HPS PTO BLAST | April 23, 2017
Our mission is to develop compassionate, engaged students who are HAPPY to be at school.
  • Please visit our website, www.hpspto.org to view the Happy Hyde Park School video featured at the spring celebration. I dare you not to smile while watching these great kids and teachers showcasing their HAPPY at school. 
  • As we draw closer to our final month of school you will see many opportunities to get involved with supporting Hyde Park School. These activities are what makes HPS special, they are what shows the heart of the school. From bringing in food for Teacher Appreciation Week, to volunteering to help work Field Day for the children. There are many ways you can show your school pride. 
  • Wednesday, April 26th @6:00 pm- Suzuki Recital in the HPS gym
Teacher Appreciation Week May 1st - May 5th
We have the absolute best teachers here at Hyde Park School and this is the week to show our appreciation! For all they do for our children, let's pitch in and make this a wonderful week full of our gratitude.

There are many ways you can participate and volunteer.  Please follow the link to see how you can be a part of this week's events.

Monday May 1st- Continental Breakfast

We need lots of breakfast item donations to make this a success. Please use the below link to signup to bring something in.

T uesday May 2nd- Flower Gifts

Bring in a bouquet to support our teachers! Flowers and bouquet fillers are needed as donations from all our parents! Flower collection will take place the morning of Tuesday, May 2nd at drop off. All donated flowers will be arranged into small bouquets and delivered to each staff member. 
The below signup link is for the resources to help collect flowers and create the flower arrangements out of the donations. We ask that all HPS families consider donating flowers. 

We are also requesting a call out for any unused and unwanted vases that people would like to donate for staff appreciation week.  They can be dropped off to the office between now and Tuesday May 2nd by 8:15am.

Wednesday May 3rd- Luncheon

A PTO sponsored catered lunch will be presented to all staff members. On this day we will need a couple volunteers to help setup before the lunch and cleanup after the lunch. Dessert donations are also being requested. Time-slots are listed on the link below. 

HPS Field Day 2017

It's that time of year again! Please save the date- Friday May 19th, for Field Day! 

As always, we appreciate your time and efforts to make this day a huge success for all our HPS students. We rely on the generosity of our parent volunteers to make this a day that everyone looks forward to every year. 

You can sign up to volunteer all day, or half day.    

K-2nd Grade Volunteers Needed 7:45-12:30

3rd-6th Grade Volunteers Needed 10:00-3:00p.m.

Paper Sign-Up information with further details will be distributed in Tuesday folders.

*Rain date is Tuesday, May 23rd. 
Oakley After Hours Event

We still need 3 more volunteers!! Friday May 26th

Please help us fill our commitment. Grab a couple friends and sign-up.  This is a fantastic way to give back to both your community as well as your neighborhood school! Plus, it’s an extremely fun event that you’ll get to be smack in the middle of all the action. 
Teacher Experiences 
We have a few spots available in the following teacher experiences offered at last week’s Spring Celebration event. Don't miss this final chance to purchase your ticket to one of these amazing Teacher Experiences. With only a few spots left be sure to get yours before they're gone. 
Team Sports Experience

This is an introduction to a wide variety of games, fitness, conditioning sessions, and sports. This will be a high-energy class designed to enhance your child’s growth and well-being while helping them to develop strong physical skills! We will focus on sportsmanship, teamwork, team-building, cooperation, and friendly competition!

WHO: 10 students (3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th grade)

COST: $20 per student

WHEN: Tuesday, May 23rd from 2:45 – 4:45pm

WHERE: Hyde ParkSchool

HOSTS: Mrs. Endres, Mr. Wright, Ms. Amat, Mrs. Sunderman, and Mr. Schwab

**Parents are responsible for transportation to and from the activity.

Amazing Race & Lunch

Teams of four students will compete in 8-10 challenges around Hyde Park Square and then eat lunch together. 

