We develop compassionate, engaged students who are HAPPY to be at school!
*Joseph Beth Book Fair Begins Tomorrow, Oct. 11,
In-Person & Virtual*
Upcoming Events
October 4 through 26: HPS Read-A-Thon
October 11: Indigenous Peoples' Day
October 11 through 24: HPS Book Fair at Joseph Beth (in-store and virtual); HPS to receive 20% of all sales: books, toys, gifts, and other merchandise
October 16, 5-7pm: New Leaf Kitchen Dinner Party
October 16: 1st Grade Parent Social
October 19: Bronte Bistro (at Joseph Beth) Restaurant Night
October 23: 5th Grade Parent Social
October 27-29: Submit Read-A-Thon Logs
November 6: The HPS Pumpkin Chuck
Shop Til You Drop at Joseph Beth: The Book Fair Begins Tomorrow, October 11!
The moment you've been anxiously awaiting: time to go hog wild at Joseph Beth! The Joseph Beth Book Fair begins tomorrow, October 11, and runs through October 24 both in-store (at the Rookwood location) and virtually. The HPS PTO will receive 20% of all proceeds of the Book Fair. This kick-back applies to ALL merchandise at Joseph Beth Bookstore--books, gifts, toys, you name it. If it's sold at Joseph Beth Bookstore Rookwood or Joseph Beth online, HPS will receive 20% of all sales.

All money raised in the book fair will go directly to student and classroom needs at HPS including field trips and enriching classroom materials. Thank you for your support!
The Read-A-Thon Continues Through October 26!
The Read-A-Thon is off to a strong start and will continue through October 26! Now is the time to grab your favorite books and read, Read, READ!

The Read-A-Thon is one of our school's largest fundraisers. But first and foremost, we strive for 100% participation by every child logging reading time. Pledges and fundraising are not required to participate, and any funds raised are designated to the student's homeroom total and never reveal the individual student's name. The amount of money a student raises is never revealed in order to keep the students' primary focus on reading rather than money.

Prizes are awarded for students’ participation!
• The homeroom with the most minutes read by all students in the class and the homeroom with the highest minutes read per student (averaged among the number of students) will win a classroom pizza party.
• The top reader in each homeroom will receive a Joseph Beth gift card and a ‘Fast Pass’ to chuck their pumpkin at this year’s Pumpkin Chuck.
• Homerooms that have 100% participation (classroom reading logs submitted, pledges are not required to win) will earn a pajama day & extra free reading time in class.
• Simply for turning in their forms in person or online October 27th through the 29th, students will also receive game tickets to be used at the November 6th Pumpkin Chuck.

All money raised in the Read-A-Thon will go directly to student and classroom needs at HPS including field trips and enriching classroom materials.
Honoring Indigenous Peoples' Day
Indigenous Peoples' Day is a holiday that celebrates and honors Native American peoples, commemorates their histories and cultures, and acknowledges the hard truths of Indigenous peoples' suffering at the hands of the U.S. government. This past Friday, October 8, President Biden signed a presidential proclamation declaring Indigenous Peoples' Day to be a national holiday for the first time. The City of Cincinnati began officially recognizing the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples' Day in 2018. The City of Cincinnati is built on unceded Native land as are many cities throughout the United States. Tomorrow, the Boston Marathon will take place on Indigenous Peoples' Day and will honor two-time Indigenous Boston Marathon Champion Ellison "Tarzan" Brown, member of the Narragansett Tribe, who won the race in 1936 and 1939. Here are some resources for honoring Indigenous Peoples' Day from the Greater Cincinnati Native American Coalition and the Cincinnati Public Library.
Pumpkin Chuck Sign-ups: Seeking Volunteers and Sponsors
The Countdown to the Pumpkin Chuck is underway! The Pumpkin Chuck is one of HPS's biggest school-wide events of the year! It is the definition of a FUNdraiser, and YOU can help make it happen!

Yes, the Pumpkin Chuck is a big event, and we need all hands on deck! We're seeking volunteers and sponsors, so please consider the options below and sign up to be a part of this event's Smashing Success! The options are plentiful and include running game booths, the bake sale, ticket sales, the photo booth, set up, clean up, and, yes, even the prestigious position of pumpkin chucker (aka operating the trebuchet/launcher). The shifts are broken up into hour-long slots so you can help for a bit and then spend the rest of the time chucking your hearts out. Kids are welcome to sign up for a game booth slot with a parent (just indicate parent/child pair in the comments). One small job for you, one giant chuck for HPS!

