Connecting us with one another, our community, and the world...
Thought for the Week:

“On the cross they tried to give Jesus a bitter drink, like a drug, but he did not use it because his thirst was for love, for souls, for you and for me.” 

Mother Teresa
 In worship this week:
Palm Sunday
March 25, 2018

Pastor: Rev. Janie McElwee-Smith

Music Director: Aubrey Nelson

Pianist: Bingyu Peng

Liturgist: Mary Martin

Youth Liturgist: Mei Stewart


Focus on HPC:     
Lenten Hymns:
A Prophet Woman Broke a Jar

Based upon the many faithful women throughout the gospel texts, A Prophet-Woman Broke a Jar was written at the end of the 20 th Century to draw our attention to the ways that the often overlooked have followed Christ. This year we are blessed by the Markan account of Je- sus’ final days, because within it is the story of this woman who defied tradition to show mercy to her Lord and Savior. Think about that: Jesus needed mercy. Not for sins committed, but for the struggle ahead. Though Jesus noted that wherever the gospel was told, her story would be also, our world has done an excellent job of silencing so many proph- ets who do not fit the traditional mold. As Holy Week begins this Sun- day, may we remember that God has called all of us – whoever we may be, wherever we are from, whatever we have done – that we might show the same mercy to God’s people, all people in this world. 

This week in PCUSA Mission:                
Congregation, Young Volunteers Team Up in YAV-A-Year Partnership

When Don Stribling looks at the Young Adult Volun- teer (YAV) program, he sees an experience that challenges the individualism that pervades much of today’s religious practice. Stribling, pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Oskaloosa, Iowa, serves a congregation that emphasizes the communal aspect of the Christian faith. He says the YAV program’s core value of “living in intentional Christian com- munity” strikes a chord with him and his congregation. That is one of the reasons First Presbyterian became a YAV- a-Year congregation.
A YAV-a-Year congregation and a YAV commit to building a relationship with each other, and the congrega- tion supports the YAV through prayer and financial gifts. For Stribling, being “spiritual but not religious,” a phrase many use to describe their faith, falls short of God’s intention for believers. “Our relationship with Christ is a personal faith, but it is shared in community,” he says.
First Presbyterian has engaged with two young adults through the YAV-a-Year program. In 2016–17, it sup- ported Isabella Fagiana, a native of western New York who served in Scotland and who now attends Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. This year it is supporting Sharon Boer, who grew up in First Presbyterian and who serves in Little Rock, Arkansas. Boer has experienced the congregation’s commitment to Christian community firsthand. “My congregation has taken the promise to help a child grow up in the church and be an active part of the church incredibly seriously,” she said. “Every year of my life they have played some kind of role in making me who I am today.” She cites opportunities such as Sunday school, church camps, vacation Bible school and youth group as be- ing formative in her Christian experience... 
Immediate Church Family*:
Betty Bagent; Carol Behrmann; Doris Baugh; Inez Geoghe- gan; Betty Lancaster; Preston Lancaster; Mary Perry; Deanna Lewis Sklar; Brad Smith; Caitlin Thompson.

Extended Church Family*:
Brandon Behrmann (Carol’s nephew); Lettie Capers (friend of the Leonards); Austin Casey (Jack and Betty Bagent’s grandson); Wayne Cline (Sherry Hutchinson’s brother); Steve Dull (husband of Lynn Nichols Dull); Dan Durway (former Pastor of Highland); family of Judy Eubanks (for- mer member); Eva Fuller (Inez Geoghegan’s niece); Donald Leake; family of Hank McKinney (former member); the Mil- ler twins (friends of Brad Smith); Aleta Pickholtz; Earl Rabe (friend of Rick Gurtner); Joy Walker (niece of the Pfeifers); Larry Wilcoxson (friend of the Leonards); Barbara Zeagler (friend of the Dyes.)
* New names or concerns added to the prayer list this week are in italics. 

March 25-31:  none

March:  none
Detail of the Prague Astronomical Clock in thePrague Old Town

This week at HPC:
Monday, March 26: 
12:00 p.m. AA

Tuesday, March 27:
9:30 WW Quilters
10:30 a.m. Tuesday Morning Study
12:00 p.m. AA
7:30 p.m. AA

Wednesday, March 28:
12:00 p.m. AA
5:30 p.m. HPC choir practice
7:00 p.m. Ladies’ AA

Thursday, March 29:
12:00 p.m. AA
5:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday Service
8:00 p.m. Men’s AA

Friday, March 30:
12:00 p.m. AA

Saturday, March 31:
Yard Crew – John Dye & Mike Groves

Sunday, April 1: Easter Sunday
9:30 a.m. Worship
7:00 p.m. AA 
coming soon brand new product release next up promotion and announce road sign or announcement billboard
Upcoming Opportunities at HPC

  • Easter Lilies – If you wish to order Easter Lilies, today is your last chance to fill out a form and return it with $15.00 per plant.
  • Tuesday Morning Study, March 27, will explore the theme “Aslan” as seen in The Lion, the Witch and the Ward- robe. Class begins with coffee at 10:30 a.m. and will be the final meeting for this Lenten Study.
  • Maundy Thursday Service, 5:30 p.m., March 29. Highland will host a Maundy Thursday service including supper, Communion, embodied prayer, and concluding with a candle-light Service of Tenebrae (shadows). All are invited to attend and participate in this service. Contact Rev. Janie to offer assistance.
  • Easter Sunday (Apr. 1) 9:30 a.m. – This joyous service will include Communion, flowering of the Cross, and a guest musician. The sermon will be “Trembling” from Isaiah 25:6-9 and Mark 16:1-8. 

About HPC
Highland Presbyterian Church is a vibrant tree in God's grace-filled orchard. Deeply rooted in God's life-giving presence here on earth, this tree extends its branches to support one another in faith and reach into the world around it to produce fruit. Whether you are seeking God's presence through questions or service, discussion or fellowship, there is a home for you at Highland.
Connecting with Our Pastor
Rev. Janie McElwee-Smith

office hours for Rev. Janie are Mon. 10:30 am – 11:30 am
and Thurs. 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
by appointment Mon. – Thurs. 9:00 am – 4:30 pm 
cell (call or text): 314.283.7596
office: 766-5775 (please leave a message)
Highland Presbyterian Church (USA)
10024 Highland Road • Baton Rouge, LA 70810 • 225.766.5775 •