WHO : Raven Hernandez, Pepperdine Law student

Tennessean Raven Hernandez is currently a practicing mediator and is sitting for the July 2019 CA and TN State Bar. Raven founded Feeding Growth Club, a non-profit helping schools, prison systems, and organizations integrate organic, clean foods into their ecosystems. HOLA will honor Raven with our Young Leaders Award at our launch party September 25. (Join us!)
WHAT : Tell us about an achievement you’re proud of.

The achievement I am most proud of is my awareness and consciousness of treating others and myself with respect; unfortunately, this was not always the case. My attitude and how I engage with myself and others is now grounded in love, patience and positivity. This has fueled my mission of changing other people’s lives and has allowed others to support my journey.

WHEN : Describe a turning point that was important in bringing you where you are today.

My biggest turning point in life was when I started letting go of self deprecating narratives. I released past mistakes that I defined myself with and began accepting I am worth all this Universe is giving to me . . . with this change life got only sweeter.

WHERE can we find you online and learn more about your work?

WHY? HOW? Why is it important to connect more with our community? Give some advice to future Hispanic leaders and achievers.

I would encourage the Future Hispanic Leaders and Achievers to look inward – spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Do yoga, eat organic food, make big investments in yourself and in your health. Keep focused on your WHY and make all of your failures a step forward. Lastly, don’t let the distractions of this world pull you from your true calling – you are and will always be enough.

The only way the Hispanic community will advance forward is if they buy into the notion of TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) . . . more health, more prosperity, more happiness and more love. We must come together as a whole, encouraging one another to stop engaging in the things that hold us back such as drinking, carelessly eating, and gossiping. We must make it a priority to grow with one another, because by encouraging each other to do better, natural leaders will begin rising up among us. When we are able to recognize and shine our own leaders, working together more effectively will come naturally, connecting us to our own community and to a larger national audience.

I say one last thing – realize that everything around you in this world was created by people that are no smarter than you. Step away from average, step away from the other 97% of the population and set yourself apart.

HOLA the new Hispanic Organization of Leaders and Achievers —is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month by bringing you profiles of faith, business, education, and community leaders across Tennessee and beyond. Visit us at Facebook.com/HispanicOrganizationofLeadersandAchievers and holatn.org .
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