Volunteer Sign-ups:
Standard Volunteers (operating game booths, ticket sales, photo booth, set up, clean up): https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0e4baaac2ba5fc1-2019

Muscle Work Volunteers (pumpkin launching and set up/clean up involving lifting hay bales, pumpkins): https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/70A0E4BAAAC2BA5FC1-muscle3

Sponsor Sign-ups:
To sign up for a sponsorship, click the following link and follow the prompts: https://www.hydeparkschoolpto.org/pumpkin-chuck-countdown/.
To add to the fun and fundraising, the PTO added sponsorships ($100/ea) this year for the games and targets! This means individuals or groups can sponsor a target for pumpkins to hit or a game at the surrounding festival for $100. Targets can be provided by the PTO or created by the sponsor, and the games are being established by a committee. Sponsoring a game does not obligate you to work the game booth or create the game. With each sponsorship, you will receive 10 game tickets and a ticket to chuck your pumpkin!
The HPS Pumpkin Chuck Returns on November 6: Learn About the Famed HPS Event
If you're new to HPS or haven't participated in the past and are confused with all this Pumpkin Chuck talk here's a run down: just imagine it's a crisp November day right after Halloween. You pluck your now semi-rotting but beautifully carved pumpkin from the squirrels who had been feasting on it. Close your eyes now, and imagine that same pumpkin being chucked through the air via a professionally-engineered catapult (we like to call it a trebuchet) across the HPS parking lot and splatting into pumpkin mush on said parking lot, perhaps even hitting a target on its way through the air. Wipe the tear from your eye and further imagine some music, baked goods, and other cool booths to complete the surrounding ambiance--and that is the HPS Pumpkin Chuck in a nutshell (or a pumpkin seed). Still not sure what the pumpkin chuck is? Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgKRMn673rg
Not sure what a “target” is? Watch this Minion get crushed by a flying pumpkin: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1kb2ct682w513j0/227966795_559129775243753_113357543273837645_n.mp4?dl=0

If you'd like to volunteer or be a sponsor please see the options listed in the previous section of this Newsletter called "Pumpkin Chuck Sign-ups."
New Leaf Kitchen is Offering a Saturday Pizza & Pie Kids Dinner/Cooking Party, This Saturday October 16
This Saturday October 16 from 5-7 pm, New Leaf Kitchen is offering a kids-only Pizza & Pie Party for kids ages 5-9. The cost is $45/child and includes dinner and dessert cooked by the kids in this awesome hands-on food experience! Sign up here. The event takes place at the Bell Tower Arts Pavilion at 3270 Glendale Milford Rd.
FACE It: We Love Mrs. Best! Show Her the Love by Bringing Magazines with HUGE FACES!
When FACED with a request, we rise to the challenge! Our beloved Art Teacher, Mrs. Best, has a very specific request, and surely, we can FACE the task: bring her magazines. BUT... NOT just ANY magazines. Magazines with pictures of HUGE FACES! Yes, big, whopping, colossal, gigantic, extra large FACES like the ones shown in the pics below. Why the obsession with massive FACES? It's the Halloween Season and all, but it's nothing freaky. She's hoping to make adorable FACE projects like you see in the example below. Any donations can be dropped off to the Main Office with Mrs. Best's name on the bag or stack of magazines. Thank you! And just one more thing..... A horse walked into a bar, and the bartender asked, "Why the long FACE?" (Ok, ok, I'll see myself out....)
Save the Date: The Next Restaurant Night is October 19 at Bronte Bistro
In conjunction with the Read-A-Thon, the next HPS Restaurant Night is October 19 at Bronte Bistro in Joseph Beth Bookstore. A portion of all proceeds will go to the HPS PTO, so please, save the date!
HPS Parent Socials Continue!
The 4th Grade Parents held their Social this past Saturday. Thank you 4th Grade Parents!
Here is the remaining schedule of HPS Parent Socials; see graphics below for details:
1st Grade Parent Social: October 16
5th Grade Parent Social: October 23

After sorely missing out on these opportunities last year, attending your Grade Level Parent Social is a great way to mix, mingle, and have fun with other parents and families - all while raising money for our school! All proceeds go to the HPS PTO, which uses all funds to directly support our students and teachers. For more information or to host a social, contact us at socials@hydeparkschoolpto.org. Thank you for supporting Hyde Park School! Please note: All HPS Socials will have outdoor space available. If you are unable to attend a fundraiser and would prefer to make a donation, we have also provided that option on the ticket page.

