Volume 6/August 2019
Hospital Library Services Program Newsletter
We hope the information in this month's newsletter will be interesting to all of you. Let us know of any events you are involved in, that we may share with other members!
Please contact Molly Brown, Outreach Services Librarian/HLSP Coordinator, with any news you have to share at mbrown@scrlc.org .
Membership Dues
As we prepare to send out our Hospital Grant Proposals for the coming year, we are reminding all our HLSP member libraries that we cannot issue the grant checks to you until your membership dues have been received. If you have questions in this regard, please contact Molly at mbrown@scrlc.org
Annual Hospital Library Grants and Proposals
In the next two weeks, we will be sending your individual grant amounts and proposal forms for the coming year. The forms will include the dollar amount of your award. Please make sure to read through the information you receive as to what you may use your grant allowances for (items specific to assist your hospital library). Should you have any questions in regard to what they can be used for OR any general information regarding the grant itself, please contact Molly at mbrown@scrlc.org
Field Visits!
Molly is currently setting up individual field visits with member hospital libraries. An in-person field visit is required of all member libraries once a year. If you have not already made arrangements with Molly, please contact her at mbrown@scrlc.org , to set up a visit for your hospital. An email with the site visit form was sent to each member library to allow you to think about how we can better serve you in the coming year. You do not need to fill this out prior to the visit. Molly will do this when she comes to your hospital.
SCRLC HLSP survey for hospital practitioners, nurses, administrators, allied health, and residents
SCRLC is conducting a survey of all HLSP member hospitals to better understand how we can improve services to our hospitals. We have finalized the questions and will be sending all our hospital librarians and liaisons the Survey Monkey link as well as a PDF version (to print out, if hard copies are better for your patrons). We ask that you share it with your hospital practitioners, nurses, administrators, allied health, and residents either via your intranet or print versions. The survey will close on Friday, September 13. We hope the responses will help us to better serve your hospital, as well as to show the value of the work each of you do. For questions, please contact Molly at mbrown@scrlc.org . If you are using paper surveys, please send them to Molly on the 16th of September so that she can include them in her analysis.
Annual User Group Meeting coming soon!
On September 24, SCRLC and CLRC will host the annual Resource Sharing User Group meeting at the Port Watson Mini-Conference Center in Cortland, NY. Erin Latta, from DOCLINE, will join us to discuss the changes in 6.0 and answer any of your questions. We will also be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the moon landing which will include "A Day in the Life" session with a librarian from NASA. More information on the agenda and final presenters will be forthcoming, but registration is already open. If you are interested, please register here . And continue to check the SCRLC website for updates on this exciting event. All are welcome. Registration is $25 .
South Central Regional Library Council | Clinton Hall, 108 N. Cayuga St, Ithaca, NY 14850 | 607-273-9106