riche are driving demand for the rare tropical hardwood, which is prized for its use in replica Ming and Qing dynasty furniture. Known in Chinese as  hongmu, rosewood is a fragrant, richly hued tree native to the tropics, from Southeast Asia to West Africa to Latin America.
Chinese rosewood furniture has been meticulously carved by craftsmen since at least the 10th century, but the wood came into its own during the Ming dynasty, when a unique joinery technique was perfected.
According to a collectors guide from Christie's, rosewood furniture values derives value from both its "beautiful lustrous qualities" and its rarity, since it is "difficult to harvest and mostly found outside China". Today, new rosewood furniture is valued for the quality of its timber, craftsmanship, nostalgic cultural value and as a collectable investment.
Image: SCMP Graphics  
The tree is slow-growing, with a lifespan of several hundred years, and the rise in demand has brought numerous species of rosewood near commercial extinction. Furniture-makers have turned to Siamese rosewood in Southeast Asia, but as these timber stocks fell as well, traders have ventured ever farther afield for related species - to West Africa and, some fear, next to Latin America.
Currently, between 40 and 50 per cent of rosewood timber in the Chinese market originates in West Africa, according to the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), a global non-profit that tracks forest crime.
In 2000, the China State Bureau of Quality and Timber Supervision released the "national standard for  hongmu",  which regulates the eight timber types that can officially receive rosewood classification.
Today, China is the only country with a specific customs code for the timber, with the eight types falling into 33 species of the  dahlbergia  family receiving official recognition.
But even this was not able to keep up with demand during the latest period ofhongmu speculation from 2005 to 2014. By 2016, UN figures showed that seizures of illegally traded rosewood had reached 35 per cent of the global value of all wildlife seizures, more than elephant ivory and rhinoceros horns combined.
In This Issue
What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?
One-Of-A-Kind Gifts
Happy Holidays From The Hawaii Convention Center
7 Hotels That Will Help You Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions
Chinese Consumers' Crazy Rich Demand For Rosewood Propels Drive Toward Its Extinction

