Connecting us with one another, our community, and the world...
Thought for the Week:

“A friend is one that knows you as you are,
understands where you have been,
 accepts what you have become,
and still, gently allows you to grow.”

William Shakespeare

 In worship this week:
September 30

Pastor: Rev. Janie McElwee-Smith

Pianist: Bingyu Peng

Liturgists: Doris M. (Skippy) Thompson

Ushers: Mary Martin and Connie Buck
Flowers this Sunday
are presented to the glory of God
by Anne McKnight

Focus on HPC:     
Peace & Global Witness Offering
World Communion Sunday,
October 7, 2018

Jesus said, “Blessed are the Peacemakers.” Peace is active, not passive. Peace is doing, not waiting. As we work to share Christ’s peace with one another, let’s share that peace with those beyond our doors, beyond our communities and beyond our borders. The Peace & Global Witness Offering provides the tools and resources for us as we join together as active peacemakers – at all times, in all ways.

This Offering is received during the Season of Peace, a time in which Presbyterians are invited to define and deepen their calling as peacemakers. This season ends on World Communion Sunday, October 7, 2018. 

A gift to the Peace and Global Witness Offering enables the church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of injustice across the world through the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Individual congregations are encouraged to utilize up to 25% of this Offering to connect with the global witness of Christ’s peace. This year Highland will be donating our portion to the Interfaith Federation of Greater Baton Rouge to support their mission of promoting peace and understanding in our community.

This week in PCUSA Mission:            
We Are All Ministers
Rebecca Lawson Putman, Pastor of Northville
United Presbyterian Church, Northville, NY

With the fall kickoff to the church program year fresh in mind, my thoughts keep coming back to the Protestant idea of the priesthood of all believers. This doctrine teaches that because of Jesus Christ, there is no need for someone to act as a mediator between the people and God. Everyone is just as spiritual, just as capable of speaking to God, and just as called to deliver God’s message to the world. Everyone is equally called to do God’s work and to minister to God’s people.

The question, though, that many people in the church I serve ask is, “What does ministering look like if you’re not a minster?” The answer is complex, and it looks different for different people, but the short answer is that it looks like you are serving others and showing God’s love as you go about your daily life.

The best example I have of this is a story of John and Raul. In 1986, they worked at the corporate headquarters of a retail chain in New York City. They were both supervisors and frequently spent 12-hour shifts working together. They developed a friendship. Eventually, John was promoted to manager. One day, John noticed that Raul had a lesion on his right cheek and that he hadn’t been feeling well. Raul went to see a doctor in June and went out on disability. In August, Raul asked if he could come back to work, though he would need some accommodations because of his health. John, John’s boss and the vice president of the human resources department all agreed. However, Raul’s co-workers soon learned that Raul had been diagnosed with AIDS. They were afraid and angry that he was coming back to work.

The first morning when Raul came into work, John walked out of his office, smiled, shook Raul’s hand and told him how glad he was that he was back. As the weeks passed, Raul continued to grow weaker until he went out again on disability in October . . . 

Immediate Church Family*:
Betty Bagent; Doris Baugh; Inez Geoghegan; Betty Lancaster; Preston Lancaster; Mary Perry; Deanna Lewis Sklar; Brad Smith.

Extended Church Family*:
Brandon Behrmann (Carol’s nephew); Austin Casey (Jack and Betty Bagent’s grandson); Woody and Susie Chew (friends of Deanna); Steve Dull (husband of Lynn Nichols Dull); Dan Durway (former Pastor of Highland); Eva Fuller (Inez Geoghegan’s niece); Julius Fuller (Inez Geoghe-gan’s brother); Carol Harrison (Rob Stewart’s Mother); Claudia Hill (Connie Leonard’s sister); Phillip Lanier (friend of Rosemary John); the Miller twins (friends of Brad Smith); Aleta Pick-holtz; Earl Rabe (friend of Rick Gurtner); Phillip Walker (nephew of the Pfeifers); Larry Wilcoxson (friend of the Leonards); Barbara Zeagler (friend of the Dyes.)

  * New names added to the prayer list this week are in italics.

October 1 – 6:  Preston Lancaster (5)

October 7 – Chacko and Rosemary John

Detail of the Prague Astronomical Clock in thePrague Old Town

This week at HPC:
Monday, October 1:
12:00 p.m. AA
Tuesday, October 2:
10:30 a.m. Tuesday Morning Class
12:00 p.m. AA
7:30 p.m. AA

Wednesday, October 3:  
12:00 p.m. AA
7:00 p.m. Ladies’ AA

Thursday, October 4:       
12:00 p.m. AA
8:00 p.m. Men’s AA

Friday, October 5:
12:00 p.m. AA

Saturday, October 6:
Yard Crew – John Dye & Mike Groves

Sunday, October 7: 
9:30 a.m. Worship
10:30 a.m. Called Meeting of the Congregation
7:00 p.m. AA
coming soon brand new product release next up promotion and announce road sign or announcement billboard
Upcoming Opportunities at HPC
  • Lagniappe Ladies will meet for dinner at 6:00 pm, Tuesday, October 2, at Casa Maria, 7955 Bluebonnet. Please help them to know how many to plan for by signing the list on the bulletin board.

  • A Special Meeting of the Congregation will be held Sunday, Oct. 7, following worship. The purpose of this meeting is to elect two Ruling Elders to the class of 2021 and 3 members of the Congregation to the 2019 Nominating Committee. For more information, contact Barb Pfeifer or Louise Dye.

  • Flu shots/Third Sunday Lunch – Sunday, Oct. 21. Right now it might not feel like we’re moving into Fall, but let’s get prepared. Following worship, flu shots will be available (usually at no charge) from a registered Walgreens pharmacist. Lunch’s entree will be a spooky good pork loin with lots of treats. Check the bulletin board for other items to bring and contribute to the lunch.

  • Your help is needed! The fourth-quarter list for ushers, hospitality, and liturgists is posted. Please sign up for an opportunity to offer needed help in the life of our church.

About HPC
Highland Presbyterian Church is a vibrant tree in God's grace-filled orchard. Deeply rooted in God's life-giving presence here on earth, this tree extends its branches to support one another in faith and reach into the world around it to produce fruit. Whether you are seeking God's presence through questions or service, discussion or fellowship, there is a home for you at Highland.
Connecting with Our Pastor
Rev. Janie McElwee-Smith

office hours for Rev. Janie are Mon. 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
and Thurs. 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
by appointment Mon. – Thurs. 9:00 am – 4:30 pm

cell (call or text): 314.283.7596
office: 766-5775 (please leave a message)

Highland Presbyterian Church (USA)
10024 Highland Road • Baton Rouge, LA 70810 • 225.766.5775 •