TO:                Owners and Management Agents 
FROM:          Asset Management, Management & Development Division
SUBJECT:    HOME Compliance Monitoring & Follow-up on Inspections
DATE:           November 29, 2017
To whom it may concern,
This is a reminder to ask all Owners and Management Agents acting on behalf of owners who have HOME-assisted units, to be sure to use the HOME Compliance Monitoring Report that is on our website for the February 1, 2018 submission for the 2017 year.  If you do not have any HOME-assisted units, please disregard this email.
The form was revised early this year to include the annual certification that is required by the HOME Final Rule.  We incorporated the certification on the 2nd page of the compliance report.  The form can be found at this URL  
We also want you to be aware of the additional information our office will require from you when there are deficiencies cited in the inspection report on HOME-assisted units we inspected.  The HOME Final Rule requires us, as the Participating Jurisdiction (PJ), to verify that deficiencies are corrected.  Rather than re-inspect every unit, we will require the correction be verified by third party documentation (e.g., paid invoice for work order(s) or completed work order(s) if performed by maintenance staff with the work order signed off by the maintenance person). Health and safety deficiencies must still be corrected within 24 hours of the citation and the Notification of Exigent Health & Safety Standards is to be signed by the Owner/Agent along with a completed work order demonstrating work was completed.  This process may be revised/tweaked as we all work through this additional requirement.
Thank you for your cooperation and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask your Asset Manager or Ginny Larkin.