J u n e    2 0 1 8
T a b l e   o f   C o n t e n t s 
D i r e c t o r ' s  H a i k u 

We love HOPE's folks! This 
Month we talked to some rock-stars. 
Read on to learn more.

H O P E   I s   H i r i n g !  

Job Type:  Full Time, non-exempt
Salary: $52,000 -$62,000 (Salary offer depends on experience)
Start Date: As soon as possible
Deadline: Early applications are encouraged. Position is open until filled.

Position description: This new position will work closely with HOPE staff, community members, and partners to develop equitable policies, create and win policy campaigns, and engage in policy implementation and enforcement. A key piece of the work will be ensuring community members have significant opportunities for genuine engagement, leadership, and ownership of HOPE's policy work. HOPE's policy work currently focuses on healthy retail, land use, neighborhood planning, and school food. Other policy and systems change initiatives may be identified in the future by community members, staff, and partners.  
S p o t l i g h t:  J o s u e   C h a v e z 
HOPE Youth Action Board (YAB) member, Josue Chavez, is a more than worthy subject for our Newsletter Spotlight. Only a Freshman in high school, Josue is a leader among his p eers and was recently appointed to the All City Council (ACC), Oakland Unified School District's (OUSD) student leadership body. In his role as one of two Student Directors, he is given the responsi bility and privilege of being a voice for his peers - to make sure both their ideas and concerns are heard. We talked with Josue to find out just what has inspired him through his journey of leadership and activism that has led him to this position as Student Director, and what role HO PE has played n his exper ience.

C ould you describe your relationship and history with HOPE Collaborative?
Sarahy Dominguez, HOPE's Youth Engagement Organizer, introduced me to HOPE Collaborative in September 2017 when I joined YAB. Within a couple months I joined YAB's Media Team. I came to HOPE Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the school year to meet with YAB. I really enjoy working with the Media Team because everyone is very unique. We are very communicative when it get serious, but we also know how to keep things fu n.

What has been the most influential part of your time with HOPE?
Something that really influenced our work was being in a workplace where everyone did their job, so it was really easy to be with mature people. It was really amazing to get exposed to a workplace that admires their youth. This helped open up my mind to many things I thought I wasn't capable of doing.  

What are some of the skills you have gained from working with HOPE?
  1. Being patient with people. I have dealt with impatience with family, my school work, and people in general. Being at HOPE has taught me that patience in general is necessary for life.
  2. Managing your time. That's really important.
  3. Working with people. I'm still a bit shy when I'm introduced to new people, but I have learned to deal with that at HOPE through opportunities to meet a lot of new and diverse people - some in very important roles.
What inspired you to join the All City Council?
I realized how much power I already have and what I can do. I am capable of doing all these things and now I can include the student voice that I have been hearing in a whole new way.

What impact do you wish to make through this appointment?
What I see is the opportunity to directly impact the students. Our future starts with students so I want to be someone who can set an example for these students. Other people aren't willing or able to be in this role, but I will try to make it seem like you can do this too. It's important to recognize people's potential.

How has HOPE helped to prepare you for your Student Director role?
HOPE Collaborative has taught me ways to deal with situations that one is not comfortable with. I have learned how to adjust to different environments and be more adaptable in any experience. This is important, especially when you are representing 36,800 students.

Josue's future with HOPE!
  1. Participate in HOPE's Food Justice Summer School.
  2. Will be a YAB member again next year.
# w i n n i n g   w i t h   t h e   O U S D   W e l l n e s s   P o l i c y

The HOPE Youth Action Board's School Team and Media Team recently took on the challenge of creating an amusing and entertaining way to communicate parts of the OUSD Wellness Policy to OUSD students.

They focused on two points of the Wellness Policy:
  1. Teachers cannot take students' food.
  2. Teachers should be role models.

To present this information, YAB members chose poster and video presentations to keep
information simple, informative, and accessible, yet also captivating.

Check out the posters they created

Going forward these posters and videos will be shared throughout social media to spread our message about the Wellness Policy to other youth.