Purchase tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/hps-socials-9236187888

Delayed Distribution of Spirit Wear
The HPS Spirit Wear was expected to be delivered to classrooms September 29, but our vendor is held up 1-2 weeks due to supply chain delays. We will announce a new delivery date very soon. Thank you for your patience!
Parent Volunteer Needed to Assist the Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) Team
The Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) Team needs your help! This school year HPS is passing out paper bucket tickets that students can enter into a raffle for prizes every Friday. Students earn these tickets by showing Hyde Park School expectations such as respecting self, respecting others, and respecting property. We are trying to get as much student buy in as possible, which translates to a high need for printed bucket tickets! We need a parent volunteer to come in on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday per the signup link below to print and cut bucket tickets using a template. More bucket tickets means more opportunities to recognize students for all the awesome things they do during the school day! Please use this link to sign up as a volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050b4aa8a722a4f58-bucket
Seeking Kindergarten Lunch & Recess Volunteers
Our youngest students are in need of some assistance during lunchtime! Tasks like opening cheese sticks, yogurt lids, and even putting straws in drink boxes can be challenging to little hands! If you could spare an hour of your time, please join our lunch and recess period to help make the most of this important hour of their day. And while the added bonus of visiting your special Kindergartener is undeniable, please make sure you assist and monitor all the Kindergarteners in the cafeteria and on the playground. You can sign up using this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508084CA4AE2FA3FB6-20212022
Need a New HPS Mask Lanyard?
As we hang on to our masks a little longer for safety's sake, do you need a safe place to hang yours during a mask break? If so, you can purchase a HPS mask lanyard from the HPS PTO website!
Vintage HPS Spirit Wear is Calling Your Name!
Vintage HPS Spirit Wear is on sale, and it's calling your name! Everything is now only $5!! Click here to find the limited sizes and styles, still available now but not for long! Local orders from the vintage catalogue will be delivered to your child's homeroom. Please contact Leah Wyrabkiewicz (leahnally@yahoo.com) with any questions.
Follow HPS PTO on Instagram & Facebook
Make HPS PTO part of your daily feed on Instagram @HydeParkSchoolPTO and Facebook (facebook.com/HydeParkSchoolPTO). Just another way to make communicating ideas and keeping track of HPS events more convenient!
HPS PTO Linktree: The Link to All Links!
No more FOMO! This HPS PTO Linktree is the link to all important links! So if you'd rather have one link to check than many (hmmm, it's a real toss-up), just check this link: https://linktr.ee/hydeparkschoolpto.
Amazon Smile
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support Hyde Park School every time you shop at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to HPS. Please choose Hyde Park School PTO Inc. as your recipient.

AmazonSmile customers can now support Hyde Park School PTO in the Amazon shopping app on iOS and Android mobile phones! Simply follow these instructions to turn on AmazonSmile and start generating donations.

  1. Open the Amazon Shopping app on your device
  2. Go into the main menu of the Amazon Shopping app and tap into 'Settings'
  3. Tap 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process
Kroger Community Rewards
Earn 4% of your purchase for Hyde Park School. Don't worry...you still keep all of your points. Register online at www.krogercommunityrewards.com and select “Hyde Park School PTO Inc” from the list.
Box Tops for Education
Many people don't even realize just how easy the Box Tops for Education Program is now that it has gone virtual. No more clipping and collecting a pile of Box Tops. Just download the Box Tops App, scan your grocery receipt, instantly identify Box Tops products, and automatically add cash to our school’s earnings online. You can also email your online receipts to earn credit. Box Tops are still worth 10¢ each for your school. This may not sound like much, but it adds up to hundreds of dollars!
If you have information that you would like included in a future newsletter, please send to president@hydeparkschoolpto.org (content included at PTO discretion).