February 2023

Monthly News & Updates

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Ave Kwok

Incoming Chairman's Message

Dear members,

I hope this newsletter finds you well. As we kick off the month, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude and thank everyone for their hard work. Specifically, I would like to extend my thanks to the Hawaii Restaurant Association (HRA) for providing an effective platform for daily restaurant owner-operators to voice their opinions on government policies that impact our daily bottom line.

Through the HRA's connections, we are one step closer to lawmakers who can truly hear the voice of our industry. Key issues such as the tip credit and Senate Bill 1458, which deals with establishing Extended Producer Responsibility for W-waste, are hot on the legislative agenda, and thanks to our leaders, HRA’s Legislative Lead Victor Lim and HRA’s Chairman, Ryan Tanaka, we are fearlessly fighting to ensure our voices are heard loud and clear, and our opinions are valued.

I would also like to express my appreciation to all the HRA Executive Committee Members and Board of Directors for their active involvement in supporting and planning our member activities. It is a pleasure to see the strongest board involvement ever, with active Board Director participation in numerous volunteer initiatives. I want to thank our Past Chairman Tom Jones, Vice Chairman Andy Huang, and Director Keoni Ahlo for their efforts in pushing more attendance for our Hawaii Hotel and Restaurant Show, which is coming up on March 22 and 23 at the Convention Center. For more information on this event, please check out https://hawaiihotelandrestaurantshow.com.

Furthermore, I want to express my gratitude to our sponsors, including HRA Board Director HMAA’s James Idemoto, for their involvement and support for our Legislative Meet and Greet and our Annual HRA Golf Tournament, which not only provides ongoing support to the industry but also brings great connections to our members through these fantastic events. Our HRA annual golf tournament requires not just a massive amount of volunteer time, but the sponsors play a vital role in ensuring its success as well.

Finally, I would like to thank our Executive Director, Sheryl Matsuoka, and our Director of Membership, Holly Kessler, who tirelessly work many hours to execute successful events such as the 75th HRA Anniversary Celebration and the Legislative Meet & Greet to the Hawaii Hotel and Restaurant Show. I would also like to introduce and welcome Ginny Wright, HRA’s Operations Associate who joins our administrative team with 25 years of association management experience!

On behalf of the HRA, I want to thank everyone for their help in making us the strongest representation of the food industry. The HRA truly provides a place where we can all get involved and produce results with great people.


Ave Kwok

Incoming Chairman

Hawaii Restaurant Association

Did you know HRA has our very own public access channel bi-weekly TV show?

"Restaurants of Hawaii" features HRA members and guests discussing trending topics in the food service industry.

Watch our most recent episode featuring HRA Chairman Ryan Tanaka, discussing how HRA Supports Tanaka's Braddahhood Grindz.

Check out our full playlist of past shows HERE.

Please Like, Share, Comment & Subscribe to our Channel!

Visit HRA's YouTube Channel

Did you know a Benefit of HRA membership is a FREE ticket to the NRA Show? This year the big show will be held on May 20 to 23, 2023 at McCormick Place in Chicago.

This is the premier show for the food service industry, and it never disappoints! The show is the largest gathering in the Western hemisphere, with more resources, information, and connection opportunities than any other industry event.

To learn more about your FREE badge to the Show, contact members@hawaiirestaurant.org for more information, or call 808-421-8090.

NRA Show

News & Free Offer

Grubhub made a reinvigorated commitment to the Hawaii market last year when Amazon Prime purchased a 2% stake in Grubhub. This has changed the ways they partner with restaurants. 

With the Amazon partnership there are numerous incentives and different packages Grubhub now offers to restaurants to increase revenue. Grubhub wants to be more hands off, and let restaurants interact with customers directly. This Amazon/Grubhub partnership is already changing the Hawaii market for Grubhub. Since July 2022, more than 100 restaurants have been added with 30-40 restaurants being added on a monthly basis. This isn’t including all of the jobs created for drivers. 

If you are an Amazon Prime member, you have access to FREE Grubhub+ membership ($9.99 per month value). Visit amazon.com/grubhub to score free delivery for a year with Grubhub! 

If you own a restaurant, are looking to increase your takeout business, expand your brand, or simply have any other questions about what a Grubhub partnership entails don’t hesitate to reach out to Terence Waclawik 808.388.3107 or twaclawik@grubhub.com  

Read More About Grubhub

Are You BBB Accredited?

In a market saturated with companies vying for customers, BBB Accreditation gives consumers confidence that they're dealing with an ethical and vetted business.

BBB is a proud member of the Hawaii Restaurant Association and Roseann Freitas would be happy to answer your questions or help you with the accreditation process.

Apply for BBB Accreditation and show customers that your restaurant operates honestly and with integrity.

Learn More About BBB

HRA Educational Foundation News

The HRA Educational Foundation held its Annual Meeting and Pau Hana on January 11, 2023 at Nami Kaza at Pier 38. In attendance were HRAEF's board of directors, ProStart teachers, sponsors and invited guests. The meeting highlighted EF's 2022 accomplishments.

To learn more about HRA's Educational Foundation, visit www.hraef.org

HRAEF 2022 Highlights

Food Safety Certifications

Keep your management team certified with the ServSafe® Food Manager Certification.

Classes are offered in the ChefZone Community Room.

Next Food Manager Certification Classes:

Monday, April 24, 2023

Monday, May 22, 2023

Classes are available exclusively to Y. Hata and ChefZone customers

Learn More

Need employees? HRA members can receive a FREE booth at the WorkHawaii Hiring Fair on April 12th in conjunction with the Department of Education. In attendance will be this year's Graduating Seniors from 24 Oahu High Schools. Students will be bussed to the event, and they are anticipating several hundred to attend.

Learn More & Sign Up

Booths Are Available!

Reserve Your Booth for the 2023 Hawaii Hotel and Restaurant Show

Have you registered your booth for Hawaii's Official Hospitality Trade Show happening March 22-23, 2023 at the Hawaii Convention Center? The show provides excellent opportunities for creating new business leads, networking, and showcasing your product or service to qualified attendees.

Reserve your booth today!

Booth Info

January 2023 New and Renewing Members


Hilo Bay Café 

Mountain Magic Shave Ice

Oao - Sushi Bar & Grill at Wailea 


Anheuser-Busch Sales of Hawaii

Armstrong Produce

Atlas Insurance Company

Bianellis Pizza

Chang Noi Thai Restaurant

D. Otani Produce

First Insurance Co of Hawaii

Fresh Catch

H&W Foodservice

Jersey Mike's Hawaii

Jose's Inc.

Kehau's Kitchen 

Liliha Bakery

Magics Beach Grill

Pao & Associates/All Island Reps 

Popeye's Hawaii

PSH Insurance

ShoreFyre Fresh Grill & Bar


Tanaka of Tokyo

Tanaka of Tokyo East

The Counter Kahala

The HRA Vision
The Hawaii Restaurant Association is the organization unifying, representing and supporting the Hawaii restaurant and food service industry.

Mission Statement
To provide exceptional value through membership benefits, industry advocacy, community involvement, educational resources and networking opportunities.
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