HPS PTO BLAST | April 09, 2017
Our mission is to develop compassionate, engaged students who are HAPPY to be at school.
  • 1st and 2nd Grade Spring Concert April 12th- Students should arrive no later than 5:45 and be dropped off in the cafeteria. The concert will begin promptly at 6:00.
  • We are searching for a new LSDC PTO Rep for our 2017-18 School Year. See below for details. 
Sale will run from now until April 17th.

Go to this web address to purchase your items: http://bit.ly/HPSSPIRITWEAR
Important Notes Regarding Shipping:
Choose "pick up" in the drop-down box when placing your order to have your Spirit Wear delivered to HPS at no charge. If you choose “ship” you will pay $7.00 per order, and your items will be shipped to the address you provide. All pick up orders will be delivered to your child at school.

(Note: Shipping charges will not be refunded if “ship” is chosen versus “pick up”.)

Please share this link with anyone who is coming to Happy Hyde Park School NEXT YEAR!
If you have questions, or your item is a surprise gift, please email Sally Lundgren, Spirit Wear Coordinator at sallylundgren@gmail.com

Thank you to everyone who has sponsored or purchased tickets, so far.
The 2nd raffle winner for the seats at the April 19th FC Season Opener was The Hogan Family!

Tickets to these games and this year’s 52 Card prize have been generously donated by JJ Schnettler of Comey and Shepherd Realtors. 

Ticket Sales
Spring Celebration tickets are available for sale on our website www.hpspto.org to purchase yours! 

Basket Raffle News
●      Each classroom will co-sponsor a basket that will be raffled at the Spring Celebration.
●      All proceeds from the raffle baskets are consolidated and equally distributed among the teachers for use in their classrooms.
●      Please donate items related to the raffle basket theme assigned to your child’s homeroom teacher on back of flyer.
●      Donations can be placed in the blue Ikea bags in your child’s homeroom.

Helpful tips:    
●      Donations should be provided by parents – please do not solicit donations from area businesses
●      Donations should be new or “like-new” condition.
●      Feel free to donate basket items related to other class themes if you like (we may swap items between baskets or auction as needed).
●      DO NOT send alcohol donations to school with your child - please drop off any alcohol to the cooler located on the porch at Christy Lucas’ house, 3727 Hyde Park Ave. (There is a giant oak tree in the front yard.)

Spring Celebration Information 

PTO Openings & Elections 

Below please find the slate of elected positions to be voted on May 15, 2017 at 8:30am. For those who volunteered this year, a big thank you for your commitment to continue our mission of supporting and enhancing our children’s experience at Hyde Park School. 

Below is the list of officers and general duties:


  • This position is automatically filled by the current Vice President.

Vice President: (currently have 1 candidate)

  • Assist the President and carry out the President’s duties in his or her absence
  • Following his or her term of office, the Vice President shall automatically fill the office of President the following year

Secretary: (currently have 1 candidate)

  • Keep all records of the organization, take and record minutes of all Board meetings and Member meetings, and handle correspondence with the board and members

Treasurer: (currently have 1 candidate)

  • Conduct the financial operation of the PTO and receive/account for all monies of the PTO
  • Keep accurate and up to date records of all receipts and expenditures of the PTO (*must be comfortable with or willing to learn how to use online Quickbooks)

LSDMC Representative: (no candidate yet)

  • Commit to attend all, to the extent practicable, of the LSDMC meetings (one meeting per month) 
  • Must have a child enrolled at HPS
  • Can commit to a two year term ending June 2019
  • If interested or have additional questions, please contact Jason Wilcoxon at wilcoxjd@gmail.com by May 1st

We are also looking for the following non-elected position:

Fundraising Coordinator: (no candidate yet)

  • Act as a liaison between the lead of each fundraising event and the PTO board 
  • Track and provide updates on funds raised during our campaigns
  • Serve as the voice to communicate fundraising plans to our Hyde Park staff and parents, including responding to inquires regarding these events

If you are interested or would like more information about any of the above, please contact Jessica Lund (jessicalund05@gmail.com) by Monday, May 4th.

HPS Field Day 2017

It's that time of year again! Please save the date- Friday May 19th, for Field Day! 
As always, we appreciate your time and efforts to make this day a huge success for all our HPS students. We rely on the generosity of our parent volunteers to make this a day that everyone looks forward to every year. 

Details to follow soon. 
*Rain date is Tuesday, May 23rd. 
Oakley After Hours Event

3 more volunteers needed!!  

Please help us fill our commitment. Grab a couple friends and sign-up.  This is a fantastic way to give back to both your community as well as your neighborhood school! Plus, it’s an extremely fun event that you’ll get to be smack in the middle of all the action. 


HPS Soccer Summer Camp - Only 20 Spots Left!
OSYSA/Soccer Unlimited Camp- Exclusively for HPS Students! 
July 10th-14th 1:30-4:30 pm- Armleder Park

Register today at http://sports.bluesombrero.com/hydeparkschool

Athletic Department Update

We are planning ahead for our 2017-18 school year and our Athletics Department needs you to support our growing school!! There are many ways you can get involved. Please visit the link below to see how you can get be a part of what makes Hyde Park School so great!