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Thought for the Week:

“Mark the season of Advent
by loving and serving others
 with God’s own love and concern.”

Mother Teresa

 In worship this week:
December 2
Advent I

Pastor: Rev. Janie McElwee-Smith

Pianist: Bingyu Peng

Liturgist: Dudley Payton

Usher: Anne McKnight

Hospitality: Sherry Hutchinson

Communion Servers: Bill and Barb Pfeifer
The flowers this Sunday
are presented to the glory of God.

Focus on HPC:     
Advent Mission Opportunities

Gifts of Literacy   This year Highland will continue its tradition of presenting books to first-grade students at Magnolia Woods Elementary School. If you would like to participate, please purchase, insert a “gift from your friends at Highland” label, wrap and label ONE book per child (we need approximately 70 books), and return by December 9. Also, cash donations are greatly appreciated, and we’ll do the work for you. Books will be delivered on Thursday, December 13. All are welcome to join in the fun. For questions or more information contact Connie Buck or Connie Leonard. 

Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank  This is a time of need for many in our community and the Food Bank is experiencing shortages. Donations of non-perishable food items may be placed in the shopping cart any time during the month of December.

Christmas Joy Offering  Each year during the Advent and Christmas season, we turn our eyes to Bethlehem and celebrate the wondrous gift of Je-sus Christ, our Savior. By giving to the Christmas Joy Offering, you honor this gift by providing assistance to current and retired church workers in their time of need, and developing our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. For more information contact Barb Pfeifer.

This week in PCUSA Mission:            
Small Ministry, Big Mission
Helps Syrian Refugees Thrive

As he and his small church help some of the thousands of Syrian refugees living in Tyre, Lebanon, to learn a trade to feed their families, the Rev. Amir Ishak has adopted the gazelle as the symbol for his innovative ministry. That’s a reference to Dorcas, whose name is Greek for “gazelle,” whom the  Book of Acts  describes as “a woman full of good works and acts of charity.”   She wasn’t a preacher or a musician,” Ishak told about 20 people gathered to hear about his work at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Billings. “But she was good at using her needle.”

Ishak and his interpreter, Dani Khayat, appeared in Wyoming and Montana recently as part of a partnership with the Presbytery of Wyoming. Presbyterians from Wyoming churches plan to visit Lebanon and Syria during 2019. Speaking in Arabic through Khayat, Ishak, 60, who’s spent 34 years in ministry, discussed the unique ministry of the Presbyterian National Evangelical Church in Tyre. He calls his mission outpost “a small church making a big difference. We are rich in our diversity.” At first, Ishak said, church members tried to help refugees by collecting supplies and simply giving them away. On the arranged day, about 1,800 desperate refugees showed up for help. “It was scary for me. How do you offer donations for 1,800 people?” he said. “I prayed to the Lord and told him it’s your problem, not mine.”

Police showed up to help distribute aid, and people “were happy with what they got, even though it was simple and humble,” he said. “But we knew they would want something more, and to speed donations we knew we had to do something different.” A visiting pastor convinced Ishak that refugees might be better served if they were trained to provide for themselves. “This,” he said with a broad smile, “was exactly what I had been praying for.” Church members opened their outreach with a sewing class, employing sewing machines provided by a U.S. donor. That initial offering soon spread to training in hair dressing, cosmetology and crocheting. 
Immediate Church Family*:
Betty Bagent; Doris Baugh; Inez Geoghegan; Betty Lancaster; Preston Lancaster; the family of Jim Martin; Mary Perry; Deanna Lewis Sklar; Brad Smith.

Extended Church Family*:
Brandon Behrmann (Carol’s nephew); Austin Casey (Jack and Betty Bagent’s grandson); Woody and Susie Chew (friends of Deanna); Steve Dull (husband of Lynn Nichols Dull); Dan Durway (former Pastor of Highland); Eva Fuller (Inez Geoghegan’s niece); Julius Fuller (Inez Geoghe-gan’s brother); Randy Geoghegan (Inez’s son); Harrison (Rob Stewart’s Mother); Claudia Hill (Connie Leonard’s sister); Phillip Lanier (friend of Rosemary John); the Miller twins (friends of Brad Smith); Aleta Pick-holtz; Earl Rabe (friend of Rick Gurtner); Phillip Walker (nephew of the Pfeifers); Larry Wilcoxson (friend of the Leonards); Barbara Zeagler (friend of the Dyes.)

  * New names added to the prayer list this week are in italics.

December 2-8:  none

December - none
Detail of the Prague Astronomical Clock in thePrague Old Town

This week at HPC:
Monday, December 3:
12:00 p.m. AA
Tuesday, December 4:
10:30 a.m. Tuesday Morning Study
12:00 p.m. AA
7:30 p.m. AA

Wednesday, December 5:  
12:00 p.m. AA
7:00 p.m. Ladies’ AA

Thursday, December 6: 
12:00 p.m. AA
8:00 p.m. Men’s AA

Friday, December 7:
12:00 p.m. AA

Saturday, December 8:
Yard Crew – John Dye & Mike Groves

Sunday, December 9: Advent II
9:30 a.m. Worship/Communion
11:00 a.m. Session Meeting
4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Smith's Christmas Open House
7:00 p.m. AA
coming soon brand new product release next up promotion and announce road sign or announcement billboard
Upcoming Opportunities at HPC
  • Advent Devotional Calendars, “God Lifts the Lowly,” are available to be picked up in the Narthex.

  • TODAY - “Deck the Halls” Plan to stay following worship for this time of decorating and festive fellowship.

  • Poinsettias If you would like to purchase a poinsettia in honor, memory, or thanks for someone during this advent season, please fill out an order form and return it no later than Sunday, Dec. 14.

  • The Tuesday Morning Study group will begin a new study, “The Purpose of Christmas,” on Tuesday, December 4. All are encouraged to attend. For more information contact Louise Dye or Connie Buck.

  • Christmas Brunch, Sunday, December 16 Following worship Dec. 16, we will celebrate the joy of the season with a Christmas Brunch. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board for you to indicate what you will bring.

  • The Sermon for Advent II – Peace (Dec. 9) is “The Far Side” from Malachi 3:1-4 and Luke 3:1-6.
About HPC
Highland Presbyterian Church is a vibrant tree in God's grace-filled orchard. Deeply rooted in God's life-giving presence here on earth, this tree extends its branches to support one another in faith and reach into the world around it to produce fruit. Whether you are seeking God's presence through questions or service, discussion or fellowship, there is a home for you at Highland.
Connecting with Our Pastor
Rev. Janie McElwee-Smith

This week office hours for Rev. Janie are Mon. 10:30 am – 1:00 pm

cell (call or text): 314.283.7596
office: 766-5775 (please leave a message)

Highland Presbyterian Church (USA)
10024 Highland Road • Baton Rouge, LA 70810 • 225.766.5775 •