2023 Wellness Incentive (HRA)
Last Chance to Earn Dollars
Employees enrolled in a CHA health insurance plan can earn dollars to be contributed to a pre-tax Health Reimbursement Account (HRA). Those dollars can be used to cover expenses such as co-pays, deductibles, and co-insurance for anyone on the health insurance plan.

  • Families can earn up to $500
  • Individuals can earn up to $250

Each year the program starts fresh, that means if you'd like to participate, each year you must complete a series of steps to receive the optional award. Participation not automatic.
The last day to enroll in and earn dollars for the 2023 program is:

Thursday 8/31/2023
Important Date Reminders:

  • You have until 12/31/2023 to spend your 2023 dollars on expenses from 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023.
  • 2023 dollars cannot be used for 2022 or 2024 expenses.
  • You will be able to start earning dollars for the 2024 program in October. Stay tuned for details!

Here is a Reminder on How the Wellness Incentive/HRA Program Works
Part 1: Know your health (both steps required to enroll)
There are two steps to complete part one. Both steps must be completed to earn any dollars in the HRA program!
Step 1. Biometric Screening (required)
This is a brief exam provided by a healthcare professional. The screener collects your blood pressure, blood cholesterol, as well as height and weight to calculate BMI. The idea is to understand and have a discussion with your provider about health risks.

  • If you participated in the 2021 program, your biometrics automatically transfer into the 2023 program to complete this step. You do NOT need to re-do or re-submit them. Others may need to submit.

  • If you are new to the program or it's been more than 2 years, meet with your care provider and have them complete the biometric screening form to submit documentation of labs completed after 4/1/2021.
Step 2. Online Health Assessment (required)

Every year, every participant (new and returning) must visit HPI's Wellness Portal to complete an online question assessment before 8/31/2023.

Part 2: Take care of your health
All of these steps do NOT need to be completed to earn your full award!
Step 3. Take care of Yourself
Every year, every primary subscriber (new and returning) can earn additional dollars by completing activities on HPI's Wellness Portal

  • $50 for each of the three biometric variables within the target range. If the variables not at target simply work with your doctor to submit this form OR complete classes on the portal to earn the credit(s)

  • $100 to sign a tobacco use affidavit on or participate in the "quit for life" program

  • $100 if your adult partner on the health plan submits their own biometrics AND online health assessment (dependents not eligible)
Step 4: Spend the dollars
Dollars earned in the program year can be spent on expenses such as co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles (if applicable) for anyone on the employee’s health insurance plan. But there is only ONE award per plan.

All 2023 dollars can be used for expenses incurred between Jan 1, 2023 and Dec 31, 2023. You have until March 31, 2024 to use the dollars. They do NOT roll over year to year.

Dollars are awarded after January 1, 2023. As you earn dollars, they are loaded onto the account (with a 1-2 week lag time). The dollars are loaded (and reloaded for returning members) onto a blue visa card (image right). That card is reloaded with dollars as you earn them each year until it reaches its expiration date! Do not throw away the card!

If you no longer have your card, contact the HPI HRA team at (877-734-7004) to reissue a card. You can also check your HRA balance and submit a claim for reimbursement by logging into the HPI website
You can find all these details (and more) on the Wellness Corner website HRA page HERE!

Questions? Email