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Thought for the Week:

“It’s hard to fail,
but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”

Theodore Roosevelt

 In worship this week:
October 28
Reformation Sunday

Pastor: Rev. Janie McElwee-Smith

Pianist: Bingyu Peng

Liturgist: Kodi Pye

Ushers: Dave and Peggy Adams

Hospitality: Dave and Peggy Adams
Flowers this Sunday
are presented by Mike and Connie Leonard
to the glory of God and in celebration of
Haleigh Thompson's birthday.

Focus on HPC:     

Does everyone know the four seasons in Louisiana? Crawfish, Mardi Gras, Football and Hunting? We have seasons in the church as well. Stewardship is one season that hopefully you look forward to sort of like football. Or do you dread its coming like the congestion football games can bring to our city? Whether we anticipate something with joy or dread, in most cases, depends on our view point and attitude. Hopefully you will view the season of Stewardship as a time to reflect, give thanks, and seek a path forward with joy and confidence.

Our Season of Stewardship begins with a survey of God’s blessings in our life. This Sunday we will look to our past for revelation of God’s work. During the next two weeks of worship we will also take time to survey our present situation and seek to discern what God has planned for us. As we seek to use God’s gifts well, please use the gift of time to discern how you will be able to continue the work of God’s kingdom on Earth through gifts of time, talent and treasure.

This week in PCUSA Mission:            
Reformation Sunday

Not long after Roman Catholic Mary Tudor rose to the English throne in 1553, the outspoken Scottish reformer John Knox felt compelled to leave the British Isles. After a spell in Frankfurt, Knox joined a fellowship of religious refugees from across Europe who had thronged to Geneva.

The Swiss city’s most famous resident, the French lawyer and humanist John Calvin, was himself an immigrant. His first prolonged stay in the city came years before, when war in Germany prevented him from traveling to Strasbourg.

Calvin helped create an atmosphere in Geneva welcoming to outsiders. A hospital was established for refugees, as well as an academy for their education. Knox ministered to a congregation of English-speaking refugees that met in the same auditorium where Calvin lectured, the Calvin Auditory, a building still in use today for English worship. The bustling 16th-century city reverberated with the polyglot theological and political ideas of the Reformation. Knox marveled at his time in Geneva, calling it “the most perfect school of Christ that ever was in the earth since the days of the apostles.”

Calvin’s emphasis on placing full trust in God, as opposed to any earthly ruler, aimed to infuse Genevan life with gratitude and faith. He hoped that the doctrine of salvation through election would ease the anxieties of a people living in an age of plague, war and dislocation. For Calvin and for Knox, growing in trust of God and love for God enlarged a community’s ability to respond to God’s call to love and service, no matter where its residents came from.
Immediate Church Family*:
Betty Bagent; Doris Baugh; Inez Geoghegan; Betty Lancaster; Preston Lancaster; Mary Perry; Deanna Lewis Sklar; Brad Smith.

Extended Church Family*:
Brandon Behrmann (Carol’s nephew); Austin Casey (Jack and Betty Bagent’s grandson); Woody and Susie Chew (friends of Deanna); Steve Dull (husband of Lynn Nichols Dull); Dan Durway (former Pastor of Highland); Eva Fuller (Inez Geoghegan’s niece); Julius Fuller (Inez Geoghe-gan’s brother); Carol Harrison (Rob Stewart’s Mother); Claudia Hill (Connie Leonard’s sister); Phillip Lanier (friend of Rosemary John); the Miller twins (friends of Brad Smith); Aleta Pick-holtz; Earl Rabe (friend of Rick Gurtner); Phillip Walker (nephew of the Pfeifers); Larry Wilcoxson (friend of the Leonards); Barbara Zeagler (friend of the Dyes.)

  * New names added to the prayer list this week are in italics.

October 28 – November 3:  Julia Stewart (28), Donna Lowry (31)

October 29 – Hans and Rosmarie Dunner
Detail of the Prague Astronomical Clock in thePrague Old Town

This week at HPC:
Monday, October 29:
12:00 p.m. AA
Tuesday, October 30:
10:30 a.m. Tuesday Morning Class
12:00 p.m. AA
7:30 p.m. AA

Wednesday, October 31:  
12:00 p.m. AA
7:00 p.m. Ladies’ AA

Thursday, November 1:       
12:00 p.m. AA
8:00 p.m. Men’s AA

Friday, November 2:
12:00 p.m. AA

Saturday, November 3:
Yard Crew – Mike Leonard & Brandon Lithgoe

Sunday, November 4: All Saints Sunday  
2:00 a.m. - FALL BACK - Daylight Saving Time
9:30 a.m. Worship
7:00 p.m. AA
coming soon brand new product release next up promotion and announce road sign or announcement billboard
Upcoming Opportunities at HPC
  • Tuesday Morning Study Class begins a new study of Christian Doctrine by Shirley Guthrie on Tuesday, October 30, at 10:30 a.m. in the Adult Sunday School classroom, Sanctuary Building. All are invited to attend. For more information contact Connie Buck or Louise Dye.

  • Fall Back! Daylight Saving Time ends next Sunday, November 4. Don’t be caught unaware.

  • Raffle to Fight Hunger begins this Sunday, October 28. Now’s your chance to enter into the drawing for a beautiful LSU themed quilt made by the Giving Quilt Quilters and fight hunger. Tickets are $5.00. The drawing will be held on November 18 during Third Sunday Lunch. All proceeds go Heifer International. For more information contact Barb Pfeifer.
About HPC
Highland Presbyterian Church is a vibrant tree in God's grace-filled orchard. Deeply rooted in God's life-giving presence here on earth, this tree extends its branches to support one another in faith and reach into the world around it to produce fruit. Whether you are seeking God's presence through questions or service, discussion or fellowship, there is a home for you at Highland.
Connecting with Our Pastor
Rev. Janie McElwee-Smith

office hours for Rev. Janie are Mon. 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
and Thurs. 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
by appointment Mon. – Thurs. 9:00 am – 4:30 pm

cell (call or text): 314.283.7596
office: 766-5775 (please leave a message)

Highland Presbyterian Church (USA)
10024 Highland Road • Baton Rouge, LA 70810 • 225.766.5775 •