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'Alohilani Resort Waikiki 
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Arbor Collective
Armed Forces
Bikram Yoga
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Boy Scouts of America
Certified Hawaii
Crime Stoppers
EPIC Foundation
ESPN 1420
Ewa Pu'uloa Canoe Club
Feathers & Fur Animal Hospital
First Insurance Company
Four Seasons Resort   
Friends of Hokule'a &
Friends of Iolani Palace 
Friends of the Library of Hawaii
Gentry Homes
Habitat for Humanity
Hagadone Printing  
Hale Kipa
Hawaii Aloha Academy
Hawaii Bone Marrow 
Hawaii Brain Aneurysm
Hawaii Convention Center
Hawaii Ecotourism Assoc
Hawaii Funeral Services
Hawaii Healing Hearts
Hawaii Meals on Wheels
Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus
Hawaiian Civic Club of Wahiawa
Hawaiian Electric Company
Hawaiian Islands Land Trust
Hui o Hawaii of Sacramento
Island Pacific Energy
Jonathan Tarr Foundation      
Kahala Hotel & Resort 
Kalihi Education Coalition
Kalihi-Palama Cultue & Arts Society 
Kamanu Composites
Ken Po Hawaii
Lamaku Society
Lanakila Pacific
Las Vegas Hawaiian Civic Club 
Le Jardin Soccer Academy
Leeward Funeral Home
Malama O Na Keiki
Maryknoll School
Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project
Miss Hawaii Organization
MOA Hawaii 
Moanalua Gardens Foundation
Moku'aina Properties
Nat'l Kidney Foundation
Nurture Her
O'ahu Resource Conservation &
Development Council
Partners In Development
Po Ailani Inc.
Rising Sun Solar
St. Louis Schools
Tau Dance Theater
The Outdoor Circle 
Variety Schools of Hawaii
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Watermark Publishing / Legacy Isle Publishing
William K. & Rita G. Wong
Family Foundation 
AIDS Foundation
Alliance Theater
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Benton Hospice Service
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network
Boston Children's Hospital
Bowl Cancer Astralia
Boy Scouts of America 
Boys & Girls Club of Ewa Beach
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Breast Cancer Research Foundation
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Carolina Farm Stewardship
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Catholic Charity of Santa Clara  
Central Union Church & Preschool
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Charcot-Marie-Tooth Assoc
Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation
City Of Hope
Clay County Hospital Foundation  
Colorado Public Radio
Community Outreach
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Conservation Council for Hawaii
Council for the Arts at MIT
Counseling & Spiritual Care Center of Hawaii 
Cymer Volunteer Fire Dept
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Daughters of Hawaii
Denver Rescue Mission
Disabled Veterans
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Domestic Violence Action Center
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Eastside Domestic
Edith Kanaka'ole Foundation
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Entrepreneurs Foundation
of Hawaii
EPIC Foundation
Episcopal Relief & Development
ESPN 1420
Ewa Pu'uloa Canoe Club
Executive Women Int'l
Eye of the Pacific Guide Dogs
Feed The Children
Families of SMA
First Congregational Church
First Unitarian Church of Honolulu
Fisher House Foundation
Friendly Earth
Friends of Hakalau Forest
Frends of Iolani Palace
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Friends of NELHA
Friends of the Hoku'lea and Hawai'iloa
Friends of the Library of Hawaii
Green Peace Organization
Green Wheel Food HUB
Gregory House Honolulu
Habitat For Humanity
Halau Hula Na Mamo 'O Panaewa
Hale Aloha O Hilo
Hale Opio Kauai
Hana Canoe Club
Happy Hippy Foundation
Hawaii Adaptive Paddling Association
Hawaii Aloha Academy
Hawaii Arts Alliance
Hawaii Audubon Society  
Hawaii Bone Marrow Registry  
Hawaii Catholic Charities
Hawaii Childrens Center 
Hawaii Childrens Discovery Center
Hawaii Community Foundation
Hawaii Conservation Alliance Foundation
Hawaii Eco-Tourism
Hawaii Food Basket
Hawaii Food Bank
Hawaii Heart Assoc.
Hawaii Humane Society
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Hawaii Island Humane Society
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Hawaii Island United Way Pahoa Relief Fund
Hawaii Islands Land Trust
Hawaii Kidney Foundation
Hawaii Law Enforcement
Hawaii Lions Foundation
Hawaii Literacy  Kagyu Thegchen Ling
Hawaii Meals On Wheels
Hawaii Mother's Milk Inc.
Hawaii Nature Center
Hawaii Opera Theater
Hawaii Theater Center Art
Hawaii United Okinawa Association
Hawaii Vocal Arts Ensemble
Hawaii Wildlife Fund
Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus
Hawaiian Island Ministries
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Historic Hawaii Foundation