WHO: 16 students (3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th grade)

COST: $50 per student

WHEN: Saturday, May 20th 10am – 2pm

HOSTS: Mrs. Chambers, Mr. Gallup, Mrs. Wood, Ms. Martin, and Mr. Wright

**Parents are responsible for transportation to and from the activity

Second Grade Cookbook
“Never Too Many Cooks in Our Kitchen” Cookbook

Wonderful student illustrations accompany 30+ (2nd grade) family recipes in this hardbound cookbook!  Anyone is available to purchase a copy for $35.

Cookbooks will then be delivered to your child at school.

HOW TO PAY $35: 
1. Preferred method: Go to  www.HPSPTO.org and click on the “Donate” (Paypal) button.  Include your child’s name/grade in the “Notes” section.

2. OR Pay by check (made payable to HPS PTO) or cash, and submit to your child’s teacher.  Attach this form for delivery information. 

Child’s name ______________________ Grade & Teacher  ________________

QUESTIONS? Email Emily Gaul at  emilyabell@aol.com.
Spring Celebration Thank You!!!

Spring Celebration 2017 is a memory, but the funds raised by this event will increase our ability to continue to pursue Hyde Park School’s Mission: To develop compassionate, engaged students who are HAPPY to be at school.

What makes Spring Celebration successful is the involvement of our entire community in ways big and small. Through Sponsorship, Student Art Auction, Silent Auction, and Basket Raffle, every family and every member of our staff contributes. The response from local businesses that have donated items and experiences for Silent Auction over the last five years has been overwhelming. Everyone has rooted for Hyde Park School!

The planning for Spring Celebration 2018 begins now. If you had a good experience working with the committees as a volunteer, or you are interested in getting more involved with Hyde Park School’s Parent Teacher Organization in general, please contact our incoming PTO President, Jessica Lund (jessicalund05@gmail.com).

Spirit Wear 

Orders should arrive on or before May 8th. If your order was placed via the link during our Spring Spirit Wear Sale, which ended on April 17th, your order will be delivered to your student's classroom.

Below please find the slate of elected positions to be voted on May 15, 2017 at 8:30am. For those who volunteered this year, a big thank you for your commitment to continue our mission of supporting and enhancing our children’s experience at Hyde Park School. 

Below is the list of officers and general duties: If you have an interest in one of the below positions please send an e-mail to president@hpspto.com by April 28th. All candidates will be announced April 30th.


  • This position is automatically filled by the current Vice President.

Vice President: (Currently have 1 candidate)

  • Assist the President and carry out the President’s duties in his or her absence
  • Following his or her term of office, the Vice President shall automatically fill the office of President the following year

Secretary: (Currently have 1 candidate)

  • Keep all records of the organization, take and record minutes of all Board meetings and Member meetings, and handle correspondence with the board and members

Treasurer: (Currently have 1 candidate)

  • Conduct the financial operation of the PTO and receive/account for all monies of the PTO
  • Keep accurate and up to date records of all receipts and expenditures of the PTO (*must be comfortable with or willing to learn how to use online Quickbooks)

LSDMC Representative: (Currently have multiple candidates)

  • Commit to attend all, to the extent practicable, of the LSDMC meetings (one meeting per month) 
  • Must have a child enrolled at HPS
  • Can commit to a two year term ending June 2019
  • If interested or have additional questions, please contact Jason Wilcoxon at wilcoxjd@gmail.com by May 1st

We are also looking for the following non-elected position:

Fundraising Coordinator: (no candidate yet)

  • Act as a liaison between the lead of each fundraising event and the PTO board 
  • Track and provide updates on funds raised during our campaigns
  • Serve as the voice to communicate fundraising plans to our Hyde Park staff and parents, including responding to inquires regarding these events


HPS Soccer Summer Camp - Few Spots Left!
OSYSA/Soccer Unlimited Camp- Exclusively for HPS Students! 
July 10th-14th 1:30-4:30 pm- Armleder Park

Register today at http://sports.bluesombrero.com/hydeparkschool