HRAF News Vol. 2022-4
HRAF Spring Recap & Final Call for Melvin Ember Interns
HRAF attended two conferences in March 2022. Matthew Longcore and Leon Doyon exhibited at the Society for American Archaeology 87th Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois. Research Anthropologist Ian Skoggard presented and hosted a workshop at the Society for Applied Anthropology 82nd Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah. Applications for our prestigious Melvin Ember Internship for 2022-23 are closing soon. Please share this exciting opportunity widely with potential candidates interested in learning about cross-cultural research through practical experience under the mentorship of HRAF President, Dr. Carol Ember. We are pleased to share a profile of our featured HRAF Global Scholar, Dr. Dagnachew Adefris Gebrehiwot, Assistant Professor in English Literature at Woldia University, Ethiopia.
The 87th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) was held in Chicago, Illinois from March 30 to April 3, 2022. This year's meeting was the SAA's first in-person annual meeting since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. SAA's annual meeting brings together the archaeological community to celebrate their field, meet and network, share ideas, best practices, and state of the art knowledge.

Matthew Longcore and Leon Doyon were at the Exhibit Hall to showcase our eHRAF Archaeology database and related teaching materials, as well as our other databases and open access resources for comparative archaeological research. We enjoyed meeting with individuals affiliated with our member institutions and were also pleased to introduce HRAF to attendees.

The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) was held in Salt Lake City, Utah from March 22 to 26, 2022. The theme of this year's event was "The Revolutionary Potential of the Social Sciences: Transforming Possibilities."

HRAF research anthropologist and member of the executive board for the Society for Anthropological Sciences (SAS) , Ian Skoggard, presented a paper on the work of community organizing that goes into accumulating social capital.

The SAS also conducted a mentoring and ethnographic field and data analysis methods workshop, Nuts and Bolts. The workshop provided an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to ask seasoned anthropologists about next steps in their research and careers.

The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) at Yale University is pleased to announce that we are seeking candidates for the one-year HRAF Internship in Honor of Melvin Ember. Melvin Ember was President of HRAF from 1987 until his passing in 2009. The intent of the internship is to learn about cross-cultural research through practical experience.

Some of the main tasks will include: helping Carol Ember prepare modules summarizing cross-cultural research, reading and analyzing recent cross-cultural research with the goal of summarizing materials for researchers in Explaining Human Culture, and participating in on-going cross-cultural research projects.

Preference will be given to candidates who: plan on graduate study in anthropology or a closely related field (or have already started graduate school), have the ability to perform statistical analyses (with a minimum of one formal statistics course), and have accomplished academic records particularly in their major field and/or anthropology courses.

To apply, complete the application form here. The deadline is 11:59 PM EDT on April 29.

Dagnachew Adefris Gebrehiwot received his PhD from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, in 2020. He is currently Senior Researcher and Lecturer at Woldia University. His PhD thesis entitled "Postcolonial Ecocritical Reading of Ecological Violence and Resistance in Selected Anglophone African Novels (2000-2010)" discusses environmental politics and post colonialism in African literature with issues of ecocide, environmental justice, ecocriticism, oil literature, ecofeminism, postcolonial ecocriticism, wildlife literature, landscape ecology, and ecological resistance.

Dagnachew explains how useful eHRAF access has been to his ongoing research: "The HRAF Global Scholars program helps me access information useful for my research areas on the representation of climate change in literature, comparison of African environmental conservation systems and practices with the west and other parts of the world, anthropocene, ecocriticism, ecofeminism, ecopsychology and post-colonial ecocritical study in African literature, digital politics in Ethiopia and the impact of higher education on economic growth in Ethiopia and more related topics that are ahead."

HRAF at Yale University|