Holy Spirit Hospital
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Hospice Maui
HPU Green Club
Hula Preservation Society
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Institute for Humanity
Institute for Human Services
Island Angel
JDRF Hawaii
Japanese American Nat'l Museum
Jonathan Tarr Foundation
John Theisman
Junior Achievement of Hawaii
Ka Pa'alana
Ka Honua Momona Int'l
Kako`o `Oiwi
Kalihi Palama Culture & Art
Kamalani & Lydgate Parks
Kanu Hawaii
Kapiolani Childrens Miracle Network
Kapiolani Health Foundation
Kaui Hospice
Kaui Humane Society
KeAli'i Pauahi Foundation
Keiki OKa'Aina Family
Learning Center
Ka Pa'alana Partners and Development Foundation
Keola O Ke Kai Canoe
Kidney Foundation
Kokee Discovery Center
Kokua Hawaii
Kona Community Hospital Foundation
La Jardin Academy
Lamaku Society
Lanai Cultural & Herritage Center 
Lanakila TLC
Law Enforcement Cancer Support Foundation  
Leilani Farm Sanctuary  
Life Foundation
Lolly Hansen Senior Ctr.
Lualualei Hawaiian Civic Club
Lucille Packard Cancer Center
Ludwig Von Mises Institute
Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation
Lunalilo Home Adult Day Care
Lung Cancer  Alliance
Lyon Arboretum
Maine Public Broadcasting Network
Make A Wish
Malama Kauai 
Malama Learning Center
Malama Mahaulepu 
Maria Lanakila Catholic Church
Maryknoll High School
Maui Adult Day Care
Maui Food Bank
Maui Humane Society
Maui Pitbull Rescue
Memorial Sioan-Kettering Cancer Center
Merrie Monarch Festival
Mid Pacific School
Mid Pacific Elementry School
MOA Hawaii
Mokihana Aquatics Kauai
Mokupapapa Discovery Center
Molly Rowlee Fund
Mo'okini Luakini Heiau Foundation
Muscular Dystrophy Assoc
Na Kalai Wa'a Moiku O Hawai'i
Napili Kai Foundation
Nat'l Audobon Society
Nat'l Breast Cancer Foundation
Nat'l Down Syndrome
Nat'l Foundation for Cancer
Nat'l MS Society
Nat'l Parkinson Foundation
Nat'l Riffle Association
Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation
Native Hawaiian Plant Society
New Beginnings Adoption
New Hope Hawaii
New Jersey SPCA
Nisei Veterans Legacy Center
Noah Russell Dredla Memorial
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
Nuru International
Oahu RC & D
Ohana Ola O' Kahumana
Olohana Foundation
One Island Sustainable Living
Oregon Humane Society
Our Military Kids 
Outdoor Circle
Paauilo Kongoji Mission
Pacific Tsunami Museum
Pacific Whale Foundation
Palama Settlement
Palisades FCE Club
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Peacebridge Incorp
Planned Parenthood
Playing for Change
Plymouth Congregational Church
Polynesian Voyaging Society 
Preeclampsia Foundation 
Punahou School Class '86
Queen Lili'ukalani Children's Center
Rainforest Alliance
Reef Check Hawaii
Rehab of the Pacific
Recycle Hawaii
River of Life Mission
Rocky Mountain Institute
Ronald McDonald House
Salvation Army
Samaritans Purse
Save The Children
Sea Doc Society
Seed of Love Care Farm
Search to Involve Pilipino Americans
Second Presbyterian Church
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Sierra Club Hawaii
South Seas Christian Ministries
Special Olympics Hawaii
Special Olympics Nebraska
St. Andrew's Priory School
St. Anthony Junior-Senior High School
St. Francis Hospice
St. Joseph's Catholic School
St. Jude Children's
St. Patrick's School
St. Vincent de Paul
Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church
Stand Up To Cancer
Straub Foundation
Surfpark Outrigger Club
Surfrider Foundation
Susan B. Komen
Sustainable Coastlines
Tau Dance Theater
TEAK Fellowship
The Blazeman Foundation for ALS
The Book Trust of Hawaii
The Climate Realty
The Connecticut Hospice  
The Guadalupe House
The Friends of Iolani Palace 
The Futbol Project
The Hawaiian Nature Center
The Honolulu Corale
The Kohala Center
The Marine Mammal Center
The Nature Conservancy 
Of Hawaii
The Skin Cancer Foundation
The Wilderness Society
Tri-Isle Resource Center
Touch A Heart
Ukulele Festival of Hawaii 
United for Peace and Justice
Unity School
University of Hawaii Miss Hawaii Foundation
Univ. of Penn Abramson Cancer Center
Urban Think Foundation
Variety School Of Hawaii
Waialua United Church of Christ
Waikiki Health Center
Waimanalo Health Center
Waimea Elementry School
Waimea Valley
Water Mission Int'l
West Maui Hospital an Medical Center
Wet Hens Sailing
Wilcox Health Foundation
Wild Animal Sanctuary
Windward Spouse Abuse Shelter
Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts
World Turtle Trust
World Wildlife Foundation 
World Vision
YMCA of Honolulu
YWCA Hawaii
Youth Science Center   

UN Billion Tree Campaign

Prince's Rainforest Project
  B corp

2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

Prince's Rainforest
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