Good work and a big thank you to all the participating youth members:
Danny, Youth Media Team
Josue, Youth Media Team
Emily, Youth Media Team
Crystal, Youth Media Team
Janeth, Schools Team
Nnadia, Schools Team

 I l l e g a l   D u m p i n g   i n   O a k l a n d 

Shaniece Alexander is one of HOPE's Steering Committee members, the Executive Director of Oakland Food Policy Council, and a fierce advocate in our Oakland community. One of her most recent advocacy efforts has been drawing much-needed attention to Oakland's issue with illegal dumping. Shaniece first called attention to this issue through an open letter to Mayor of Oakland Libby Schaaf , and then through a follow up letter that she wrote in response to the now-viral racist actions of a White woman harassing a Black family at Lake Merritt. Both letters address this issue at its root cause and contain practical steps and solutions.

We spoke with Shaniece about her articles as well her thoughts on HOPE's role in seeking solutions for illegal dumping.

Could you describe your relationship and history with HOPE Collaborative?
Oakland Food Policy Council is a long time community food justice collaborative partner and HOPE Collaborative steering committee member. OFPC has held a steering committee member seat with HOPE since about 2010.

How would you explain the issue of illegal dumping in Oakland to a class of 5th graders?
Oakland has been experiencing trouble with people throwing lots of garbage around the city. No one likes trash where they live, walk to school, and play so the community is looking for ways to help clean up the city and make sure people know where to throw their trash away so we can all enjoy a clean environment.

When did you first become aware and involved in the issue of illegal dumping?
As a resident of deep East Oakland, I see parts of the city that have a lot of dumping and others that do not. Unfortunately, where I live, there is a lot of dumping and it makes it difficult to really enjoy Oakland! I have known that dumping has been an issue in Oakland for many years, and through keeping up with community concerns and conversations among elected officials, I have been able to think of some simple solutions. Many are things that the other cities (Chicago and Detroit) I have lived in have incorporated as efforts to keep the city clean.

How has/is HOPE addressing the issue of illegal dumping described in your article?
HOPE's connection to community members is key to understanding how to best solve community concerns. As a policy leader and community advocate, I am committed to creating meaningful opportunities for community members who are most impacted. HOPE is able to get information directly to and from community members and we work together to use these community driven solutions to create policy that works.

How have you seen an impact from the work that HOPE has done?
When I call on HOPE, HOPE shows up! Policy change takes community mobilization. In my role with Oakland Food Policy Council, sometimes it is difficult to connect with community members in a meaningful way. I often look to HOPE to help create transparency among community members and close the gap between what's happening "on the ground" and at the policy level with the City. HOPE is great at mobilizing people, especially youth, to get involved with systems change.

What are some ways that the community can engage in the effort to solve this problem?
It is important that the community think about solutions with both short term and long term impact. What do you want to see happen in your community now (clean, safe places to live, go to school, work? Job creation?) How would you like to see the City of Oakland help you keep your community clean, healthy, and safe? (More trash cans? Community clean up days?) It's great to think outside of the box then let elected officials know! Send them letters, call their office, attend their meetings, and let them know exactly what you want to happen. Sometimes it feels like we go unheard but community voices can really make change.

What are some things to look out for in the future concerning illegal dumping?
Unofficial policing of communities that are impacted by illegal dumping through a possible increase in interaction with the Oakland Police Department (OPD) is a concern. Other than looking for ways to fine people who are dumping, what physical changes is the City making to help keep our communities clean? Are there more trash cans, increased trash pick up? How can Oakland communicate its goals and resources so that community residents can help create healthier communities? Oakland's general fund budget is heavily weighted in funding the OPD, and many community members feel that this is not a good solution. Are there ways to reallocate money that is already being spent to other areas of City resources? We all must pay attention to what our elected officials are proposing and provide feedback to them before ineffective policies are put into place.
A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Check out these job openings with

We offer part-time paid internships to college and graduate students. Interns typically work between 10-20 hours per week on research-related projects. Undergraduates with work-study are encouraged to apply during the spring and fall semesters.

We're looking for a Coordinator of Community Partnerships who will develop, hold, and grow an array of relationships with community-based organizations, grassroots groups, and informal resident leaders in neighborhoods where ALL IN is implementing our Healthy Food, Healthy Families work.  This work will begin in the San Antonio/Fruitvale neighborhoods of Oakland, but over the years will also include other towns within the county. We are hopeful that we will hire someone from Oakland, with experience doing base-building and community organizing work locally.
 O u r   A d d r e s s 
Office Address:
2000 Franklin Street, 3rd Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
(19th St. Bart Accessible)
Mailing Address:
HOPE Collaborative
P.O. Box 72256
Oakland, CA 94612