HR Pieces: January 2022 HR News

Dear Lynette,

Greetings and Happy New Year from the HR Advantage team! Thank you for subscribing to our monthly newsletter. Each month, we intend to provide timely and valuable tips for maintaining best practices in HR.

We are truly grateful to serve our clients, candidates, and colleagues and want you to know we appreciate working with you!

As you assess your needs for 2023, please keep us in mind as your go-to resource for all things HR!


The HRA Team-

Lynette, Candida, Camille, Karla, Liz, Seth, Tina & Sharon

Lynette Weatherford MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, President
877.894.0202 ext 4

Candida Arvizu MS, SPHR, SHRM-SCP,

HR Advisor

Email Candida

877.894.0202 ext 1

Karla Callaway BS
HR Advisor
877.894.0202 ext 2
Camille Knowles PHR, SHRM-CP
HR Advisor
877.894.0202 ext 3
Elizabeth Hurst MBA
Business Development
877.894.0202 ext 5
Seth Bunn BS
Recruitment Advisor
877.894.0202 ext 6

Tina Moore, MBA

HR Advisor Assistant

Email Tina

Sharon McElwrath, BA

HR Advisor Assistant

Email Sharon

HR Hotline | Email | 877-894-0202 ext. 5

January News

  • New Missouri Minimum Wage for 2023
  • New Laws: PWFA, PUMP and Secure 2.0 Acts
  • OSHA 300A Summary Postings
  • W2 Deadlines
  • Career Opportunities

Missouri Minimum Wage

Increase for 2023

Missouri minimum wage has increased another .85 cents in year 2023. The new minimum wage increases from $11.15 in 2022 to $12.00 per hour in 2023. Exemption is provided to retail or service businesses with annual gross sales less than $500,000.

New Laws Expand Workplace Protections for Nursing and Pregnant Mothers

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) and the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act (PUMP For Nursing Mothers Act) were enacted within the Consolidated Appropriations Act signed into law on Dec. 29, 2022. 


The PWFA  applies to employers with at least 15 employees and becomes effective on June 27, 2023. This expands pregnancy-related protections by adopting the same meaning of “reasonable accommodation” and “undue hardship” used in the ADA, including the requirement to use an interactive process to determine an appropriate reasonable accommodation. 


The PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act expands existing law under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to provide employees with reasonable break time to express breast milk for the employee’s nursing child, for one year after the child’s birth. The employer obligation to provide a place to express milk shielded from view and intrusion from coworkers and the public (other than a bathroom) continues. 


Except for changes to available remedies, the amendment to FLSA took effect on December 29, 2022. The changes to remedies will take effect on April 28, 2023


The PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act covers all nursing mothers, not just non-exempt workers. The break time may be unpaid unless otherwise required by federal or state law or municipal ordinance. Employers should ensure that non-exempt nursing employees are paid if they express breast milk during an otherwise paid break period or if they are not completely relieved of duty for the entire break period. Exempt employees should be paid their full weekly salary as required by federal, state, and local law, regardless of whether they take breaks to express breast milk. 


Additionally, the law requires employees to provide notice of an alleged violation to the employer at least 10 days prior to filing a claim. 


Employers with fewer than 50 employees may be exempt if able to provethat compliance with the law would cause undue hardship because of significant difficulty or expense.

Please contact HR Advantage if you need assistance with creation or revision of your Nursing Mothers, ADA or related workplace policies.

Source: Jackson Lewis

Secure Act 2.0 Brings Changes to Retirement Savings Options

In addition to PUMP and PWCA, the Consolidated Appropriations Act also signed into law Secure 2.0, bringing about many changes designed to promote more savings and contribution opportunities among savers and employers.


Some, but not all provisions include:

  • Raising RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) for IRAs from age 72 to age 73 in 2023 and to age 75 in 2033.
  • Employers would be required to automatically enroll employees in their 401(k) plan at a rate of least 3 percent but not more than 10 percent, beginning in 2025. Employees may then opt out if they wish. This does not apply to select employers, such as those with 10 or fewer workers or new companies in business for less than three years.
  • Employers may now make matching contributions to an employee’s 401(k) and 403(b) retirement plan, even if the worker isn’t saving themselves. In the bill, workers facing the decision to pay off student loans or save for retirement could have a portion of their student loan payments matched by their employer (January 2024).
  • Lowering the eligibility requirements under 401(k) plans so that it is easier for part-time workers to participate (January 2025).
  • Allow employees to withdraw up to $1,000 from their retirement accounts for emergency expenses without having to pay the typical 10 percent tax penalty for early withdrawal if they are under age 59 ½. Companies may also allow workers set up an emergency savings account through automatic payroll deductions, with a cap of $2,500.
  • Increase the "catch-up" contribution limit to $10,000 starting in 2025 for savers ages 60 to 63.
  • Allowance of tax-free and penalty-free rollovers from 529 college savings accounts to Roth IRAs, under certain conditions.

Read more from the Society of Human Resource Management

OSHA Postings

Feb. 1- April 30

Employers covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) record-keeping rule must post a summary (Form 300A) of 2022 work-related injury and illnesses in a noticeable place from Feb. 1 to April 30, and are to make available to workers, if they ask to see them at other times. 


Employers who had 10-19 employees throughout the course of 2022 are required to maintain and retain an internal report (OSHA 300 and 301) for five years, but are not required to submit to OSHA, unless there is a work-related fatality or if three or more employees are hospitalized as the result of a work-related incident. 


If your company’s headcount for 2022 was more than 20, OSHA e-file is required and must be submitted by MARCH 2nd of each year. 

Source: OSHA.GOV

W2 Filing Deadline: January 31st

January 31st is the deadline to file W-2s with the IRS and SSA using Business Services Online or to submit paper Form W-2. Verify current address and contact information for current and former employees so that W2s are mailed to the correct location.

Source: SSA.GOV

Happy Work Anniversary, Seth!

This month, Seth celebrates two years with HR Advantage!

Seth serves as Recruitment Advisor, working with job candidates and client employers to create the perfect match. He is passionate about helping top talent achieve their career goals, and providing clients with quality, personalized service to meet their talent needs.

Meet the HRA Team

Executive Recruitment

Leave top talent recruitment in the hands of seasoned experts who will conduct a full-scale, comprehensive search to deliver the best match for your company.

Recruitment Support

The beginning stages of a candidate search can be the most tedious and time-consuming. Let our team support your efforts with posting, monitoring and pre-screening activities.

Candidate Profiles

HR Advantage takes the time to source and screen active candidates in advance to simplify the recruitment process for employers. Preview some of our featured candidates on our website!

Let our expert recruiters assist you in finding your next quality employee. Contact us today for more information!

Contact Us

Career Opportunities

HR Advantage works with qualified professionals seeking new employment opportunities in a variety of industries. Our firm offers concierge services to both the employer and candidates, helping to assure the perfect match.

Potential applicants are invited to connect with us!


Click on the open positions below to learn more

Senior Development Analyst (Real Estate)

Full Time

Branson, MO

Marketing Manager

Full Time

Springfield, MO

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)

Full Time

Nixa, MO

Applicant inquiries, contact:

Seth Bunn

Employer inquiries, contact:

Elizabeth Hurst

*Placement fees are paid by the employer. Applicants may submit resume/credentials confidentially to HR Advantage Careers

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