HR Pieces: November 2021 HR News
Greetings! With this being Thanksgiving month we wanted to thank each and everyone of our clients, subscribers and candidates for your continuous support. We are truly grateful.
We wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family, friends and loved ones.
The HRA Team
Lynette Weatherford MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, President
877.894.0202 ext 4
Candida Arvizu SPHR, SHRM-CP,
HR Advisor
877.894.0202 ext 1
Karla Callaway BS
HR Advisor
877.894.0202 ext 2
Camille Knowles PHR, SHRM-CP
HR Advisor
877.894.0202 ext 3
Elizabeth Hurst MBA
Business Development
877.894.0202 ext 5
Seth Bunn BS
Recruitment Advisor
877.894.0202 ext 6
Samantha Gamble
HR/Recruitment Intern
HR Hotline | Email | 877-894-0202 ext. 5
November News
- OSHA Issues ETS Requiring Vaccine or Testing
- Video: New Missouri Law (VESSA) Requires Leave for Victims of Domestic Violence
- Reserve Now: 2022 Missouri/Federal Employment posters
- How to Address Feuding Co-workers
Employers Should Plan for
Vaccine or Testing Rule
On September 9, 2021, President Biden announced his Path Out of the Pandemic plan, which includes mandatory COVID-19 vaccination or weekly testing for employers with more than 100 employees, federal government employees, and those who work in health care settings.
All unvaccinated workers must begin wearing masks by December 6th, and provide a negative COVID-19 test on a weekly basis beginning January 4th.
- Employers must pay employees for the time it takes to get vaccinated as well as to recover from any side effects.
- Companies are not required to pay for or provide the tests unless they are otherwise required to by state or local laws or in labor union contracts.
The ETS is being challenged by opposing state attorneys general and private employers in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which temporarily suspended it "pending further action" by the court.
OSHA has the authority to issue emergency temporary standards only if it can show both of the following factors:
- Employees are exposed to grave danger from the hazard.
- The ETS is necessary to protect employees from that danger.
In the interim, qualifying employers should start developing their policies and processes in order to comply by the December 6th and January 4th deadlines.
Employers must still make reasonable accommodations for those with medical exemptions or sincerely held religious beliefs, unless such accommodations pose an undue hardship to the employer.
HR Coffee Talks:
Resources for Employees Involved in
Domestic Violence
Effective Aug. 28, Missouri employers with at least 20 employees in the state must provide unpaid leave with job protection for employees who are victims (or family and household victims) of domestic or sexual violence—as defined by state statute.
Victims Economic Safety and Security Act (VESSA)—provides employees with protected leave time to:
- Seek abuse-related medical attention and counseling, or recover from abuse-related injuries (physical or psychological)
- Obtain services from a victim services organization
- Participate in safety planning
- Temporarily or permanently relocate to a safer living space, or take other actions to increase the safety of the employee (or family or household member); and/or
- Pursue legal remedies to ensure the health and safety of the employee (or family or household member), including preparing for civil and criminal actions resulting from the violence.
An employee who takes VESSA leave must be returned to the same or other equivalent position and benefits upon their return to work. Unique to VESSA, the amount of leave available will vary depending on the employer's number of employees.
- 1-19 employees = no leave entitlement.
- 20-49 employees = 1 week unpaid leave per year.
- 50 or more employees = 2 weeks unpaid leave per year.
Covered employers must also notify current employees of their right to leave under the law by Oct. 27th or upon commencement of employment for future employees. Employers should replace current labor law posters with an updated one to include details on VESSA or add the Victims of Domestic or Sexual Violence poster to their display. The Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations has provided a poster that must be posted in common areas along with other required employee notices.
All-In-One 2022
State & Federal
Employment Law Posters
$58.00 per poster (plus shipping)
Order Deadline: December 21st
Why Are Employment Posters Important?
Employers are required to display labor law posters for the benefit of both employees and customers, informing them of key provisions in the law. Posters should be displayed in an area that is accessible to all employees, or made available for remote workers.
A new year is almost here!
Your 2022 poster will include important updates such as:
- 2022 Updated Minimum Wage
- Changes to State Department of Labor, Wage & Hour, Unemployment, VESSA & Workers’ Compensation
- Federal updates such as OSHA, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Order Deadline - December 21st
Estimated Delivery in January 2022
How to Address Feuding Co-Workers
Conflict can be common in the workplace and can often be mitigated quickly with the right leadership. In the case of conflict, being open to different perspectives, and handling with objectivity, firmness and fairness will take you a long way.
- Make sure everyone has a chance to be heard. Start by having one-on-one conversations, giving equal opportunity for voices to be heard and to gain understanding.
- Then, conduct a joint conversation with clear boundaries and expectations of the purpose of meeting, giving co-workers the chance to hear each other in a safe and objective environment.
- Know your limits - If the dispute remains unsettled, seek help from HR or a designated mediator with unbiased opinions
- Know when to consider termination. In the end, it is the employer's responsibility to provide a safe and positive work environment, free of hostile or inappropriate behaviors which adversely impact others.
- Understand your own workplace policies, follow them consistently, and document conversations as a best practice.
Looking for top talent?
It can be a struggle to devote the proper time and resources to recruit quality talent when you need them. HR Advantage offers expertise in seeking talent for hard-to-fill, strategic positions from entry-level to C-suite. We place qualified professionals that best match your needs and work culture. We are here to serve as a working partner to supplement or oversee your recruitment needs.
Contact Us:
877.894.0202 ext 5
HR Advantage offers executive recruitment of candidates in C-Suite, specialized, and administrative positions for our clients. Our firm offers concierge services to both the employer and candidates, helping to assure the perfect match. Potential applicants are invited to join our database of thoroughly vetted, qualified candidates.
*Placement fees are paid by the employer. Applicants may submit resume/credentials confidentially to HR Advantage Careers
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