While in my room I noticed.
A new book on a shelf.
I know for sure that I did not.
Put it there myself.
I have been looking for
a story that’s just right.
To be a happy bedtime story.
That’s good to hear at night.
My shelves are full already.
I can remember every book.
But finding the right happy one.
Will take a second look.
I decide to check the new book out.
I’m curious to see.
Where it came from, why it’s there.
Or who left it there for me.
Pulling it from the others.
Excited! What’s inside?
Looking for the title page.
My eyes went open wide!
There were mostly empty pages.
Except a little note.
It’s from a friend and it’s for me.
And here’s what my friend wrote.
You always want a happy book.
To read when you’re alone.
I’m giving you this empty book
So, you can write your own.
I want to hear the happy story.
I’m sure your book will be.
And I can’t wait for that happy time.
When you’re reading it to me!