January 2024 NEWSLETTER
2023 RWB Community Center Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm & Closed for lunch: 12:30pm to 1pm
Gingerbread House Making at the RWB!
Candy Cane Reindeer
at KAST!
Snow Much Fun Fair on Allen Street!

Mondays and Thursdays from 10:00am to 12:30pm

$5.00 per walking child.

Infants through toddlers with a caregiver are invited to join the fun.
Bring your little ones to BOUNCE out their energy!
Winter session 2 for PLAY is starting January 29th - March 8th.

We will be enjoying a variety of activities including arts and craft projects, trips to the Howe Library for their Music and Movement program, and walking to Dagmar's playground for some outdoor fun!
Click HERE for more information or to register now at a prorated fee.
If you have a camper interested in summer camp, we are currently collecting summer camp contact forms EARLY this year, starting December 1.

You can email your completed form to parksandrec@hanovernh.org

For more information and to access the contact forms, please click HERE
Registration for residents:
January 12 at 8am

Registration for non-residents:
January 26 at 9am

Click the link HERE for more information!
Pre-K and K-2 basketball registration is open until 1/4.

Sign up HERE!

If you have any questions, contact Athletic Manager, Justin Pero
Christmas Tree Drop-Off

Christmas trees will no longer be accepted at the Department of Public Works. 

They are now accepted at 121 Pine Knoll Drive at the Wastewater Reclamation Facility located at the back of Pine Knolls Cemetery (follow the road straight through the cemetery).

There is a sign to indicate where trees should be left. Trees can be left any day or time of the week.
New programs to check out in January!

Join Stephanie Durand to learn how to brew your own kombucha, a fermented tea with probiotics.

You will cover all the how-tos and leave with a half-gallon of kombucha to be!
January 11 from 3:30-5pm
Click HERE to register!
December 7 from 4-6pm

Join Angela Rose for a full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning and strength, with yoga and Pilates-inspired movements. Designed for all fitness levels!

Click HERE to register!
Reserve your court time today!

We provide all equipment, but feel free to bring your own!

This is a participant led program. When signing up, we strongly encourage you to have a partner or group to guarantee an opponent.

For more info, click HERE!
Lunch by the Hartford Area Career & Technical Center
January's Menu:

Soup: Mushroom and barley

Entrée: Pan-Seared chicken Statler with brown sauce, rice pilaf, & Roasted root vegetables

Dessert: Gingerbread pudding with rum raisin sauce

Bring your friends or meet new ones while enjoying the
Grab & Go Lunch in the RWB community lounge or take it to go!

Register by January 4th

Pick Up on January 11th from
12pm - 12:30pm

$7.50 per lunch
Hanover Parks & Recreation is hiring!

KAST is looking to hire lead counselors and counselors!

Work up to 2-5 days/week during afterschool hours, earn up to $15-$19/hr, and work with a great team!

For more information on how to apply, visit the link HERE!
Podcast by Alex Torpey, Hanover Town Manager
Connecting you to explore our community, enrich your life, and expand your experiences.