For many years Associations have struggled with monitoring the rentals in their communities. Sometimes it is difficult to tell which homes are leased, and some homeowners are not forthcoming with lease and tenant information. This can lead to a variety of issues including increased non-compliance and reduced curb-appeal. Excessive rentals can even limit the availability of mortgage financing and affect insurance premiums. Whether your community has a leasing cap or not, knowing who is living in your Association and having all the proper documentation on file is important.
A manager's top priority is pushing forward Board initiatives; however, to monitor all the leases, tenants, and paperwork correctly requires specialized techniques and experience. In addition, the time required to review every home would severely detract from our staff's ability to handle the numerous day to day responsibilities each property requires. Thankfully, we now have an industry leading solution to offer our clients! HMS has partnered with Rental Monitoring Solutions (RMS) and created a robust program designed to solve this very problem. Watch the video below to learn more!